Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 410 Paradise Island

Chapter 410 Paradise Island

New York, in Raven's room.

Night had fallen, and Raven's bedroom was pitch black and quiet.She sat cross-legged on the bed alone, closed her eyes lightly, and was meditating.

She didn't hate the dark, and even preferred the stillness of being alone in the dark, which helped her concentrate.But now, no matter how hard she tried, she always seemed unable to concentrate, and lingering distracting thoughts kept circling in her mind, making it difficult for her to enter the state.

In the end, she sighed softly and gave up on continuing to meditate.

It has been a month since Eric came back, and he seems to be a little colder to her than before.Eric used to spend time with her almost every day, but now she seemed to see him only three or four times in the month he was back.

Of course, she was sure that it was Eric himself who came back, and she was absolutely obedient to him as always, never complaining.But she could clearly notice that Eric seemed to have changed a lot from the inside.

Every time she thought of this, she shook her head to stop herself from thinking about it.

Eric is Eric, and now that he has officially joined the Justice League and even moved to the Watchtower, he will of course be much busier than before, and it is impossible to have time to be distracted by other things.she told herself so.

Just then, she noticed a meteor falling outside the window.The dazzling tail flame pierced the sky, extinguished near her house, and fell vertically not far away.

She couldn't help showing a gratified smile, knowing that he was here.

"Raven, someone is looking for you!"

Sure enough, half a minute later, Eric had appeared in front of her, this time with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

She remembered it as if it was the first time she had received flowers from him.

"Sorry, I've been busy these days, so I haven't come to see you." Eric apologized slightly, "Want to go for a drive?"

Raven smiled and nodded: "Yes."

She likes Eric, and she will try her best to like him more in the future, so that she may not care about what has changed in him.

Paradise Island.

Diana thought over and over again, and finally adopted Eric's suggestion.After asking for a few days of leave from the alliance, she flew back to Paradise Island, planning to spend a few days with her mother.

Eric was right, it was her mother after all.No matter what happened, they had to make up in the end, so it was a step that had to be taken.

Along the way, she made up countless reasons for herself for not going back to Paradise Island until now, but finally found that she couldn't convince herself, so she had to bite the bullet.

However, what awaited her on Paradise Island was much bigger trouble than these.

Diana landed on the sand off the coast of Paradise Island.She walked into the jungle that she was very familiar with when she was a child on the coast, and headed towards the direction where the Amazons lived.After walking for about 10 minutes, two stone statues came into view in the forest.

Diana was taken aback, and hurried forward to check, and quickly recognized them from their appearance and clothing.The two people in front of her were the two older sisters she had known since she was a child. They also took her to hunt in the woods, and their memories were still fresh.And seeing the expression of the stone statue in front of him is so lifelike, with horror in his eyes, his mouth seems to be yelling loudly, the hand on the hilt of the sword failed to pull the sword out of the sheath after all, the scene was quite bleak.

Diana recognized it, and it was a very powerful kind of black magic.The dark magic made her two sisters turned into stone sculptures and were fixed in the original position, unable to move.

Knowing that something was wrong, she hastily left the two older sisters temporarily and ran away.All Wonder Woman ran at an extraordinary speed. In just a split second, she had rushed out of the forest and arrived at the martial arts arena where the Amazons practiced intensively.

At this time, the huge martial arts arena was in a mess, and a large number of Amazon sisters fell to the ground, their bodies hardened into rocks, and they were fixed in place like sculptures.More people still maintained the posture of drawing their swords and charging, but they were also frozen in place and became stone sculptures.The entire Martial arts arena was filled with a deathly atmosphere, like the relics left by an ancient war, lifeless.

Diana rushed to the hall in a hurry and found her mother at the door.Queen Hippolyta kept a firm and angry look on her face, holding a sword on the ground with one hand, kneeling half-kneeling and being petrified in place, her facial expression was lifelike.

"The great Hera." The heroine was shocked, and slowly approached her mother step by step, kneeling in front of her.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, bowing her head, "I shouldn't have been so capricious. I should have stayed. If I had stayed. Sorry, mother, and sisters"

Seeing that Wonder Woman was in a state of confusion, the figure hiding in the shadows quietly emerged.He chanted a series of spells silently in a low voice, raised his hand and raised something, a dark fluctuation suddenly stabbed towards the back of the kneeling heroine like a sharp arrow!

But how can Wonder Woman be such an easy character to deal with?She turned around suddenly as if she had eyes on her back, raised her arm to protect the silver ring to block the wave, and her figure rushed out like lightning, choking her throat and pressing the sneaking black shadow behind her On the pillar, the shock caused dust to fall from the top of the hall.

The other party hurriedly raised his hands: "Wait, wait! I have something to say!"

Only now did Diana see clearly that this was a man in a black robe with a shriveled face and an ugly appearance.She said angrily: "Who are you? Why are you on Paradise Island? What did you do to my mother and sisters!?"

How can ordinary people be able to bear the violent aura of a heroine who is a demigod?But this wretched-looking guy was able to remain calm, and hurriedly said: "Don't get angry, Wonder Woman. My name is Felix Faust, and I am just a scholar. I know you are very powerful, but if I If it's yours, I'll let you go first."

"Give me a reason for doing this."

"Because I am the only one who can undo the curse of all of them."

After confirming that the curses of the sisters could be undone, Diana couldn't help showing joy, and shouted: "Undo their curses for me, or I'll crush your head right now!"

"It's not impossible for me to undo this curse, but of course it's impossible without conditions." Faust said, "I just need you to help me find a few things. With your ability, it shouldn't be too difficult. As long as you can help I bring what I want, and I will undo the curse on them all at once."

Diana frowned: "How do I know I can trust you?"

"Don't worry, I always keep my word." Faust smiled wickedly, "Besides, do you have any other choice now? Princess?"

Diana stared at him for a moment in disgust, then threw him to the ground.

"What do you need me to find?"

"I don't know exactly what it will be. But you can find it as long as you follow the guidance of this pointer."

As Faust said, he found an ancient circular dial from nowhere, and there was only one pointer on the dial, which was firmly pointing in a certain direction.

"You only have one day, princess," Faust emphasized, "and if you don't finish after twenty-four hours, I won't be able to save your sisters."

Diana stared at him and said, "If you dare to lie to me even half a word"

"Don't dare, I'm just an unknown scholar, how can I dare to have trouble with the famous Wonder Woman?" Faust responded with a smile, "As long as you bring what I want, I will definitely release you." Their curse will not be delayed for half a second."

Diana looked back and looked a few more times, and finally flew into the air helplessly, leaving Paradise Island in the direction pointed by the pointer.

(Thanks to book friend NormanLHP for the reward of 100 starting coins, and book friend 160410061618149 for the reward of 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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