Chapter 259
With the cold muzzle pointed behind her head, Ruth stopped suddenly.She raised her hands, slightly over her head, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Natasha holding a pistol behind her.

"You are not one of us, right? I guess the farce outside must have something to do with you." Natasha said lightly, "Tell me, who are you? Who sent you here?"

Ruth smiled.

"As expected of 'Black Widow', it really lives up to its reputation."

Having said that, she paused for a moment, her tone changed.

"But speaking of it, I'm quite looking forward to the chance to compete with you."

As soon as the words fell, her body moved violently.The girl moved so fast that even Natasha didn't expect it.The moment she reacted, Ruth had already dodged to avoid the muzzle of the gun, turned around and swept towards her with a domineering wind.

Natasha drew back almost reflexively, raising her arms to block in front of her.Ruth kicked her arm violently, which made half of her body numb.

Natasha took two steps back, rubbed her shoulders, secretly marveled at the strength and speed of the opponent in front of her, and at the same time concentrated more.

No matter who the woman in front of her is, she is not an opponent she can dismiss casually.

After persisting for about ten seconds, Natasha took the lead again.She raised her arm sharply, pointing the gun at Ruth's forehead.But Ruth moved faster, throwing out a shining silver throwing knife first, and knocked the pistol to the ground with a "clang".

Although she was amazed by her amazing arm strength and speed, Natasha didn't expect to be able to hit it with a single shot like this.The moment she let go of the gun, she quickly grabbed it at the same time, and swept it with a sharp kick.

Seeing her attacking head-on, Ruth did not dodge or dodge, but showed a smile.She strode forward to meet Natasha's leg with a single palm, and took the opportunity to use her other hand as a claw to thrust forward.

Even with one-handed strength, she lightly pushed away her whip leg. By now, Natasha was more and more sure that the woman in front of her was not of ordinary human physique.But she reacted quickly. She jumped up and left the ground in the air. She rolled her body in mid-air and cleverly avoided the opponent's grab. At the same time, she kicked Ruth in the face before landing. Pedal hard.

Even Ruth had to admit that it was an excellent response. Natasha not only made an unexpected evasion with extreme movements, but also integrated evasion and attack into one move at the same time, making it impossible to dissatisfy.

Ruth had no choice but to dodge temporarily, but while retreating, she threw two throwing knives and roared away.

The moment Natasha landed, she rolled over on the spot, and the two flying knives almost brushed against her back, and plunged sharply into the wall behind.Of course, Ruth also took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward.

Almost without aiming at all, Natasha directly raised her hand, the bracelet on her wrist flashed with lightning, and the blue electric snake shot out "suddenly".

Natasha's bracelet is not just a good-looking decoration, it is called "Widow's Sting", it can release up to [-] volts of high-voltage electricity, and its effective range is [-] feet. It is a very useful high-tech arms.

Of course, it would be impossible to dodge after the electric snake shot out, but Ruth reacted the moment she raised her arm, and the reaction was astonishing, she rolled over and dodged.

After a few rounds of confrontation, the two of them didn't get any advantage from each other, basically it can be said that they were evenly matched.They each evaluated the other's combat power in their hearts, and they all secretly admired each other in their hearts.

While Natasha admired her from the bottom of her heart, her doubts also grew stronger.She frowned slightly and asked, "Who are you?"

Ruth smiled slightly, but before she could answer, something even more unexpected happened to the two of them.

It was a thunderous blast from the ceiling, and the heat blasted through the ceiling, raining rubble and rubble.The two women reacted equally quickly, and they rushed out in their respective directions, and the collapsed ceiling fell on the position where the two had just stood in the next second.

There was a harsh roar in the air, which was the noise of engines and propellers spinning.Through the thick smoke and the cracked ceiling, both Ruth and Natasha could see the valiant black figure hovering high in the sky, which was a black helicopter.

The storm created by the propellers instantly blew away the dense dust, revealing the steel body that was hidden behind.I saw that the cabin door had been opened, and a man wearing sunglasses and earphones, with a cigarette dangling in his mouth, was leaning out from the cabin door. It was actually an individual bazooka, and the black muzzle was pointing in the direction of the base.


With a sharp sound, the rocket dragged a long string of tail flames through the night and plunged into the ruins.The two girls hurriedly lay down separately, and the rocket bomb exploded among the ruins.The shrapnel caught in the flames shot in all directions, and both Natasha and Ruth were thrown out and scratched by the shrapnel to varying degrees.

After firing the cannon, the man retreated into the cabin.Immediately afterwards, a white figure jumped out of the helicopter, dragging a long rope behind him, like an extreme bungee jumper on a cliff.

That figure went straight through the curtain of black smoke, and fell freely into the messy hall.The cubic container in the center has been knocked down by the impact just now, and more than half of the connecting lines on the outer shell have been broken.The white figure walked slowly to the container, tore off the thick door panel of the cube with one hand, and flung it out casually.

Seeing that the white guy seemed to have got something, Ruth couldn't bear it any longer, she flew up, shouted and yanked away from behind the guy with all her strength.


The dull sound sounded like a steel plate was kicked.Only then did Ruth see clearly that this guy was actually wearing a white armor, with several catheters of unknown purpose attached to his waist.He only raised his hand casually, and he firmly held Ruth's kick with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, the movement was so fast that it was almost impossible to see clearly, the man in the white armor turned around and kicked fiercely, hitting Ruth's lower abdomen almost unavoidably.The huge force emanating from that set of white armor caused her to fly backwards a long way.

Ruth rolled and fell into the ruins, spitting a mouthful of blood between the ruins.

As for the white figure, he had no intention of chasing him after the first blow. After gesturing towards the air, the rope immediately pulled him back to the helicopter and flew away.

(Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Young Pioneer Ponic!)

(End of this chapter)

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