Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 267 Ruth's Identity

Chapter 267 Ruth's Identity

When the Beta armor was forcibly disarmed and Eric saw Ruth's fair face and long silver hair under the armor, he was so surprised that he could hardly speak.But he could read from Ruth's expression that the other party was no less surprised than himself.

Calming down quickly, Eric frowned slightly and asked, "So this is what you said you came to New York to do? To snatch the Beta armor?"

"That's right." Ruth admitted bluntly, "I came to New York this time to get this set of armor. I need its power no matter what."

"To do what?" Eric asked, "Is it related to that brother you mentioned?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"Maybe originally, but not necessarily now." Eric said, paused, and asked, "Who are you?"

A brief silence.

Suddenly, she seemingly inadvertently let go of the palm of her right hand.At some point, a small ball was pinched in her palm and rolled down from her fingers.

Intense white light was released in an instant, burning the retina so painfully, Eric raised his arm subconsciously to protect his eyes, and the helmet closed automatically, but his vision was still temporarily paralyzed.

When the sight regained, Ruth was no longer in front of him.Of course, Armazo Beta's armor also disappeared.

Eric couldn't help frowning again, and the question resurfaced in his mind.

Who is she?
So this weekend ended in such a hurry, and it was a busy weekend for Eric.But despite fighting late last night, he had to get up on time to go to school on Monday.

All the way to school he was yawning and not very conscious, and even the waking part of his brain was so full of things about the girl named Ruth and the Beta armor that he made a special trip to Raven, who was waiting for him at a certain intersection, greeted him, but he didn't react for a while.

"Ah, sorry." When he finally noticed her, Eric said apologetically, "I was a little distracted and didn't notice"

"What happened?" Raven asked.


" just forgot to look at your phone?"

Looking at your phone?
It was only then that Eric realized that he had been busy all night yesterday and hadn't looked at his phone at all, and it was too late to go to bed after returning, and he hadn't checked whether there was any new news on his phone until now.

He took out his mobile phone and looked, only to find that Ruiwen had called him several times last night, and even sent him a text message asking if he had time to go to that place, saying that he was going to have supper.It's a pity that he hasn't looked at his phone since last night, so of course he didn't reply at all.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Eric quickly apologized, "Well, there was actually something wrong yesterday, so I haven't had time to read the news."

"I don't mean to blame you." Raven shook his head and said, "Actually, I know every time you lie to me."

"Huh?" Eric was a little embarrassed, trying to remember if he had lied to her a lot.

"But I know that if you don't want to talk about something, you must have your own reasons. But in fact, you don't need to hide it from me. I think I can share it with you, even if it's just a little bit."

Having said that, she paused, and said as she walked forward, "But if you meet another girl you like, you don't have to hide it from me. You saved me from the bondage of my life." , is a very important person to me, but I have no right to force you to be with me for such a reason. I am very happy that you have given me the life I am now, and it is my greed to try to get more "

Eric was taken aback by these sudden words, but her expression and tone of voice were flat throughout the whole process, making it difficult for people to digest the meaning of what she said.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment." Eric stopped hastily, and asked awkwardly, "Do you think... I found a new girlfriend?"

Raven fell silent, but it felt like acquiescence.

Eric sighed: "I really didn't expect you to think so, okay, then let me tell you what I've been busy with these two days."

So he told Raven all the stories about the Beta armor scramble in the past two days, starting from the first time he was stopped outside the base of Aegis in New Jersey the day before yesterday, and even met the man in the bar. The part of the mysterious silver-haired girl Ruth is also fully explained.

".That's about it." When Eric finished speaking, the two came to the school gate. He finally added, "I didn't tell you just because I didn't want these things to worry you, and it's not really a big deal. In addition A little."

He smiled slightly, caught off guard and kissed Raven on the cheek lightly, and she looked at Eric with some surprise.

"I'm a little confident." He put his arms around Raven's shoulders lightly, "I didn't choose to be with you because of any last resort. Have I already said that? I like you, so I chose to help you at that time." You, and that feeling has not changed until now."

Raven's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she lowered her head slightly: "Well, thank you."

At this time, the cell phone that Eric had just put away rang again, it was the ringtone of a text message reminder.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the screen. He stopped and said, "Well, Sharon asked me to go to her office first. I think it's because of what happened last night. Then you go to the classroom first."

"Yeah." Raven nodded, and walked away first.

When Eric opened the door and entered Sharon Carter's office, the beautiful blond female agent was sitting at the desk in casual business attire, but her expression was quite dignified.

"Tell me what's going on, I'm very busy." Eric threw his schoolbag on the sofa for the guests, crossed his legs and sat on the chair in front of the desk, as if he was invited by the teacher to talk On the contrary, the students seem to be the leaders who come to inspect the work.

Sharon said seriously: "I have seen what happened last night in the report. We also have a clue about the identity of the silver-haired woman who stole the Almadra Beta armor."

"Oh? Who is she?" This is indeed Eric's biggest concern now.

"Her name is Ruth Wilson."

Wilson?Is this the last name Ruth said she didn't want to mention?It doesn't sound like a very distinctive surname, at least it doesn't remind Eric of who the jerk dad she mentioned is.

Eric's blank expression was obviously expected, and Sharon continued: "Of course, you may not be familiar with this name, which is normal. But you may have heard of her father's name—— Red Wilson, international code name, Deathstroke."

For a moment, Eric was stunned. If there was a mirror in front of him, he felt that his shocked expression in the mirror must look funny.

Deathstroke! ?This girl is Deathstroke's daughter! ?

(End of this chapter)

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