Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 252 Mothership

Chapter 252 Mothership
Outside the earth, on the mothership of the core of the Skrulls.

After the automatic door on the bridge issued an identification sound, it opened to both sides with a "wow".Empress Skrull, who had already changed into luxurious clothes, strode in, bringing in a burst of aura unique to nobles and those in power.All the Skrulls along the road made way for her respectfully, bowing and saluting.

The empress walked straight to the seat vacated for her in the center and sat down, saying: "We underestimated the people on Earth a little bit, we didn't expect them to have such a powerful fighting power."

Then she smiled again.

"But it doesn't matter." She said to herself, "Those few people alone can't change anything, this planet has been infiltrated by us to the bone, and it is destined to be ours. Nothing can change the outcome of this war - humanity has already lost."

"Your Majesty the Queen!" Just as she was complacent, a Skrull on the console interrupted her loudly, "A pursuer has broken through all the troops on the outer layer and is approaching the mothership's warning zone!"

The empress was startled, and asked sharply, "Who is it!?"

The picture was immediately projected on the big screen.In the direction of the earth's surface, the Amazo Alpha armor in awakened super mode was flying towards the trajectory of the beam of light at an astonishing speed.Neither human nor Skrull's eyes can capture that speeding, and only the advanced detectors of the spaceship can capture his figure.

"Stop him!" The Empress ordered immediately.

Densely packed spaceships broke away from the huge battleship, and the number of spaceships that can be carried by a city-sized mothership is quite amazing.Alien combat spaceships rushed towards Eric in groups, and he looked like a moth trying to extinguish the fire in front of the mighty defense line.

"Complete green light mode is online."

Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, so only Eric heard the prompt.The armor was instantly wrapped in dazzling green light, like a green comet heading towards the enemy.The fleet poured out overwhelming firepower at him, tearing apart a splendid curtain of light in the dark cosmic space.

Erik accelerated suddenly, like a tiny firefly shuttling between the aurora.The armor was operating at full power, and the lantern ring projected all his imagination into the cold vacuum.

A huge Gatling appeared out of nowhere in the space, the magazine was spinning rapidly, and the endless bullets swept towards the opponent, shooting down the alien spaceships one by one, just like a shooting game on the computer, from time to time Also add one or two green light rockets for large-scale bombing.

"The first layer of defense has been breached and the second layer has been breached," the Skrulls in front of the console shouted nervously.

"Don't panic, activate the defense protocol." Empress Skrull said, "It is indeed difficult to intercept such a small target, but even if he can break through the firepower net, he cannot enter the battleship."

The Skrull turned his head tremblingly, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, he has just entered the spaceship."


Of course they didn't expect that the moment they landed on the shell of the Skrull mothership, Eric switched to the awakening speed mode again, activating the ability of atomic oscillation and directly penetrated the shell of the mothership and sneaked into the interior.The red whirlwind dragged the golden lightning and ran like no one in the cabin, and all the Skrulls along the way were all thrown off their feet.

"Area blockade!" The empress yelled, "Don't let him out!"

The soldier in front of the console was sweating profusely: "He has already left that area. In fact, his speed is too fast, and the positioning system almost shows that he appeared in several places at the same time."

"Then seal this place for me! You can't let him in no matter what!"

Everyone didn't ask any more questions, and hurriedly started to do it.The electronically synthesized alarm sound echoed in the huge command room, and the special alloy door panel slowly closed with a gear-like roar, wrapping the entire room behind the tight iron sheet, so that even a mosquito They can't even fly in - if there are mosquitoes in outer space.

All that can be done is done, and the next thing is to wait.Almost everyone in the room put their hands on their weapons, held their breath, and waited quietly.

About 1 minute of silence, so quiet that people doubt it.

It happened in an extremely sudden moment—the red afterimage pierced through the alloy door panel and rushed out in an extremely unphysical way, like a domineering and powerful gust of wind.The red and gold mixed armor suddenly flashed in the center of the hall, and the whole body looked like a fuzzy image with electric current due to the super-high-speed vibration.

Two Super Skrull fighters reacted first, and rushed towards him from left to right.And the people present didn't even see Eric's movements at all, they only vaguely saw the blurry figure flashing in place, and two burly Skrull fighters flew out in embarrassment.

Eric made a wrong step, and in the next second he was already in front of the empress's seat, looking down at her through the armor display with icy eyes.

The icy killing intent was so close that even the empress couldn't help feeling a little flustered.But she is not a small character after all, calmly said: "Even if you kill me here, things will not change in any way. The earth has been captured by the Skrulls, and no one can stop our victory, not even me I can't do it myself. So even if you threaten me to order the troops to withdraw, it is useless."

"Not always."

A calm and composed voice suddenly came from the speaker on the console.The empress followed the prestige in amazement, and the operator raised his hands in horror, signaling that he didn't do it.

"It's me, the best human being on this planet you're eyeing, you alien reptiles."

After the big screen in the control room flickered for a moment, Lex Luthor's conceited and smiling face appeared behind the screen.

The empress frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"The one who stops your wild ambitions is also the one who saves the world. And after today... he will be the most powerful person in the world." Luthor smiled and said, "You think your little tricks are very powerful, and you think that the earth Already in the bag? No, let me tell you sad aliens a hard truth. I, the great Lex Luthor, saw it through when you first started to attack the earth. Your little tricks. I have seen everything you have been doing latent on the earth for the past two years, and everything you thought you were plotting secretly."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, and continued: "Then, you must be wondering why I haven't taken any measures. Of course, with my wisdom, I can always get rid of you alien freaks." out of this planet, but I didn't, because you little schemes can still be my bargaining chip in a single deal. Now, the deal is concluded, so it's time for your ugly drama to end."

".I just released the nerve gas bomb independently developed by the Lex Group, which is only effective against the Skrulls. If you don't evacuate from the earth within half a day, I'm afraid you will be wiped out here."

(End of this chapter)

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