Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 365 Full Power Output

Chapter 365 Full Power Output


After an unknown number of rounds of explosions, the fireball released by the Yamojo robot in the air finally exploded in response, and the high-concentration energy radiated into the sky, and the color gradually became lighter until finally there was no trace to be found.

"He succeeded?" It was Thor, the god of thunder, who asked.

"No." Iron Man stared at the bottomless gap between the clouds, and said, "Not yet, the space crack has formed and basically stabilized. If this continues to develop, it may eventually swallow up our world. everything."

"How do we stop it?" Superman asked.

"The only way is to turn off the starter," Iron Man said, "that is, the robot. Now, we can only rely on him."

Stuck out from the fireball, the fierce battle between Erik and Almajo continued.

At a distance close to his face, Eric punched Yamajo's face with terrifying force, but only smashed a high-speed residual image in a flash.The real Yamajo robot had already activated its super speed ability and flashed behind him like a ghost. With a raised hand, it held a chainsaw with a green light, and swung it violently with the "buzzing" sound of sawtooth running.

Eric quickly turned sideways, directly raised his arm to support it, and the same layer of green light force field close to his body protected his arm.The rapidly rotating sawtooth cuts on the protective layer, and dots of green sparks splash around.And when Yamazoo's sawtooth finally broke through the protective layer and cut on Eric's arm, most of the energy had already been consumed, and Eric directly shook the chainsaw with his arm, breaking the chainsaw in two.

Eric quickly turned around, grabbed his right hand falsely, and swung his arm in vain.Halfway through the swing, a heavy hammer seemed to appear in his palm out of nowhere, dragging blue lightning and rolling thunder, it was a replica of Thor's Hammer!

Yamozhuo did not show any weakness, stretched out his arm, and the trident copied from the original Justice League Aquaman appeared in his palm immediately, and the overflowing blue energy momentum was not weak at all!

Almadra could not replicate the trident's magical energy, but it could mimic a similar physical effect and power.Trident and Thor's Hammer, the replicas of the two great artifacts clashed violently in mid-air, bursts of blue light intertwined with thunder and lightning, like a black dragon hidden behind black clouds, exposing parts of its body from time to time, bursting out A high-pitched dragon chant.

With a thunderous roar, the lightning from Thor's Hammer suddenly pierced Almadra's left shoulder, leaving a scorched black hole in his shoulder.At the same time, the trident pierced through Eric's waist. When the blue energy shot out like an arrow, the dark red blood also splashed in a spiral shape with the high-speed piercing.


Another full-force collision left a crisp sound in the air, and the Thor's Hammer and the Trident in the hands of the two came out one after another.But they didn't stop at all. Immediately afterwards, Eric hit Yamazo's face hard with a punch comparable to Superman's, punching the robot's entire face sunken; He raised his leg at a speed no less than that of the Flash, and his knee slammed into Eric's chest, causing his breath to stagnate and a mouthful of blood to vomit out inside the helmet.

Erik's movements are sluggish in pain, but the robot doesn't.Taking advantage of the moment Eric was knocked backwards, Yamazo sped up again, pounced up like a preying falcon, and approached Eric again in an instant, slamming at him with claws The door grabbed it, and the posture seemed to want to absorb the submerged virus in the Alpha armor again.

But it has come to this point, how could Eric let it succeed so easily?Almost without thinking, Erik squeezed a Green Lantern pistol, but loaded the Gatling barrel in dissonance.He slammed the pistol against Yamajo's stomach that was rushing forward, roared and crazily pulled the trigger, and a large number of bullets poured out "suddenly".Such a gun structure is obviously unrealistic, but the ability of Green Lantern is to concretize any unrealistic imagination into reality.The torrential rain of bullets shattered the armor plate on Almajo's abdomen, and Eric's own tiger's mouth was so numb that he almost lost consciousness.

But the effect of this trick is quite obvious, Yamozhuo was shocked to retreat violently, and the indestructible shell of his abdomen was shattered.Eric persisted in pursuing, and with a long right hand, he held the long sword copied from Wonder Woman in his hand, and stabbed Almodra's chest with thunderous power.

With a crisp sound, the tip of the sword successfully pierced Yamajo's chest, and with the infusion of Eric's super arm strength, it advanced several feet, pierced through the back of the robot, and pierced its body across.

However, almost at the same time when the blade pierced in, Yamazo's eyes flashed red without warning, and his thermal vision burst out like a roaring mad dragon.Eric, who was stabbing with his sword, had no chance to dodge at all, and almost hit the hot beam head-on.The two thermal vision beams aimed at the helmet's eyepiece impartially, and the astonishing impact and heat instantly penetrated the armor and rushed into the brain through the eye sockets.

After enduring the blast from thermal vision at such a distance, the Alpha armor's eyepiece was immediately covered with cracks.Eric felt his eyes turn red, and then he couldn't see anything. The super high heat penetrated directly into his brain, making him extremely dizzy.

At the same time as the fierce battle, instead of closing the space tunnel in the sky, it was expanding further.At this time, the huge hole was overflowing with electric current, and an incomparably powerful gravitational force began to form.Even the clouds seemed to be sucked back into the black hole, and even the ground thousands of miles away began to be affected. All the broken stones and tiles on the ground were sucked up and gathered towards the black hole in the sky. .

If it continues to develop, the door to another world will open, but at the same time, this black hole may also absorb everything within the coverage of the earth.

Unless someone turns it off before then.

At this point in the battle, Eric can hardly feel any pain, and even the fact that he seems to be blind for a while feels insignificant.But he didn't need eyesight to continue fighting. The exaggeratedly strong Yamajo virus reaction on the enemy helped him outline the opponent's complete outline in front of his dark eyes, so that he could still confirm the opponent's position, which was enough.

He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth, trying his best to accumulate the strength in every cell of his body like he had never done in his life.

"Super mode, output power 100%"

"Green light mode, output power 100%..."

"Truth mode, output power 100%"

"Extreme speed mode, output power 100%"

".Full power, 400% fully charged!"

Unprecedented ultra-high energy gathered on the right fist, the Alpha armor was wrapped in colorful light, and the whole person seemed to be burning!
Roaring desperately, Eric could barely feel his body anymore, and only gathered all his strength with his tenacious will, and punched out like a catastrophe!

(End of this chapter)

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