Chapter 399
Luthor was right. Sharon had a pretty good relationship with Eric in S.H.I.E.L.D. She had always paid close attention to Eric.When she heard that Eric was still alive and had returned, she was also eager to see him from the bottom of her heart.

But she never expected that their meeting would be under such circumstances.

Although the armor on Eric's body can be vaguely recognizable as the shape of Almazo Alpha, the appearance has changed a lot, especially the temperament that is full of domineering and evil at the same time, and it is completely different from before.He suddenly appeared in front of the moving car, stepped on the front hood of the car violently, and made it stop the car violently.

Ruth, who was wearing the Armazar Beta armor, stood not far away with her hands folded in front of her chest, watching the development of the matter with a smile in the attitude of a bystander.

Eric walked slowly to the door of the rear seat, pulled the handle and exerted force, tore off the entire door at will, and threw it nearly a hundred meters away.He jerked Lex Luthor out of the back seat, and lifted him up in the air by strangling his neck.With his current grip strength, Luthor's throat would be crushed like a piece of paper with just a little more force.

"Surprise, Lex Luthor." Eric said lightly, "I guess you definitely didn't expect that I'm still alive."

Bearing the boundless coercion from Eric and the suffocating grip on the throat, Luthor still didn't change his face, and his eyes even looked quite lazy.

"It's really surprising." Luther said calmly, "For example, where you went and what caused you to undergo such a big change are quite interesting. But what I want to know most now is that you are now What do you want to do here."

Eric sneered: "I guess you and I know it well. My father, my mother, Omega's bionic body, and even the Almajo robot that I have been blaming all along, they have all met Their respective ends came. In the end, they were all just victims caught up in the events of 15 years ago."

After finishing speaking, his vision behind the eyepiece seemed to suddenly turn cold several degrees.

"And you, the guy who has been planning behind the scenes since 15 years ago, is still alive." He said coldly, "Even if you replace those who can no longer be present in person, I will end all of this."

"So that's how it is." Luthor was still indifferent, showing a clear expression, "So, that Amojo robot is indeed finished, speaking of which I really have to thank you, without you, this I really can't think of any good idea to deal with robots. And from what I heard, it seems that even Ms. Charlotte is gone."

After a pause, he smiled slightly.

"She is also a talented woman. It is really rare to combine beauty and talent. I also sincerely regret what happened to her."

Even though he said so, he didn't show the slightest expression of regret, instead he still had the same face that he didn't want to beat.

"It's not necessary to be sorry." Eric snorted and said with a smile, "If you really have such a trace of regret in your heart, maybe I will feel a little bit sorry when I do it."


That was the sound of the safety release of the pistol.The black barrel of the gun was then pressed against the back of Eric's helmet. Sharon held the handle of the gun in one hand behind him and said coldly, "Let him go."

Eric glanced sideways at her.

That pistol will not pose any threat to the Alpha armor, even at zero distance, and even the impact of the bullets cannot penetrate into the helmet.Sharon must have known this too, but she was just doing her job.

"Think carefully, Eric." She slowed down a little, and said with dissuasion, "Think clearly about what you are doing."

"I know exactly what I'm doing."

Eric said indifferently, and knocked her to the ground, and then the hand holding Luther's throat increased his strength.

His five fingers holding Luther's throat began to sink in. Luther's throat had obviously sunken in, but his face was still expressionless, as if he didn't feel the slightest pain.Only his face began to flicker, looking like a TV screen when the signal reception is bad.

Finally, Eric squeezed the other party's throat completely with all his strength.But not a single drop of blood spattered, the bald head just shot up, drew a graceful arc in the air, and just rolled into the beam of the shattered headlight.

"Sure enough." Eric stared at the head that fell to the ground, and said lightly, "Have you escaped catastrophe by using the bionic body as a substitute?"

"I really didn't expect you to do this. I'm a little more curious about what happened to you." The head of Luthor's bionic body that fell to the ground was still talking, and he should be hiding somewhere Remotely, "But you really think about it, I am now the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a high-level official appointed by the US government. Do you know what it means to declare war on me?"

"It's a big deal that it's with S.H.I.E.L.D.." Eric's words made Sharon on the side shudder, and she suddenly felt that the child's back looked so strange at this moment.

"In short, you just wait in your safe house." Eric said coldly, stepped forward, and stomped the round head of the bionic body to pieces, "I will find you, Even if you want to declare war on S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Aegis, a floating carrier.

"Sir, the traitor has been captured."


Coulson followed the female agent who reported to him to the felon detention area of ​​the mothership, and saw Hawkeye behind through a layer of tempered glass.At this moment, he was wearing shackles on his hands, and his handsome face was rather haggard.

An hour ago, Aegis followed Hawkeye to a base on the Hydra Sea.Aegis and Hydra engaged in a small-scale melee on the island. In the end, the Black Widow retreated together under the cover of Hydra, but Hawkeye was left behind and was captured as a traitor. the mothership.

"Some of our top-secret content with level nine clearance has been stolen." Coulson said, "Do you have anything to say, Clinton?"

Hawkeye slowly raised his head, looking directly at Coulson.

"It's not me." He said in a deep voice, "I've said it many times, it's Natasha. Please, Coulson, you know me, you know I won't do such things as betrayal, right?"

"I also know Natasha." Coulson said lightly, "But you told me that even she betrayed, how can I believe that you didn't?"

"Yeah, I can't convince you." Hawkeye lay back on his bed, put his hands under his head, and said to himself, "then we have nothing to talk about. I just want to tell Yours is, you guys are making a big mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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