Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 447 Tower of Destiny

Chapter 447 Tower of Destiny
Like everyone else, after the majestic figure appeared from the golden light, Eric felt the world spinning in front of him, his vision seemed to be covered with a golden curtain, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Only then fell back to the ground.The vision gradually returned to normal, but the brain center was still dizzy, and it was still impossible to see the surrounding situation clearly.

Everyone came back to their senses one by one, and found that they were already in a tall tower with a simple structure.The four walls of the hall surrounded them in a ring shape, and the space was quite open. There was a fireplace on one side of the wall, and the flames in the furnace were burning vigorously. Quite unreasonable.

Everyone looked around and saw that the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Eric, and Green Lantern Lightning were also in the castle, but the members of Aegis including Nick Fury were nowhere to be seen. The biggest Perhaps I am afraid that he has also fallen into the hands of the black lamp corpse.


A majestic voice sounded from the front of the hall.Everyone looked back and saw that it was the mysterious figure who had appeared on the mothership earlier.He was dressed in black, with a golden cloak fluttering behind him, and his pure gold helmet shone brightly under the firelight, and his eyes under the helmet were as sharp as knives.

This person is not familiar to everyone, but most of the characters who appeared behind him are more familiar.Iron Man was the first to wave his arms to say hello: "Strange? Long time no see, what is this place? Who is that?"

It was Doctor Strange who came out from behind, he greeted Iron Man lightly, and said: "Everyone, don't panic, you are now in the 'Tower of Destiny', this is a magic space completely independent from the outside world, they can't catch up with you. Come here. That is to say, for the time being, you are safe."

"That statement is not reassuring at all." Gamora muttered in a low voice.

The mysterious figure wearing a golden helmet also introduced himself in a calm voice: "I am 'Dr. Fate', the owner of this tower, the most powerful mage."

"About this, the two of us haven't competed before." Strange interjected.

Dr. Fate ignored his interruption, and continued on his own: "I am the Lord of Order, and I have maintained order since ancient times. But now, this world has ushered in a huge disaster that is rare in a thousand years. The dead intend to occupy the living. In this world, the order is upside down and there is chaos, if this situation continues, things will inevitably be irreversible."

Hal said: "You couldn't be more correct, but we already knew this. So you have boundless magic power, do you have any way to turn the tide?"

Dr. Fate glanced at him, and said lightly: "The Black Death Emperor is the embodiment of death itself, even if it is wiped out with supreme magic, it will still make a comeback."

"What about the seal?" The Flash asked. "In the movies and comics, don't the archmages like to seal them with some powerful magic when they meet monsters that they can't handle?"

Doctor Strange shook his head and said, "It's also not possible. As I said just now, the Black Death Emperor is death, not just a monster. You can use iron chains to tie up demonic beasts, but how do you tie up death itself? ?”

"According to what you said, we have already changed our hands and waited for death?" Ant-Man said angrily, "So let's just stop doing anything and just stay here and wait for the world to perish."

"That's not true." Dr. Fate said, "Even death has a way to overcome it. The only thing that can overcome death is life."

Hal was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted: "The white lamp of life exists?"

Dr. Destiny raised his head and sighed, "The secret of life seems so far away. Generations of people have exhausted all their energy to reach the mystery, but they don't know that the answer has been buried under our feet for billions of years."

Hal remembered Ganther's words, and asked again: "I heard that the spirit of existence is no longer on the earth?"

Doctor Strange said: "That's right, but the Black Death Emperor doesn't know this. He's going through a lot of trouble right now, making such a bunch of troublesome things, just trying to force the spirits of existence to appear from the depths of the earth, so that he can get them out of the way." Cut off, to obliterate all living things on the earth, but he doesn't know that the white light of life he is looking for has long since disappeared."

"Well, that's really good news." Hal frowned, "but the Black Death Emperor couldn't find it, and we couldn't find it either. We tried to combine the power of seven lights to create a white light, but Sha Sha Miscellaneous fish are okay, but it is completely useless to deal with the Black Death Emperor himself. Without the light of the white lamp, how can we defeat the Black Death Emperor?"

"I've already figured this out."

As Dr. Fate said, he swung his arm, and a golden light appeared in his palm, and the shining bright light suddenly enveloped the entire hall.Everyone raised their heads unconsciously, only to see that the core of the golden glow spread out an illusory image in the air, just like a slide projector projection.The picture presents a series of colorful torrents. Sometimes the colorful light is like rushing waves, and sometimes it is like a breeze blowing by. The changes are endless, dazzling and magical.

The Flash's pupils shrank, and he was the first to recognize what it was, and couldn't help shouting: "Speed ​​Force!?"

Dr. Destiny said: "The supreme mage had foreseen the arrival of the darkest night, and came to me early to discuss countermeasures. With his help, I spent ten days and ten nights wandering the outside world, and finally locked on the key to turning defeat into victory—— The place where the brilliance of life is. But we tried several times together, but we couldn't reach that dimension with our magic power. It seems that it is a purely speed field, and only those who are recognized by that space are eligible to step into it. "

The Flash was stunned for a long time, before he could react: "Wait, what do you mean the light of life is hidden in the Speed ​​Force?"

Dr. Fate nodded slightly: "Exactly. And you, Barry Allen, are the only person on this earth who can enter it. We need you to enter it and find a way to bring out the light of the white light."

Everyone's eyes focused on Flash for a moment, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, and he waved his hands again and again: "Okay, okay, even if I can get in. How can I bring out that white light or light? ?I mean. Is it a ring? Or a lamp? Or is it really just a blob of light?"

Doctor Strange shrugged: "No one of us knows about this, I'm afraid you have to figure it out on your own."

The Flash was in a dilemma for a moment, but he also knew that he had no choice at this point, so he could only sigh: "Okay, I'll try it, but first, I have to find my space treadmill. There's no such thing, I can't go anywhere."

(End of this chapter)

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