Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 341 Flame Girl?

Chapter 341 Flame Girl?

There was no sign at all. Liz, who was sitting around the campfire with his classmates just a second ago, was already covered in golden flames.The clothes on her body were burned to ashes in an instant, the high temperature distorted the air around her, and even the flames of the bonfire were eclipsed in front of her.

Many girls screamed, and the classmates who were around her jumped up in fright, dodging like a scourge, countless eyes with surprise and fear focused on her, and it felt like It surrounded her like an impenetrable wall, which made it impossible for her to breathe.

"No, no, no." Liz felt his brain went blank, as if he had lost the ability to think, and he said subconsciously, "It's not like that, it's not like that."

"Oh my God, Liz is she a mutant?"

"Don't look at me, how would I know?"

"Has she always been? Keeping it from us?"


Countless whispers came into my ears, like an unstoppable tide, and like a turbulent vortex powerlessly surrounded Liz in the center, and only one thought filled my mind——

——This can never be true.

She didn't know what she was thinking—or more likely, she didn't think about anything at all. Her whole body rushed into the air like a burning rocket. fly away.

"I think you'd better put on your combat uniform." Mary stammered in Peter's ear.

"No, just stay here and watch." Eric came to him at some point and whispered in his ear, "Raven and I will follow."

Peter nodded stiffly, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock: "Well, okay."

The fiery meteor quickly swept across the entire beach, and under the surprised eyes of the students, it crossed the bridge and disappeared into the urban area along the coast.She was flying aimlessly high above the street, and when her figure flew past the outer walls of high-rise buildings, her super high body temperature left scorched marks visible to the naked eye on the outer walls of the buildings.

She didn't know where she was going. To be honest, this was the first time she flew up unexpectedly. She didn't even know how to control the direction. She was just scurrying around like a headless chicken.

Until the raven caught up with her first.

"Liz." Raven, who was wrapped in a purple-black cloak, accelerated to catch up with her and called out her name.


Liz was obviously taken aback by her appearance, and subconsciously waved a golden fireball towards Raven's face.This time it came really unexpectedly, Raven was taken aback, he hurriedly raised his hand and released the chaotic magic power to block it, but the hasty defense failed to completely remove the impact after all, the whole person was shaken by the aftermath and volleyed back, like a black feather Falling down.

A green light accelerated and caught up with the falling Revan from behind, holding her princess firmly in his arms. There was no doubt that it was Eric wearing the green light mode armor.

"I caught you."

"It doesn't matter to me." Raven said, "Go after Liz before she hurts anyone or herself."

Eric glanced over there: "It doesn't seem necessary."

Raven followed his gaze, and saw that Liz was like a drunk driver at the moment, the flying flame trajectory twisted and formed a winding curve, avoiding the building in front of him dangerously. , the altitude is getting lower and lower, and finally rolled and landed in a deserted open space below in a rather embarrassing manner. When he landed, his high-heat body scalded the road.

Eric and Raven landed next to her, one after the other.Eric asked, "Are you okay?"

"Okay?" Liz said bitterly, "No, not at all."

"Relax, everything will be fine," Eric said. "We can help you. Has this ever happened to you before?"

"What? You mean suddenly ignite and fly like crazy? No, not at all." Liz held her head, "God, what should I do? Can't I change back? I have to stay forever in the future Will it survive like this?"

"Calm down, we will find a way." Eric said, "We can go to the Avengers, I am quite familiar with Iron Man, he should be able to figure out the reason for your change."

After a pause, he comforted, "There's no need to be so flustered, it's just a little special, don't make it as nervous as if the world is destroyed."

"It's special!?" Liz cried, "Can I continue to live like this? I... I can't even go to school."

"Maybe not, but so what? It's just a way of life." Eric shrugged. "For example, even if you can't change back in the future, you can still join the Teen Titans and be her teammate."

He said and pointed to Raven, and Raven responded lightly: "We will welcome you too."

"But it all depends on you," Eric said, "but anyway, I suggest that you and I go to Stark to have a look. At least we have to make sure how your ability works, is there anything side effect."

Liz hesitated for a long time, nodded slightly, and finally agreed.

What Eric didn't say was that he might have a clue as to where her abilities came from.Ever since Liz's ability erupted on the beach, Eric has been able to clearly feel a reaction similar to the Almojo virus from her.Although he didn't test it with relevant equipment, he was at least [-]% sure that the super power that Leeds suddenly erupted came from the Amojo virus, and it was probably from the Amojo virus released by Omega's bionic body in New York City.

If this is the case, then this matter is related to him again, and Liz is also regarded as an innocent person involved in his family affairs.

Liz had just decided to go with them, and Raven's expression changed slightly. She reminded the two of them, "Someone is here."

As soon as the words fell, the tire friction sound of the car's sudden brake came first.Several vertical and horizontal car lights came towards several people, and the position of the three people was shrouded in circles of lights, and the light was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.The black car formed a circular encirclement and surrounded them. The agents, all in suits and sunglasses, got out of the car door and pointed their guns at them.

Both Eric and Raven were used to such scenes—and pistols really didn't pose a threat to them, so they didn't panic at all.But Liz was just an ordinary high school girl until today, and now she almost fainted from nervousness, and subconsciously shrank behind the two of them.

"We have no intention of fighting you, Amozo brat."

A woman's voice came from the last black car, and Amanda Waller got out of the car, with a sense of oppression that could not be described in words.

"But I don't want to say it again - hand that girl over."

(End of this chapter)

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