Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 265 The Awakened Armor

Chapter 265 The Awakened Armor

On the roof of a certain building.

The heavily armed Aegis and the Hydra agents faced off with guns, and the mysterious representative in the cloak stood face to face with Eric in the center, and the core of everything was the box in the hands of the mysterious man , containing the Armor of Amdra Beta.

"Don't make me repeat-hand over that." Eric stretched out a hand and said, "That thing doesn't belong to you."

But the other party did not give any response, and the two sides still maintained a confrontation. The mysterious figure calmly looked at Eric and the Aegis agents with cold eyes under the cloak, and seemed to be thinking about countermeasures rapidly.

"Really?" Eric tilted his head, "It seems that I still have to grab it myself, right?"

After all, he kicked on one foot, shot out, and quickly reached for the box in the opponent's hand with one hand.

The eyes under the cloak suddenly changed, the mysterious man shrank back, and one hand precisely patted Eric's protruding wrist, and skillfully swung his grasp away with force.Immediately afterwards, a silver light flashed from under the pitch-black cloak, and a "clang" sounded across Eric's chest, causing him to take two steps back.

It was a sickle made of alloy, which directly replaced an arm and was refitted on the cloaked man's wrist. The moment he showed this modified mechanical arm, his identity was also ready to be revealed.

Dementor, a senior cadre of Hydra, sneaked into the super prison dome and robbed Baron Sitrik during the prison break.

"So that's it, Hydra still sent some slightly more advanced characters." Eric snorted, but didn't take it too seriously.Dementors may be a slightly higher-ranked cyborg fighter in Hydra, but they are not a threat at all in the face of Almazo armor.

But before they had time to fight, a strong light was projected from the other side of the rooftop.The white helicopter seemed to be riding a hurricane, screaming and throwing a series of rockets towards the roof.

At this moment, Eric instinctively wanted to switch to the speed mode to dodge, but in a blink of an eye, he thought that if he just dodged like this, then it was absolutely impossible for everyone else to survive this wave of bombing.

After a moment of hesitation, the rockets exploded in all directions.The entire roof of the house was blown to the ground and completely collapsed, and the steel structure was broken into countless pieces and fell down.Everyone on the roof also fell and was buried in ruins.

Unfortunately, the suitcase in Dementor's hand happened to come out of his hand during the explosion. In the flames, he threw an arc across the broken roof and flew out, only to be caught in the air by an outstretched hand. But it was Ruth who was hanging upside down outside the helicopter cabin, her silver hair hanging down like a silver waterfall.

After winning again, Ruth couldn't help showing a triumphant smile again.However, before she had time to be proud, a white figure swooped up from behind like a flying eagle, and a strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind, tearing her off the plane, taking her with her. The inertia of the bounce fell towards the opposite building together.

With a loud bang, the two fell to the ground with a large piece of glass shards that had just shattered.Ruth clutched the suitcase tightly, rolled up smartly, and at the same time distanced herself from the other party. Only then did she see clearly that the other party was wearing white armor, with an unknown catheter inserted into her waist, and her face was covered with a layer of transparent glass. , revealing Silvermane's wrinkled face.

The gang leader Silver Mane, he was also the one who stole the Beta armor from the Aegis stronghold a few days ago.

Ruth frowned slightly: "Silver Mane? Didn't you say that you are too old to participate in disputes anymore? Why are you still interested in wearing it yourself?"

"Heh, although I am indeed too old to be involved in disputes, that does not mean that I can tolerate some unknown juniors violating my face." He said coldly, "I organized this auction, and it is Just over an hour after the end, a group of guys with unknown origins tried to snatch our auction items from my buyer. If I don't express it, people will suspect that I deliberately sent someone to snatch it with brute force Return what I sold myself?"

"It's just to save face." Ruth said impatiently, "What a troublesome old thing."

Yinmane didn't say any more, and rushed up aggressively after shouting.Regardless of his age, as a big man who once called the clouds and rain in New York, his combat experience is not weak at all.Coupled with this set of white armor greatly enhancing his strength and speed, the effect of age on his combat effectiveness is basically negligible.

Ruth quickly drew the gun and pulled the trigger continuously, but the bullets only splashed from the white armor without any surprise.Silver Mane rushed forward, blasting with a punch, Ruth dodged short, and the white fist slammed into the wall behind her with a "boom", blasting through the wall like an armor-piercing bullet.

Ruth quickly squatted down, turned around and swept with one leg.This move took advantage of the old man's rigid movements and made it difficult to defend, and hit the back of his knee without hindrance.

But it didn't work.

She couldn't even make the white armor tremble a little, Silvermane simply ignored her counterattack, and slammed a palm on her cheek, leaving bright red marks on her snow-white and delicate face , and spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

"Do you understand? You have no chance of winning." Silver Mane said braggingly, "I personally supervised the creation of this armor, just in case my physical fitness declines in my later years and my enemies will take advantage of it. With such power, I will not be afraid of any powerful enemy, no matter Jin Bin or Spiderman. I don't know who you work for, but if you still want to live, now your only choice is to obediently hand over that box to It's just me."

Ruth half-kneeled on the ground, panting violently while holding the ground with one hand, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and dripped onto the messy ground.

Then, she smiled slightly.

"You seem to be wrong a bit, old man." She raised her head, showing a terrifyingly determined gaze, "My choice is not the only one."

After finishing speaking, she opened the suitcase abruptly—the lock seemed to have just been destroyed by the shrapnel from the rocket, and then she took out the black metal backpack from the suitcase without hesitation.

Silver Mane's face changed slightly: "You don't mean to think"

Ruth smiled strangely: "What do you think?"

She reached out and pressed the handprint on the backpack, and the Almajo Beta armor was activated immediately, and the light yellow fluorescent light was transmitted to all parts of it in all directions, as if waking up from hibernation.

Ruth jerked it up her back.

"Scanning. The neural link system is being established. The restart is complete, and the Beta system is online."

(End of this chapter)

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