Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 284 Assault Team

Chapter 284 Assault Team
late at night.

The torrential rain that has been falling for a day and a night has not stopped at all until now. The waterfall-like rainwater is like the gate of the reservoir in the sky is broken, pouring down almost crazily.

In the early hours of the morning, everything in the residential area was completely silent, and everything fell into a deep sleep, leaving only the sound of raindrops pattering on the street.

A white van broke into this wet world at this time.The headlights of the car are like two yellow eyes in the rain curtain, and the light from behind the rain curtain makes the car body hazy and misty.

The van stopped in front of a nondescript residential house.The car door opened, and a group of guys in all-black uniforms, black goggles and helmets, and armed with strangely shaped weapons jumped out of the car one after another.They moved in unison, and after getting off the car, they lined up neatly like sculptures in the rainstorm, letting the rain fall on their bodies.

The man who looked like the captain got out of the car at last.After roughly counting the number of people, he made a gesture after confirming that they were correct, and then led the team of soldiers towards the building in front of him.

Anti-theft doors are the standard configuration of ordinary houses, and it is almost no difficulty for these professionals to break in.They easily got the lock on the door and walked into the dark corridor.

Judging from the furniture in the living room and the peeling walls, the building is quite old, but judging from the neat display of things in the house and the spotless floor, the owner is quite a picky person.The soldiers in black quietly walked through the living room, groped for the direction of the bedroom, and stopped in front of the bedroom door.

Everyone exchanged glances, and each of them put on the appearance of facing a formidable enemy, as if some evil spirit was locked in this bedroom.After the captain glanced at everyone, he nodded and made a "hands-on" gesture.

Unscrewing the doorknob as lightly as possible, the captain carefully pushed the door open, his movements were so light that he hardly made any sound.The team members pointed their guns at the dark room all the way, as if monsters like aliens would pop out every second.

However, no monsters appeared.The display in the bedroom is also very simple. A desk, a wardrobe, and a bed next to the table almost occupy the only space in the room.Judging from the pattern of the sheets and the books and magazines on the shelf of the desk, it is obvious that it should be a young girl's bedroom.

Everyone gathered around the bed, and all the muzzles in the dark circle were pointed at the bed.

The captain slowly stretched out his hand, pinched a corner of the quilt, and lifted the quilt away with a violent force.

However, there was no one there.

Everyone became tense in an instant—although the bed was empty, it was not difficult to tell from the folds of the sheets and a faint body odor that the owner should have been on the bed until just now, probably because he noticed several people breaking in And woke up.

"Didn't your mother teach that it's very impolite to break into a girl's boudoir?"

A playful female voice sounded, and several people hurriedly turned their guns according to the voice, but it was already a step too late.The girl has been huddled in the corner of the ceiling by the door since they came in, dormant like a spider, and the moment she spoke, she flew out like an eagle pouncing on her food, and landed sharply in the middle of several people.

"Grab her!" shouted the captain.

He didn't need to remind, the team members had already started to try this way, but it didn't seem to go very smoothly.

The first guy who reacted suddenly lifted the long-barreled gun, and the crystal tube at the back of the gun was quickly filled with azure energy, and the energy flow seemed to be ready to come out.But the girl moved even more quickly. She kicked the high-tech gun away with a flying kick, and then kicked the team member's face fiercely, causing him to fall on his back and land on the ground hard. on the desk.

The two people behind showed their daggers with the same strange shape. The blade seemed to be smeared with fluorescent light, which was quite eye-catching in the dimly lit room.The two rushed up from behind, one from the left and the other from the right, and the girl jumped back without turning her head. She clapped her palms on the shoulders of the two, and turned around in the air like an acrobat. Her slender legs separated He slapped the two people's cheeks hard, and the two people fell to the ground immediately.

A girl in thin pajamas, facing a team of well-armed, well-equipped and well-trained fighters, knocked down the three of them with lightning speed in just one encounter, which is really unbelievable.

The captain couldn't help clenching his teeth, but such a result was not unexpected.

The girl was Jessica Drew, the female clone of New York City's burgeoning superhero, Spider-Man.Theoretically speaking, she should be only about half a year old since she was born, and she looks like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old high school girl, but her combat power is really amazing.

The captain personally lifted the high-tech firearm, and the light blue light passed along the long barrel to the muzzle, turning into a frightening stream of particles and roaring out.

Jessica, who was supposed to be facing away from this side, suddenly closed her pupils, and a tingling sensation hit her brain just before the shot was fired.Without looking back, she jumped backwards, her body rolled in the air, and the blue particle flow staggered from her body, and suddenly penetrated the door of the wardrobe.Unfortunately, half of a short skirt was charred, and the crimson uniform with the white spider logo was also shaken from the wardrobe.

"Hey, I like that dress, I only wore it once after I bought it!" Jessica yelled, and she landed behind her, "Who bought you these strange toys? Aegis? AIM?"

The captain hurriedly tried to turn around, but was a step too late.He suffered a heavy blow to the wrist, and the gun flew out of his hand immediately. Jessica kicked hard on his chest, causing him to stagger back, and his body crashed into the broken glass and fell down. A piece of glass shards fell on the lawn, covered in soggy dirt.

Jessica turned and chased out the window, landing beside him.

"If the person who sent you was one of my big fans, then this way of greeting is really stupid." Jessica said, "Be honest - who sent you?"

The rain stained the goggles, blurring his vision.The captain lay down in the mud of the grass without saying a word or moving, as if he was waiting for something.

The tingling suddenly struck again.

That's the spider sense, the harbinger of danger, it never goes wrong.Jessica didn't have time to think about it, and turned around almost reflexively.

In the next second, a blurry image that even her eyes could not see clearly flashed past her, like a gust of wind.If he didn't dodge just now, he should have hit the door right now.

"Huh?" She vaguely seemed to hear an unexpected low cry.

But she couldn't do anything about the next offensive.

The attack seemed to be surrounded from all angles, and the spider sensed crazily. If we compare her to a spider in the middle of the web, then every thread on the web is shaking violently, reminding the enemy of the attack. .

Unavoidable, she received blows on her face, lower abdomen, back, and joints at the same time. She felt as if she was being beaten back and forth like a sandbag, and there was no room for retaliation.

This feeling is a speeder?
With a heavy blow on the cheek, Jessica spat out a mouthful of blood, fell heavily into the mud in the rainstorm, and finally lost consciousness and passed out.

The team members in black uniforms also rushed out of the room at this time, came to the captain's side, and surrounded Jessica who was unconscious on the ground.

"The target is confirmed to be unconscious." The team leader let out a long sigh of relief, "Prepare for the recovery operation. Today's task is over, so let's close the team for now. Tomorrow's next in New York."

(Thanks for the 1 starting point coins rewarded by Shu You Sheng Zhi Void 10000!!)
(End of this chapter)

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