Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 301 Take the initiative

Chapter 301 Take the initiative
In NOWHERE base.


The teenager's painful cries echoed in a fully enclosed laboratory. Superboy's limbs were tied to a complex machine in the middle of the room. All the laser machines in the room were locked on him. The green laser light converged into a mighty stream of light and bombarded his chest, which made him groan in pain.

The researchers, all in white uniforms and dark green glasses, gathered in the cubicle, watching Superboy's reaction through a layer of one-way glass.The recorder monitor in front of them recorded the data of Superboy's physical signs in detail. While watching, several people kept whispering and exchanging opinions, as if they didn't regard the boy who was in pain as a human being at all. look at.

To them, Superboy is nothing more than a product of their creation, a weapon designed to deal with any situation, nothing more, there is no need to be treated as a human being.

And after returning from the last battle in Times Square, Superboy actually asked a question for the first time—he suddenly asked what they were trying to do by arresting so many young superpowers.

Although it was just a simple question, it immediately made the researchers nervous.They think that this may be a sign that the "weapon" has started to think independently and try to think, and that is an extremely dangerous thing for them. The more dangerous the weapon, the less it can make it have the ability to think independently.So they made an immediate decision - Superboy's mind had to be overwritten so that he couldn't think of anything but follow orders.

This process has lasted about four to ten minutes so far, but this time Superboy was unexpectedly stubborn.He seems to be resisting the transformation with his own willpower, his will is as stubborn as a rock, and this also strengthens the researchers' decision that his brain must be restarted.

The experiment was reaching a critical moment, and sudden changes occurred.I saw that the launch ports of all the laser machines in the room were shifted almost at the same second, and the green lasers moved away from Superboy's chest one after another, sweeping the room recklessly as if they had gone berserk.In an instant, countless vertical and horizontal cracks were left on the alloy wall, and the door lock was swept away by a laser and immediately scrapped, exposing a pile of burnt circuits.The two lasers slid across the one-way glass, leaving two deep marks, scaring the researchers in the cubicle.

The door of the compartment was opened by someone at some time, and a gust of fiery wind flashed in through the crack of the door, and the image dragging the electric current gathered in the middle of the room, forming the figure of a young man, suddenly appearing among the researchers between.

"Tack!" Kid Lightning leaned against the experimental table in a leisurely manner, and greeted everyone, "Miss me, everyone from NOWHERE? I, Kid Lightning, are back again!"

The researchers were all shocked and rushed towards the door.Kid Lightning just leaned against the experimental table and watched them flee in a panic by him, and couldn't help laughing in his heart, thinking that it would be more interesting if he could take a photo to commemorate at this moment.

A large number of NOWHERE soldiers armed with high-tech guns and armored bodies rushed into the room, and quickly opened a semi-circular formation to surround Bart.They raised their guns neatly, and a row of muzzles all pointed at Kid Lightning.


Time stood still for an instant, and the second half of the syllable of the leader's command was stretched out.Bart moved his feet, dragging layers of afterimages and golden current behind him, his sneakers stepped on the vertical wall obliquely, kept his body parallel to the floor, bypassed the large amount of firepower in front of him, and came behind this small group of people.

It happened in that flashy half-second.The team members who surrounded the prey in a neat semicircle before [-] seconds, fell to the ground [-] seconds later.Some of them looked like they went off and hit their teammates, some of them seemed to slap themselves with a backhand and slapped themselves to the ground, and some of them looked like they performed somersault stunts in the air and finally used their faces Landed on the ground, the fall was a bit exciting.

It was done in an instant, Bart clapped his hands, and then he came to the side of the cubicle superboy in a flash. After working hard for a while in front of the lock that bound the superboy's limbs, the supersonic dismantled it into pieces.Superboy fell limp and was held by Bart on his shoulders.

Superboy propped up his heavy eyelids, and asked with some surprise: "You are... Kid Lightning? Why did you come to save me?"

"Maybe because you wrote a related wish on last year's Christmas wish card? God knows."

In fact, he was not very happy to rescue Superboy, but Nightwing insisted that the Superboy cloned and brainwashed by NOWHERE was also one of the victims. If he was abandoned, it would mean that NOWHERE had won to some extent. , under his insistence, everyone finally decided to rescue Superboy.

While Bart was speaking, helping him stand up and walk towards the door, another whirlwind broke into the house suddenly.The white afterimage flashed in front of him in an instant, and he was knocked to the ground with a fist that covered his head and face.

With one punch, Kuaiyin braked the car in the middle of the room, followed by his sister Scarlet Witch.

"It's you again?" Kuaiyin looked at Bart and snorted coldly, "I was thinking about you after the last fight, and you are so considerate to send to my door, thank you so much."

Bart wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "Last time I kicked your ass hard when I was hungry, this time I can give you something even more explosive."

"Still talking hard." Kuaiyin smiled nonchalantly, "I thought you were a stupid brat, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Last time you managed to escape from here by chance, and now you are alone After running back, how do you say that word comes from throwing oneself into a trap."

Bart smiled: "Well, if you think I came back alone, it will make you even more stupid."

Scarlet Witch Wanda's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly reminded: "Be careful, there are other people here"

Before the words were finished, the purple-black chaos magic had erupted in mid-air.Wanda hastily released Chaos magic to protect herself and her younger brother, but the magic defense she hastily released was vulnerable to the purple magic power, and it was easily smashed to pieces. The witch and Quicksilver were also knocked down one after another. land.

The purple wave outlines a dark shadow in mid-air, the raven's transparent body gradually emerges, and it lands slowly, the energy lingering around it forms a crow-like shape.The moment she landed, the domineering purple power swept away, as if the entire room was dyed her color.

Bart said triumphantly: "What did I just say? This is what I called 'reinforcements'."

(End of this chapter)

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