Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 424 Pantheon

Chapter 424 Pantheon

"Pay for your life?" Hearing what Hephaestus said, Eric couldn't help but sneer, and his cold gaze from behind the eyepiece swept across the gods in the air, "Just relying on you old-fashioned gods?"

"Don't be rude, mortal." A blue figure suspended in the air said, "As a mortal, you killed the Titan and broke the rules of thousands of years. This is the rule, you must be executed on the spot .”

"I don't remember ever promising to abide by this kind of regulation." Eric said coldly, raised the Excalibur and waved it in the air, and the invisible sword energy passed in front of him, leaving a deep sword mark on the ground.The sword energy reverberated in all directions, making the leaves in the forest whirling, and even the gods could not help but be secretly startled when they sensed the enormous power.

"Want my life? It's easy." He said coldly, "There are a lot of people who want my life, it doesn't matter if you are a god or something - first you have to be able to cut off my head. "

"You are fighting against the gods." The blue shadow on the other end said angrily, "You don't want the Pantheon to be your enemy."

"Why not?" Eric snorted. "That sounds interesting."

After hearing his arrogant words, the gods couldn't help but look at each other.Apollo, the sun god, figured out that the Pantheon gang could do nothing with Lapitus, so he used him as the ultimate weapon to destroy them all. This shows that the strength of the Titan Lapitus is above them.And Eric beheaded Lapites himself, and his strength is undoubtedly higher than that of Lapites.

So the problem is, even if the mortal man who had killed a god ignored their bravado and refused to accept execution, they wouldn't be brave enough to go to war with him.

At this time, Superman and Wonder Woman also fell to Eric's side.

"Great gods, I beg you to let this human being go." Diana said loudly, "He is my friend, and he is the one who saved Paradise Island and the Pantheon. He should be rewarded."

"But the rules of the gods are also absolute." A god said.

"That's an old rule. The rule is dead. Someone made it in the first place, so it can naturally be modified. If the gods are really unwilling to accommodate, then this man is my companion, comrade-in-arms, and even the benefactor of Paradise Island. So I came to Sometimes I have to stand up and fight the gods for him!"

The gods were in an uproar, and some gods directly asked angrily, "Are you going to fight us for this mortal, Diana?"

"And me." Superman also stepped forward and said firmly.

They also saw Superman's performance just now. Although he is neither human nor god, his ability has indeed reached the level of a god, and the gods of Olympus are quite afraid of him.Seeing that he and Wonder Woman expressed their opinions one after another, they immediately hesitated.

After some discussion, the gods seem to have finally reached a consensus.

"Okay, for Diana's sake, I'll make an exception and let you go today. But remember, it won't be an example."

Finally, after not forgetting to put on the air of God, the phantoms in the sky disappeared one after another.The suspended golden columns and the golden ceiling disappeared one after another without a trace.

This time, it was finally over.

Generally speaking, men are absolutely forbidden to go to Paradise Island, but due to the special circumstances, Queen Hippolyta did not pursue it.She even presented Eric and Superman with honorable mentions from the Amazons, whom the warrior women considered Paradise Island's saviors.

In fact, Deathstroke also had a prize, but he himself was not interested in it at all, and left the island with his client Hephaestus one step ahead of schedule.But that was fine, because if her mother insisted on giving the murderer a medal, Diana would never agree.

A day later, on the watchtower.

The room Eric lived in on the watchtower was definitely not big, but it basically had everything he should have.Raven followed Eric to his room, and after looking around, his eyes fell on the window of the room.

The window is facing the direction of the earth, and the azure planet floats in the dark universe, occupying the entire field of vision, looking beautiful and lonely.

"So, this is your room?" Revan asked. "Does everyone in the Justice League have a room like this?"

"Almost, except that only Ron and I live here." Eric said, "Everyone else has their own lives."

After a pause, he smiled: "If you want, I can give you one too."

Rui Wen said: "Okay, then I want this one."

After speaking, the two smiled at each other.

"So many things happened before I knew it." Raven sighed again, "You said you killed a god?"

"A titan, the gods of Olympus are all descendants of the titan race. But it's about the same."

"Killing a god is no small matter."

"Of course not, the guys from the Pantheon want my life."

Raven was taken aback: "Then how did you survive?"

"It's nothing, don't worry." Eric smiled and patted her head, "The gods were just talking, but they didn't dare to do anything. It's all over."

Raven sighed: "When I didn't know, you were fighting desperately. At the most critical moment, I was always not by your side."

"Yes." Eric smiled and patted his heart on his chest, "I've always been here. Without you, I would never have come to where I am today."

While talking about this section, the door of the room slid open.Wonder Woman appeared at the door, smiling slightly: "Did I bother you?"

Raven guessed that they must have something important to discuss about the alliance, so he waved his hand and said, "No. You guys just talk here, I'll go to the tower first."

After speaking, she got up, greeted the heroine politely, and left the room.

Diana walked into the room and chuckled: "She's pretty good, treat her well."

Eric raised his eyebrows: "You didn't come here to tell me this, did you?"

"Of course not." Diana paused, and said, "First of all, without you this time, I will never be able to deal with Lapites. Paradise Island may have been destroyed by now. I owe you a thank you."

"No need, princess. As you said, we are comrades-in-arms, aren't we?"

"Indeed." Diana said seriously, "Batman said he doesn't trust you, but now I disagree with him. Maybe I shouldn't have told you"

After hesitating for a while, she still said: "...I think you should know that Batman is planning how to deal with you, just in case."

"Just in case I lose control someday?" Eric wasn't surprised, Batman wouldn't be Batman if he didn't do that.

"I know, he's been doing it since we first met," Eric said, "and I think it's necessary. To be honest, sometimes when I think about it, I don't feel like myself anymore." And if the day I'm worried about comes, I'm hoping someone like Batman is ready."

"That day will never come, I believe in you." Diana said firmly, "Even if one day you lose control, I will not give up on you. I will help you find yourself. Just like this time in Lapi You helped me in Teth's abyss."

Eric stared into her beautiful and determined eyes, and couldn't help laughing, as if he had never been so relieved in his life.

(Thanks to the book friends, I am just a 100 starting point coin rewarded by passing by Dizhu!)

(End of this chapter)

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