Chapter 437 Seven Lamps
Hal Jordan came to the center of Times Square with the Seven Lanterns in a grand manner, and the situation was immediately reversed.Seven lantern men, seven colors of light, and the colorful lights gathered in one place, as if turning into a holy sword, waving past the ground, and the black lantern corpses that were swept away were instantly smashed into pieces and turned into puddles. The black mucus dripped all over the ground, and there was no movement, and there was no sign of recovery.

Seeing this situation, everyone's morale was boosted.You must know that up to now, they have tried their best to knock down at least a thousand black lamp corpses, but none of them have been completely wiped out.

But the appearance of the Seven Lantern Man told everyone that these enemies are not invincible, even these seemingly invincible undead have ways to be defeated, so how can everyone not be excited?

The red light Athostas, the orange light Raflitz, the yellow light Sinestro, the green light Hal Jordan, the blue light Saint Walker, the blue light blue girl, the star blue stone Carlo Ferris, who are appearing on the earth at this moment The other six are representatives of a kind of Colored Lantern Corps, who have some relationship with Hal Jordan, and were summoned with him as the center to face this major threat at the cosmic level.

At first, when the Guardian Gunther ordered Hal to summon the Seven Lanterns to fight against the Black Lantern, he didn't quite understand it, but now he understands that the only way to defeat the Black Lantern is to use the Green Lantern and at least one other color lamp together. It is possible, otherwise the black lamp corpse will never fall.

Eric raised his hand and summoned the golden Godslayer Sword, and the golden air flow visible to the naked eye swept out along the blade.He turned the tip of his sword and swung it with a dazzling wind. The two black lamp corpses in front of him were instantly shattered under the sword energy, and the black lamp ring was also turned into ashes and mixed into the black slime, and there was no more movement.

From this point of view, the power of this god-killing sword can also restrain the black lamp, and it can also kill the black lamp corpse.Eric felt a little relieved.

With the addition of the seven-color lantern man, the situation was immediately under control.The seven colored lamps merged into one, and the ends of the seven colors faintly turned into holy and pure white light, which is simply two extremes with the pure and deep black of the black lamp.The combined power of the seven lamps had already reached an abnormally abnormal level. Coupled with the suppression effect of the seven-color lamps on the black lamp corpses, all lamp corpses in Times Square, including the street, were wiped out in just an instant.

At the end of the battle, Hal flew away from the Lantern team and came to the superheroes on Earth, saying: "How bad is the situation? I haven't come too late, have I?"

"It can't be later!" The Flash said, "Is there a traffic jam in the universe? Why is it so slow?"

"This time it seems to be your area of ​​expertise." Superman asked, "What's going on?"

Hal said: "The situation is quite tense, so I'll make a long story short. To put it simply, there is a god of death named Black Death who wants to kill all living things, and of course—we want to kick his ass. So far we know that the seven-color light Working together is the best way to turn off the Black Lantern, but the dead are endless, and we can't fight these zombies. So the plan is - we find out where the Black Lantern's total battery is, and we Lanterns go and put it out"

"Uh, in fact, you can directly say that we need to find a battery, is that what you mean?" Iron Man asked.

"Yes, that's probably what it means, and it will be bigger." Hal said, "The battle will never end until the battery is turned off."

"I know where that battery is."

The voice came from not far from the crowd, and everyone was taken aback.As the lights on Judou Square were almost extinguished just now, the black shadows cast by the Zhouza Building on the ground spread their teeth and claws, covering half of the square.And the voice just now came from the shadows.

Everyone turned around and found that it was Batman.But at this time, he looked a bit embarrassed, his uniform was damaged in many places, the black cloak behind him was tattered like a rag, and the left half of the bat-shaped mask disappeared, revealing half of his blood-stained face.

"Batman!?" Superman stepped forward in surprise, and asked, "We can't even contact you, where have you been? And what's going on with your injuries?"

The question that the green light cares about is different: "You said you know where the battery is?"

"Yes, Lantern." Batman said, "I saw it with my own eyes, in your hometown - Seaside City."

Hal was taken aback: "In Seaside City? But why?"

"Time is running out, and more zombies will come to this square soon." Batman said indifferently, "So do you want to hear me tell you the ins and outs here, or on the way there?"


Hal nodded, turned around and said to everyone: "Then let's go—to Seaside City!"

Seaside City, Hande's home.

Dim lights enveloped the dining room, and chandeliers dangled from the ceiling.Five emaciated dead men sat in a circle at a round table covered with a white tablecloth. The scene was a hundred times more terrifying than any scene in any horror movie.

The dead Hand family was sitting around the dining table at the moment, with a set of cutlery in front of each of them, and a piece of dry wood on the plate, as if this was their dinner.Black Hand sat on the top seat, and seemed very content to sit among the corpses of his family members.

"That Bat-Kid blew up our kitchen, but don't worry, Mom, I brought food from out."

Hei Shou was talking to himself, and the eight white eyes of the other four corpses gathered on him, but he didn't realize it.

Black Hand continued: "The family business is as dead as yours now, Dad, the funeral home has closed down, and there are no more dead people to bury. But I will not be like this here. With me, death can dominate everything."

He turned around suddenly, stared at his brother sitting on the other side, and yelled, "Don't worry about it, David, or I'll stuff you back into the dirt."

He paused and acted as if he was listening, even though none of the other mummies spoke except him.

"No," he snorted, "now that I'm at home, I'm going to do what I want. More people will die, go to the ground, and then they'll all come back up, just like you and me. I'm not an exile, I'm It's finally proven to you, Dad, that everyone will be like me when the time comes. Then the whole world will be one big happy family."

"Yes, William Hand, exactly."

The voice came from the door.The short blue figure who gave him strength was floating in front of the door, and said to him: "But these cannot be separated from you. The family gathering time is over, and you have to come to welcome the guests."

Hei Shou turned his head to the side, and saw the figures falling from the distant sky, and the colorful lights trailing behind those lantern men.

He snorted softly, stood up and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I'm going to do something. But it should be soon, but don't worry, as you often say, no matter when we arrive, we are still a family."

(End of this chapter)

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