Chapter 254 Bar
new York.

After an alien invasion, although the earth finally won a beautiful victory under the leadership of the president of the enterprise, Lex Luthor-oh, it should be the respected Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. But whatever the outcome, war has a price.

New York, like every major city in the world, has been battered by war, and all parts of the city need money to rebuild.However, there are some places that are not needed, because they are already dilapidated to the point of dying. These places can no longer be repaired by money and architects. They are dirty to the bone, and there will never be any changes.

This is the case with the bar called "Black Pearl".Every citizen in the neighborhood clearly knows that this is the only bar in the area that is not a place they must never enter in their lifetime.It's on the corner of Dick North Street and Banliss Street, and you'll never let anyone you love get off the bus here.

The bar was his private property when the King took power in New York, and the place seemed to be a well-behaved place then.But after Jin Bin's downfall, this place became a no-man's land for the gangsters. A gang of gangsters basically became the masters here, and fighting and using knives and guns were commonplace here.

But today, this bar welcomed an extraordinary guest, like a clear stream pouring into a chaotic muddy water, causing violent waves in the dead water.

It was a silver-haired woman with, in the parlance of the bar hustlers, the figure of a devil who had seen the devil, and she was indeed bulging enough.She has impressive silver hair, and a pair of blue eyes like clear jewels, deep and dangerous.Her perfect face seemed to be frozen, coupled with a stern aura all over her body, people couldn't help but raise a thought in their hearts that could only be seen from a distance but not approached.

No one knew her name, or where she was from, except that she was distinctly non-native, and the deadly Irish accent gave it away.But everyone in the bar is mobbing for her.She was wearing a casual black jacket, leather pants clinging to her long, perfectly shaped legs, which made people dream.

"Hey, Miss, let's have a smile, my brother and I bet you have the sweetest smile." A bosozoku kid in a black wallet with a white skull embedded in his coat shouted loudly outside the crowd.

"Can you sing? Can you sing a song?"

"Where are you from? I bet it's Ireland. Speaking of which, I'm still one-eighth Irish."

"Sweetheart, you look good and you look good at hitting. Would you hit me, hottie? Anywhere."


Noisy yelling filled the bar, the music was loud and terrible, the whole place was filled with the smell of forgotten vomit and smoke, and the gang of sociopaths were unaware, still chattering around this cold beauty endless.

And this beautiful young lady calmly asked the bartender for another glass of draft beer, raised her head and drank it down, causing the men to boo again.

After finishing the glass of wine, she wiped the corner of her mouth lightly, and finally spoke.

"I do come from somewhere else." She glanced at everyone, like a pack of hungry wolves surrounding her, but without the slightest fear, "I came to New York to do something, and for that I Need to gather some necessary intelligence first, and maybe a little help."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Someone took the lead in shouting, which aroused a lot of echoes, "I'm willing to help the beauty with anything she needs."

"Thank you." The silver-haired beauty smiled slightly and said, "Actually, my request is very simple. Who is your boss?"

"Ah?" Everyone was silent for a moment, as if unable to react.

"Your boss." The beauty repeated, "I need to do something, and I may need some manpower during this period, so I hope that your gang can listen to my command before I finish my work."

She said this passage so naturally, as if what she said was taken for granted.The gangsters were in an uproar. It was one thing to flirt with a beautiful woman, but it was another thing for her to say that she wanted to take charge of the gang.Even if these bozokuzoku are actually small forces that are not taken seriously in New York, but if anyone can be the leader at random, where will the face of these old men be put?
"Hey, you may be pretty, I admit it." A balding black man stepped forward, his bare chest muscles as strong as a rock, "but this is not a playground."

Afterwards, he showed a hint of treachery: "But if you can cooperate a little later, maybe the brothers can pretend that they didn't hear it."

The gangsters booed again, as if they were still calling the black and bald nicknames.This guy was even more triumphant, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to the plump buttocks of this beauty's black leather pants.

The silver-haired woman glanced at him. In an instant, the strong man felt the murderous intent of a poisonous snake from the pair of jewel-like pupils. Just looking at each other for just a second made people uncontrollably terrified.

"I hope you think it's worth it." The woman said lightly, as if talking to herself.

The next second, she moved suddenly, her graceful body flew up, and the soles of her black high-heeled shoes slammed into the strong man's face.A few teeth wrapped in blood were thrown out of his mouth with a scream, and the black man wailed and fell on his back on the dirty floor, groaning helplessly.

There was a brief silence, and the cheers stopped abruptly. These people really never thought that this girl would dare to be so arrogant on their territory.

But then they realized that they were all desperadoes no matter what, if they didn't do anything by this time, would they be able to hang out in New York after the news spread?
But this is just the beginning, and the next development is completely beyond their expectations.A large group of strong men in the whole bar rushed towards an unarmed little girl with their teeth and claws, but without exception, they were knocked out in various postures in the face of each other.The fragments of tables and chairs were scattered everywhere, and some guys even showed knives and sticks, but they couldn't help them survive the woman's hands until the second move.She was like an invincible god of war. It only took less than 5 minutes with her bare hands, and the gangsters fell to the ground.

At the end of the battle, the silver-haired woman stepped on the chest of a gangster who yelled the loudest just now, and the soles of her slender high-heeled shoes almost made him breathless.

He said painfully: "Beautiful girl, you have something to say. We are just flirting."

"As I said, the request is very simple." The woman said lightly, "From today onwards, I will be your new leader. You just need to follow my instructions. I have an important thing to do."

(End of this chapter)

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