Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 412 Stone Statue

Chapter 412 Stone Statue
New York, Municipal Museum.

The magic pointer that Faust left Diana directly guided her here.Diana landed on the roof of the museum. After confirming again and again that it was indeed here, she opened the skylight and jumped in.

It was already late at night, the museum had already been closed, and the whole building was pitch black.Diana jumped to the floor in the center of the museum, only to feel that the exhibits in Zhouza's glass display case were like burly monsters with all kinds of strange things, each one baring their teeth and claws against the faint moonlight, creating an extremely weird atmosphere.

Following the pointer's guidance, Diana came all the way to the innermost exhibition hall, and found a strange-shaped stone gadget lying quietly in a display case.On one side of it stands a sculpture of an ancient soldier seven or eight meters high, with his hand on the hilt of his sword, his expression solemn and lifelike.

Diana smashed the glass of the display case and took out the stone bauble.She thought that this would make the museum's alarm sound loud, but in the darkness, there was only a "clang" sound of her smashing the glass, and then silence was restored.

It was too quiet, too quiet.

At this time, the seven or eight meter tall soldier behind Diana quietly started to move.The stone sword was pulled out of the scabbard inch by inch, held high by its hands, and pointed at Diana's head from behind, intending to chop it off.

Diana was also very vigilant, and the moment the sword behind her fell with a whistling wind, Diana rolled sideways and swiftly avoided the sword.The long sword made of stone hit the marble floor with a "bang", and a deep crack appeared on the smooth ground.

Diana was startled and asked, "Who are you?"

Without answering, the soldier drew his long sword again, opened his mouth mechanically, but made no sound, as if he was shouting silently.That sword was obviously as long as several people, so it should be very heavy according to reason, but it swung like a gust of wind in this soldier's hand, and several stone-colored sword shadows slashed at Diana.

Diana flew to dodge, and the glass display case behind her and the exhibits inside were cut into several pieces by the giant sword.She approached swiftly like a water snake, and her red boots continuously borrowed force from the stone soldier, and she climbed to the height of the opposite door in an instant.Diana yelled, and slammed her fist hard on the soldier's rocky cheek. The impact of the heavy punch made it back again and again, and its back slammed into a load-bearing pillar, causing debris to scatter on the ceiling.

It stands to reason that even the strongest rock should be shattered after being punched by the heroine, but this guy didn't.Its body is simply harder than steel, and there is not even a single crack on its face.

Diana flew in pursuit, but she didn't expect that the opponent was knocked back on the stone pillar, and his movements were not stiff.The soldier immediately raised his sword and swiped it across. Diana, who was dashing fast, had no time to dodge and had to raise her arm to block in front of her.With a crisp "Dang", the stone sword slammed into the silver ring on her wrist, and sparks flew like rain.Diana in mid-air had nowhere to rely on, and immediately flew backwards under the huge force of the sword, like a bullet shooting through the glass cabinets of several exhibits in succession, and fell hard to the ground.

This blow was really not light, and Diana's head was slightly dizzy from the fall.But Wonder Woman never gave up, she brushed her hair back casually, got up and took out the mantra noose, swung it around twice in the air, and suddenly threw it towards the opponent.

The golden noose immediately caught the soldier's throat, and Diana flew up while holding the other end of the noose, shouting loudly, trying to tear it down as soon as she exerted her arms.

With Wonder Woman's arm strength and the binding force of the noose, there are very few people who can resist it, but this stone soldier did it.Pulled by the heroine's force, it only staggered one step forward, leaving a huge footprint on the marble floor, and then stood firmly, holding the rope in reverse, and pulling it violently in the opposite direction, as if trying to Diana was dragged from the air.

Caught off guard and being dragged by the other party, Diana was startled. She rolled over in the air and her feet hit the ground heavily. After a long crack, it finally stopped.

"Great Hera grant me strength!"

Diana shouted loudly, her voice echoing in the dark pavilion.Immediately, she increased her strength, and once again exerted force, the burly giant finally couldn't resist and fell down.

Although this alone is still not enough to knock down this behemoth, it has a significant effect.When this guy got up again, there was an obvious crack on the neck that was bound by the noose, and it seemed that he had been seriously injured.

The soldier didn't seem to feel anything about it, and raised his sword heavily again.Diana also regained her stance, ready to attack.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Two fiery laser beams shot down from the skylight, and landed on the stone soldier with great momentum.Two laser beams shot obliquely into its body, pierced through its chest, leaving two scorched black circular pits on the marble floor.The soldier held his sword up for half a second before finally collapsing to the ground. The part of his body that had been shot through also began to disintegrate, and within a second it turned into rubble on the ground without any movement.

Eric slowly descended from the skylight to Diana's side and asked, "What's going on?"

Diana put away the noose and said calmly: "I don't need help, this is my own business."

"When my friends go crazy at the city museum late at night, that's my business too," Eric asked. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Diana sighed softly: "Go out and talk."

A few minutes later, on the roof of a building two streets away.

Diana told Eric exactly what happened on Paradise Island and how she was coerced by Faust to get some things, and she was quite frustrated: "Although I am very unwilling, but I really have nothing to do now. No choice. The lives of my mother and my sisters are in the hands of this guy, and I can only do what he says."

"Felix Faust, a scholar of occult studies, but he disappeared a year ago." Eric frowned after visiting the Justice League's database.

According to Diana's description, it sounds like it should be a villain on the magic side, but according to his memory, neither Marvel nor DC seems to be able to think of such a number one character.

To be able to petrify everyone on Paradise Island, his magic power must be extraordinary, or he may have some god-level figures behind him to help secretly.
But even if you continue to dream like this, it won't help, Eric said: "It doesn't matter, there is still a lot of time left in the day, which should be enough. Let's go, let's find the remaining items and save your mother and sisters."

Diana froze for a moment: "Do you want to go with me?"

"Of course, we are comrades-in-arms now, aren't we?" Eric smiled, "As I said before - please give me more advice, senior."

(End of this chapter)

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