Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 439 Dark Guardian

Chapter 439 Dark Guardian

As a guardian, Scarface has lived for an unknown number of billions of years, and his strength is already much stronger than that of a mere Lantern Man.But at this moment, he has acquired the power of the black lamp, and his blood vessels are filled with the energy of death. He is much stronger than before. Facing the seven colors of lamps, the lamp man is one against seven, and he can fight back and forth. .During the fierce battle, the bodies of several people have long been hidden in the light circle. Looking from the side, you can only see the gorgeous colorful lights wrapping everyone's figures in the center, surrounded by a cloud of pitch-black mist, and the flashing light in the center seems to be extremely intense. But nothing can be seen from the outside.

Faced with the siege of the seven lantern men, Scarface shouted loudly and released all his strength, as if he had never been so desperate since the beginning of the universe.The dense mist-like black air formed two whip-like weapons in his palms, swinging them around his short figure at high speed.Bursts of black fire spewed out from his eyes and mouth from time to time, the red light Athostas was sprayed once and immediately broke the protective layer of his body, screaming in pain, making everyone have to be careful about this weird move beware.

However, even though he performed extremely bravely, he gradually began to appear powerless under the encirclement of the seven lantern men.The black energy contained in the black double whips was continuously consumed by the energy of the seven lamps and became shorter and shorter, and the offensive was not as fierce as before as time went by.In the end, Scarface simply withdrew his double whips, and directly used the palms of his hands to release wave-like black energy in a ring to protect his body, but he was also crushed little by little after enduring several rounds of impacts from the energy representations of various colored lamps.

Seeing that the defeat was only a matter of time, a stern coldness suddenly flashed across Scarface's eyes.He shouted loudly, and the black energy surrounding him was suddenly put away, condensed into a ball, turned into a blade, and went straight towards Hal.Apparently, Scarface had predicted his own defeat, so he simply ignored the rest of the offensive, gave up defense and concentrated all his strength on one point to blast Hal, as if he wanted to back him up before he fell down.

Hal was taken aback, and hurriedly withdrew the green light energy that was transforming into a heavy artillery attack to defend.But how could the defense formed in such a hasty situation be able to stop Scarface's final blow?The green light protection was instantly shattered like fragile glass, and the heavy black blade hit Hal's chest.Hal's eyes went dark, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell from the sky.


Carol, the star blue stone, was Hal's girlfriend. Seeing that he was injured, he immediately put the dark guardian aside, and flew forward to catch him.Hal was shot down, Carol retreated, and immediately gave Scarface room to move. He turned around in the air, and his short figure wrapped in black air ruthlessly threw himself in front of the yellow light Sinestro, opening his mouth. With two rows of white fangs, he opened his mouth like a shark and bit Sinestro's shoulder.Sinestro groaned miserably, black blood poured out from his shoulder, and he lost feeling in one arm.

But his last fight came to an end. Scarface worked hard to complete this series of counterattacks, but he had no time to worry about the flanking attacks from the red, orange, blue, and blue lights behind him.The four waves of energy bombarded behind Scarface at the same time, causing him to shriek and scream, his eyes turned white, and he was as shrill as a ghost.Hal, Carol, and Sinestro came back to their senses, and at the same time, each shot out the energy of the green light, yellow light, and star sapphire. The energy of the seven lights hit the guardian's small body at the same time, causing pain. He howled.The seven colors of light wrapped around his figure, and in the very center they combined into a dazzling holy white light, tearing his body apart bit by bit, and the black energy filling it also had nowhere to hide, and was pulled out forcefully. The body was crushed to pieces.

"Don't think... you've won!" Scarface screamed as he was about to die, "The Blackest Night can't be stopped, your actions are meaningless! In the end, you will all return to eternal darkness !AHHHHHH!!"

The words were accompanied by a long series of screams at the end, and the body of the guardian who had fallen into the darkness was finally torn apart and completely reduced to slag.All the Lantern Heroes withdrew their energy output, and the white light disappeared in an instant, dissipating into the night.

And at this moment, as if in response to his last words, the cemetery where everyone was located suddenly started a huge earthquake.The hill was suddenly lifted, and a dozen tombstones rose from the ground, and after a few turns in the air, they were inserted back into the ground.Something huge came out from under the hill, like a submarine breaking through the water, and it rose from the ground to a height of more than [-] meters before stopping.

All eyes were drawn to the thing that jumped out of the ground.It turned out that it was a huge lantern, completely black, with a round center, and the inside was dark and deep with a chill, like an abyss of death.

"The total black lamp energy battery." Hal stared at the thing that sprang out from the ground, and said in a low voice, "It finally showed up."

Black hand stood in front of the main battery of the black lamp, spread his arms, raised his head and laughed wildly, and said: "Finally! Great god! I have been given an extraordinary mission since I was born. My life until today has the only meaning. Just to meet you!"

He suddenly knelt down, fisted with his right hand and slammed into the wet mud on the ground, and shouted: "Come on! Black Death Emperor!"

The energy in the black lantern ring spewed out suddenly, pouring into the dark earth in an instant.At this moment, it was too late for anyone to stop it, the black air spread all over the ground, and a mass of extremely terrifying energy was brewing directly below.With a bang, the mud was blasted apart, and a withered hand protruded from the ground, holding a pitch-black sickle tightly, and the curved tip of the knife shone with a dark and cold light.Immediately afterwards, the Black Death Emperor emerged from the ground, his whole body was like a hollow skeleton, only covered with a tattered black cloth, blowing in the gloomy night wind, but unexpectedly revealed Devilishly terrifying.

For a moment, the entire hill seemed to stand still.Everyone stopped fighting, living and dead.The undead stopped what they were doing, and turned around to face the god of death holding a sickle. Their hollow and deep eyes showed awe without exception, and they saluted their master respectfully.And everyone here also felt an indescribable sense of oppression at the moment when the Black Death Emperor appeared. Even every beat of the heart seemed extremely heavy, and their breathing became stagnant, and they were all numb for a while. Land, no one moved.

The Black Death Emperor stood proudly on the top of the mountain, looking down at everyone, and seemed quite satisfied with the situation.He raised his scythe aloft and shouted, "You owe me your lives, all of you! Now, I will take them back!"

(End of this chapter)

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