Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 331 Interrogation

Chapter 331 Interrogation
Shinka Leland, in a facility somewhere.

It was a dark and gloomy cabin, very similar to the kind you'd see in a TV movie where torture was brutal.The old-fashioned chandelier hanging from the dirty ceiling was the only source of light in the room. Its limited light only illuminated a spot in the center of the room, which happened to be where the tortured prisoners were tied up.

Deadshot is unfortunately the protagonist of today.

The pain of the electric current running through his whole body made him cry out uncontrollably, and he was even more pale after suffering such an electric shock when he was already seriously injured, and cold sweat dripped down like rain.

This process has been going on for several hours, and even the officials in charge of the torture are tired, but so far, Deadshot has not said anything, just like the heroic hero in the TV series who has firm beliefs and would rather die than obey. martyr.The only difference is that Deadshot really doesn't know anything.

"Dude, I told you you guys are wasting your time." Dead Sheki Ruoyousi said, "I really don't know where my teammates have gone. But if I had to guess, they should have left Xinkaliland long ago. "

"This bone is harder to chew than I thought." Another man in a black suit appeared from the darkness and asked, "What else do you want to do next?"

"I don't know." The official holding the electric baton shrugged. "I don't know. To be honest, I'm a little convinced that this guy really doesn't know anything, although it's quite disappointing."

Just as they were talking, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.A tall and burly figure appeared at the door, with a submachine gun in one hand and a dazzling broadsword on his shoulder, his aura was domineering and undisputable.

The moment he saw the person coming, Shi She's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

That is the death knell.

"That's enough." Death Bell said in a low voice, "You can all go out, now I'm in charge of this matter."


"Manta, this is Waller."

"I'm listening."

"Deathshooter's movement stopped, and we already know where he was taken." Waller said through the communicator, "But after he was taken in, we lost all contact with him. His location must be With all outgoing signals blocked, we can no longer track the phone and audio."

"It means that we have no way of knowing whether he is dead or alive." Black Manta said, "It's really good news."

"It's true that I can't be sure," Waller said, "but based on what I know about his luck, I'm sure he won't die so easily."

"Then it's decided." Eric said, "When I break in, I will attract as much attention as possible from the main entrance, and you will take the opportunity to rescue Deadshot as low-key as possible. Remember, try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. Don't linger for any reason, retreat as soon as possible we can't lose anyone anymore."

There was a subtle silence among the people.

Although no one said it, they all felt the same way—it was only when Eric came that they felt "one team" for the first time.

Sinka Leyland, somewhere,

"How do you feel?" Deathstroke said, the mask almost touching Deathshot's face, which was a real mess.

"Not very good." Shi She glared at him through gritted teeth.

Deathstroke snorted: "From this I can conclude that your leg is broken, your ribs are broken, and there are a lot of other countless internal injuries."

"Even so, at least I still have both eyes, right?" Deathshot sneered.

Without saying a word, Deathstroke raised the electric shock baton, and with a blue electric arc, it slammed into Deathshot's face, and Deathshot groaned in pain.

"You should know that people like you should never make jokes." Deathstroke squeezed Deathstroke's chin with one hand, and said, "You are really useless, what you do is of no avail."

"Then what is your purpose? What is it?"

"The world needs me, let me be the terminator."

"And just a few minutes after this mission, you betrayed us."

"Team?" Deathstroke sneered, "Are you serious, Deadshot? Didn't you always emphasize this - there is no team at all, we are just gathered together to achieve the same goal, but Each of us was centered on the individual, there was no 'team' from the beginning."

"And you're like a substitute for the Red Sox." Deadshot said again unceremoniously, but the death knell's fully charged stick stabbed him in the lower abdomen again, causing him to scream in pain again.

"Without your little red eyes, have you always been this blind?" Deathstroke asked coldly.

Just now he breathed a sigh of relief, Shishe continued relentlessly: "Seriously? You want to talk about 'eyes' again? I thought ahhh!!!"

Another burst of violent electric shocks, this time Deathstroke lasted until he convulsed, and finally hit him so hard that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Dead shot was sweating profusely, trembling all over, gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you tell them about the team? What do you think we are?"

"Not yet." Deathstroke said, playing with the electric baton in his hand, "Secrets are only valuable when you know them."

"Then what did you tell them?"

"I told them that you can leave it to me." Deathstroke snorted, "I told them that I will knock you down one by one, and I can pry out the whereabouts of other team members from you."

Dead shot was stunned: "But I don't know where they are. You know how the team works, even if I am the captain"

"Of course, you don't know." Deathstroke said lightly, "I know this."

"Then what else are you doing here?"

Deathstroke smiled: "I just want to come here to see what you look like at the moment."

Just at this moment, the red warning light suddenly illuminated the entire room, and harsh voices followed one after another, reminding everyone in the building that they were being attacked.

"Oh, just talking." Deathstroke said casually, "I think we all know who's coming."

At this moment, outside the base.

The explosion blasted through the entire wall, thick black smoke billowed up, and soldiers rushed out of that interior one after another, shouting loudly and holding guns.Erik in armor walked out slowly through the black smoke, facing all the enemies present alone, his whole body seemed to be burning with a raging fighting spirit.

"Although I can't remember clearly, but I always feel like it's been a long time." He squeezed the wrist of his right fist, "Let's all come together, the more you come, the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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