Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 298 Decisive Battle in Times Square

Chapter 298 Decisive Battle in Times Square
About half an hour ago.

Eric rushed back to New York with Ye Yi overnight, and Ye Yi immediately led him to a certain stronghold hidden in New York.

To be precise, this should be Batman's stronghold.According to Nightwing, Batman has secret strongholds in all parts of the country, and each of them has a sufficient amount of spare equipment hidden in emergency situations, so that all members of the Bat family can carry out missions across the country. Ensure adequate supply of equipment.

Although Eric was not surprised by Batman's way of planning for a rainy day, he still couldn't help being surprised when Nightwing took him to this stronghold in New York and saw the complete facilities here with his own eyes.The space in the stronghold is quite open, and apart from the room that is used as an equipment warehouse, there are still several rooms that are vacant.The lobby is about the size of a basketball court, and the inner part houses a Batcomputer that you can't buy on the market, and it comes with three additional monitors.

Eric looked around, and couldn't help feeling: "This place is"

"You should see something cooler." Ye Yi smiled, "Believe me, there are more powerful things about Batman that you can't imagine."

Ye Yi briefly cleaned up the table in the lobby, started the console and turned on the computer monitor, and said, "If we want to search for traces of NOWHERE, then we need a stronghold first, and this is a good place. Don't worry, except Nobody outside of our Bat-family knows about this place, and Batman himself would never mind if I borrowed one."

"Yes, it sounds like you two have a good relationship."

Having said that, Eric's phone rang.He picked up his phone and glanced at it. The caller ID was Raven.

"what happened?"

"Where are you?" Raven's calm voice came from the other side of the phone, "Is it convenient to watch TV?"

Eric put down his phone and turned to Ye Yi: "Turn on the TV."

Ye Yi immediately turned on the TV station's live broadcast on the computer, and after jumping to the channel designated by Raven, a messy Times Square and two teenagers fighting in the center of the square appeared on the screen.Judging from the shaking of the camera screen, even the photographer's position was somewhat affected by the fierce battle.

"Welcome back, here is Kim Wilkes reporting live for you." The lovely female anchor wearing white earmuffs and a white fleece appeared on the screen and said into the microphone, "Now I bring you What happened was the youth violence in Times Square! As previously reported, a man and a woman with superpowers broke out in a fierce brawl in Times Square. Judging by their ability levels, they could completely fill Broadway or Sixth Avenue No surprise there. If things continue, it's only a matter of time before the fight between these two hurts the masses."

"Cash?" Eric frowned, "Why did she run to Times Square? And who was that boy who was having a fight with her?"

"Wonder Girl left early this morning," Raven said over the phone. "She said she would fight NOWHERE in her own way."

"It will really cause trouble for people." Eric thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go to the scene to see it now."

"I'll go too," Raven said.

"No, I can handle it by myself." Eric said, "I am currently in a stronghold in New York with Night Wing, and this may be used as our base of operations for some time in the future. I will now give the address Send it to you, you come here to meet Nightwing first."

"Okay." Raven responded, "Then be careful yourself."

just now.

The embarrassing impact caused one leg of Superboy's jeans to rot, and he rudely tore the jeans aside, leaving only a one-piece uniform from a certain laboratory on his body. Bright "S" mark.

Eric stared at the symbol for a moment, and said to himself: "It's a bit of a surprise to meet Superboy here."

But if I remember correctly, Superboy should be cloned by Lex Luthor.Luthor extracted part of Superman's Kryptonian genes, and then filled part of his genes with his own human genes that could not be deciphered by his own technology to create a clone.Now that Superboy is here, does that mean Lex Luthor has some connection to NOWHERE too?
But this is not certain, because the above is only the original setting after all.In this world now, Lex Luthor is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the original work can only be used as a reference. Eric has no way to determine how many things deviate from the original setting.

Regardless, it's absolutely certain that Superboy is going to be knocked out here in the first place.

With a clear whistle, Superboy kicked hard, and the air wave exploded the moment his heels left the ground, shattering the green bricks in a semicircle on the ground behind him.

The white afterimage draws a straight line towards the head, and Superboy's fists blast towards him with an unrivaled wind.

Without the slightest fear, Eric took a step forward, raised his full strength and punched Superboy's menacing fist head-on.

The earth-shattering bang was like tons of explosives exploding in the center of the square, and the transparent ripples exploded like ripples.The street lamps, billboards, and car windows on the side of the square were shattered almost in a second, and the garbage rained down, causing panicked screams from the crowd.

And the bodies of the two people in the center trembled slightly and stabilized, as if they had exhausted each other's strength.

The arm strength simulated by the Amojo Alpha armor super mode seems to be on par with the super boy in front of him. If he only competes with arm strength, he may be slightly inferior to him. This is what Eric concluded in a flash. conclusion.

And Superboy seemed to have come to the same conclusion, and his self-confidence suddenly rose a lot.He raised his fist high, ready to strike again.

Unfortunately, combat is not just a contest of brute force.

The moment Superboy's second punch landed, Eric turned his head slightly, and slapped Superboy's wrist lightly with skill to swing him away.And before Superboy had time to make any further moves, Eric's other hand clenched his fist and pointed in front of him, only a few centimeters away from the tip of his nose.

Superboy stopped subconsciously.

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

In his eyes, the Almazo armor quickly switched forms, and the green light filled the armor within half a second, and the ring on Erik's middle finger was only a few millimeters away from the tip of his nose.In the next second, the green light completely wrapped the metal fist and turned it into a cannon.

"The output power is 70% fully charged."

The green light flashed, and the laser turned into a torrent and rushed out of the muzzle, pouring down on Superboy's face at zero distance!
(Thanks to book friend kabuto555 for the 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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