Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 427 Prison Strange Case

Chapter 427 Prison Strange Case
New York, Teen Titans headquarters.

Among the members staying in the Titan Tower at this time, Night Wing was studying some information in the room, Scarlet Witch was meditating in her room, Spider Woman and Blue Beetle were messing with something on the sofa in the hall, and from time to time they let out a "cluck" "Happy laughter.

And the noisiest ones were the speeding duo.

Ever since Bart Allen, aka Kid Flash, came back with a PS4, it seemed the hall hadn't been quiet.Since the founding of Titan, Kuaiyin and him have been at odds, not only because they are the only two speeders in the team, but also because Kuaiyin was not very convinced in the two battles in the NOWHERE base, so that Two young speedsters rival each other for just about everything.

Of course, games are no exception.

The two played one-on-one in a shooting game all morning. After being shot in the head by Bart for the first time, he finally couldn't take it anymore and shouted: "It's not fair! Your split screen is the lower half, which is more comfortable than mine! "

Of course, two people sharing a screen game must split the screen, and he seems to think that this is the reason why he lost.

"Ha, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and you still want to play tricks? Oh, I almost forgot, this is your specialty? Back then at NOWHERE"

It's okay not to mention this, but when Kuaiyin was mentioned, he became furious again, and immediately dropped the handle and rushed to Bart.And I don't know if this scene usually happens too much, but Bart was already prepared, and he avoided it with a "whoosh" backwards.

"At your speed? Come on, a tortoise can overtake your car!"

"When I catch you, see if your mouth is still so cheap!"


When the two disagreed with each other, they moved their hands again, and golden and silver figures flew into the hall again.Ye Yi heard the sound and walked out of the room, berating the two of them to stop.

But it seems that the effect is not very obvious.I don't know if it's because the speed of these two boys is faster than the sound, and Ye Yi's shout can't catch up with them at all, but they still have no intention of stopping anyway.

Until another afterimage flashed in from outside the door.In an instant, the golden and silver whirlwind stopped suddenly. The two were both shocked and fell to the ground. Eric, who was wearing composite armor, appeared in the middle of the hall as if out of thin air, majestic.

After removing the armor, Eric smiled: "It's not good to fight, you have to learn to get along well."

Seeing him, Ye Yi couldn't help but smile: "Eric!"

A moment later, Eric followed Nightwing to the balcony outside.

"I heard from Raven that you're back." Ye Yi said, "But you haven't been here all this time."

"Because there's always something going on."

"Justice League?" Nightwing asked, "I heard that you officially joined them and moved to the watchtower. New habits?"

"It's okay." Eric said, and then asked, "How about you? How is the Titan?"

"It's fine, as you see it. Except the two of them keep fighting."

Ye Yi said, paused, and said: "The other thing is...sometimes I really think, maybe I'm not the most suitable person for the captain. Just like today, every time they mess around, I'm helpless , unlike you, I often think, if you were the one who took over the team."

Eric patted him on the shoulder and interrupted him: "But you are already the captain, and the best captain, understand? No one can do better than you."

Ye Yi smiled: "Thank you."

Eric looked at the bustling city, remained silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "You know, I went to another world during the four months I was away, right?"

"I heard from Raven."

"Before I came back, someone over there warned me that my world was in great darkness."

"Darkness?" Ye Yi frowned, "What darkness?"

"I don't know." Eric said as if talking to himself, "But based on some recent events, my intuition tells me that no matter what it is, it seems to be coming soon."

On the other side of the city, a prison.

The sudden death of all prison personnel including criminals and prison guards overnight will undoubtedly become a sensational news.Rumors of mysterious creatures running rampant in the city spread like wildfire, and spread throughout the city in just half a day.The rumors suddenly caused panic, and the citizens of New York City couldn't help worrying about their own safety.

This incident also attracted the attention of the Justice League.After opening up some joints in the government department, the Justice League was allowed to pass through the cordon and enter the prison to investigate the scene.At this moment, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Superman have all arrived in the prison.

Everyone in the entire facility was lying on the ground as if they were asleep, and some of them were in strange postures. Such a scene couldn't help but impress.Even though these four people have already seen various scenes, the moment they stepped into it, they still felt a dark wind blowing through their hearts.

After squatting down to inspect the corpses, Batman frowned, and said, "No one here has any obvious trauma, and the cause of death is all pierced through the heart. There is a wound with a very small radius in their ventricle, and the wound is very neat. It's a bit neat. unnatural."

After scanning around with his X-sight, Superman withdrew his gaze, and said: "It is true that all of them are pierced by the heart. I can see the breach in their hearts. There is no trauma to their bodies, and the rest of the internal organs are also intact. All of them are intact. It was a one-hit kill."

After a pause, he also frowned and added: "It's really weird."

The Flash flashed out from the aisle at this moment, appeared behind the two of them as if teleporting, and said: "All the surveillance videos have been deleted, and I can't check the surveillance of the day. But I just now I compared the list of the dead with the list of prison personnel as quickly as possible, and found that among all the prison guards and criminals that day, only one person was not here."

Realizing that this might be a crucial breakthrough, Batman hurriedly asked, "Who?"

"William Hand."

While the Flash was speaking, Batman had already begun to call up the data of this character.His cloak was directly linked to the supercomputer in the Batcave, and the database contained almost all records of criminals in the national archives. Soon he found this criminal named "William Hand".

"Codenamed 'Black Hand', born in Seaside City, his family is engaged in the funeral industry. He once picked up a magic wand that can absorb the energy of colored lights and used it against Green Lantern, but in the end he was defeated by an insignificant character." Batman said.

"So what's so special about this mission?" The Flash asked. "Hal, I heard you caught him here? Any insight?"

At this time, Green Lantern, who was originally hovering above the prison to scan the remaining energy of the facility, froze in mid-air, motionless as if he had lost his mind.


Seeing that he didn't respond at all in the communication channel, Superman simply flew out, stopped beside the green light, and asked, "What did you find?"

Green Lantern was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses: "What? No, no no, I mean I found something. But I can't be sure."

Superman asked, "What's going on, Hal?"

"Sorry, I just... have to confirm something."

After the Green Lantern finished speaking, his figure suddenly rose into the air, turning into a green light and rushing straight into the air.

"I'll let you guys know if I find anything definite!"

He left such a sentence at the end.

Batman opened the location and glanced, and said lightly: "He has left the earth."

"Hal. As always, he just likes to leave without saying a word." The Flash shrugged. "It's been like this since I've known him. Well, aside from that, what do we do now? "

"Now," Batman said, "we'll start with this 'black hand'."

(End of this chapter)

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