Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 435 The Arrival of the Dead

Chapter 435 The Arrival of the Dead

Eric, Thor, and Tony realized that something was wrong, and Dang even rushed back to Earth.However, at this time, chaos had already erupted in full swing.The dead in every corner of the world are awakened, and the zombies are selected by the black ring one after another, breaking out of the ground one after another, disturbing the human world.

After Tony got in touch with SHIELD to confirm the situation, he immediately decided to go back and meet with the Avengers to discuss countermeasures.But Eric was concerned about the safety of the people he cared about, and temporarily separated from them.

Eric drove at full speed and headed straight to the direction of the Titan Tower in New York, all the way fast, like lightning piercing the dark sky.The streets and buildings flashed under him like a slideshow. On the way, he saw dense black zombies all over the place below. Under the pursuit of the zombies, people panicked and scattered. The scene was shocking.Seeing this, he involuntarily became more anxious, praying that the Titan Tower would be fine for the time being, and speeding up again.

In the darkest night, the ultimate crisis was triggered by the god of death, the Black Death Emperor. The dead who were awakened from the underworld were turned into the walking corpses under the Black Death Emperor, forming a mighty army across the universe.They're endless, and can't be knocked down - because you can't kill someone who's already dead.This invincible army spreads like a plague, and those killed by them will turn into new black lamp corpses, so they will never end.

The black lamp corpse has all the memories of the deceased, but has no emotions.They are still the dead, but their bodies are manipulated by the rings scattered by the Black Death Emperor, but they yearn for individuals with strong emotional energy.Black Lantern Corpses are especially interested in people with strong emotions, so they often use the memory of the deceased to get close to people who were close to the deceased before they were alive, and then devour them after arousing their violent emotional reactions.

Flying to the Titan Tower, it was already surrounded by black lamp corpses.Eric took a deep breath, turned into a black afterimage and rushed into the black zombie group, and within a moment, the group of zombies were turned on their backs, and their shadows flew around.

The fighting power of these black lamp corpses is not too strong. The most powerful attack method is to spray black lamp energy from their mouths. The destructive power is considerable, but it is not difficult to avoid.But the most troublesome thing is that these zombies are completely invincible, and no matter what degree of damage they suffer, they can recover instantly. They are simply a group of small strong.The Teen Titans began to retreat after suffering a small loss. At this time, they were forced to retreat to the top floor by the black lamp corpses. The whole building was covered with black zombies, rising like a tide, encircling the top floor.

Eric went all the way to the top of the building, smashing countless black lamp corpses along the way, and when he reached the top floor, he was seen from a distance besieged in the corner and fighting with the black lamp corpses.He didn't stop on his feet, and plunged into the crowd, green, purple, and red rays of light exploded in all directions, condensing various illusions in midair, like a torrential rain pouring down, sweeping across a large area of ​​lamp corpses, dragging Current's body rushed to the Titans like a butterfly wearing flowers.

Everyone was very pleasantly surprised when they saw his incomparably brave skills. Eric glanced at everyone and asked, "Is everyone alright?"

After a short pause, his eyes stopped on Ruiwen who was among the crowd again, and he asked again, "Are you okay?"

Raven smiled and nodded.Although the fighting in the heavy siege left some scars and scorched marks on her snow-white cheeks, and her long black hair was a little messy, her distinctive demeanor did not diminish in the slightest, and at the same time combined with the purity of a girl and queenly nobility.

The black lantern corpse was still trying to attack, but Eric didn't look back, blocked all their attack attempts with the green lantern energy seal, and talked with everyone as usual.

"What the hell is going on?" Nightwing asked. "What the hell are these things? Where did they come from?"

"Time is running out, so I'll make a long story short." Eric said, "I just went to the underworld, and I roughly understand what's going on. To put it simply, there is a god of death named Black Death Emperor who tried to get involved in the world, using The Black Lantern Ring revived all the undead to serve as his army to attack the world."

Everyone gasped when they heard this.The phantom cat swallowed, looked at the group of black lamp corpses blocked by Eric with some palpitations, and asked carefully: "So you mean these are real zombies?"

"Much more powerful than zombies." Eric said.

"Then how do we defeat them?" Nightwing asked, "Since they're already dead, there's no way to kill them, right? Do we need to take off their rings?"

"As far as I know, it's useless." Eric pondered for a while before saying, "The black lantern rings are part of their resurrected bodies and cannot be removed. Figuring out how to defeat them is our next priority." I have to meet up with the Justice League in a while, I just came to confirm that you are all fine."

When he said this, everyone glanced at Ruiwen intentionally or unintentionally, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she turned her head away unconsciously.Although Eric said "you", everyone understood that he had come to confirm Raven's safety.

Eric didn't avoid suspicion, he directly reached out to her and asked, "Want to be with me?"

Raven was startled, and then understood what he meant.In this darkest night full of zombies, it might be safer to stay with Eric.Rather than saying that Eric took her to help, it is better to say that he hopes to protect her at any time.

If you follow him, it will only become a burden.

Thinking of this, she smiled and shook her head.

"No," she said, "I want to stay here."

Seeing that Eric was a little surprised, she explained: "Eric has more important things to do, right? If you say it, you will definitely be able to defeat that black death emperor and end all of this. I believe it. But before that, I There are things I can do myself.”

She glanced back at her teammates and said firmly: "I will work with my friends to help as many people as possible. So go, do what you have to do, we can take care of ourselves."

Eric dropped his hand and chuckled softly.

Raven, you have grown too.
Eric suddenly looked up at the sky, and with a clear whistle, the shield of the green light behind him shattered.The domineering air wave mixed with various attribute energies rolled out along the ground and blasted all the black lamp corpses standing on the roof of the top floor, and fell from the top of the building high.

Eric flew into the air, and finally said: "Then you all be careful."

There was a loud bang, and the afterimage of the metal disappeared immediately, sinking into the pitch-black sky.

(Thanks to book friend 210****58 for the reward of 200 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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