Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 450 White Light

Chapter 450 White Light
The white swift shadow flashed out of the void, and no one present had time to react, and several heroes fell head-on inexplicably.Hulk's dynamic vision is a little stronger, and he caught the figure in front of him flickering. Without thinking about it, he let out a roar and smashed down with both fists together, but only smashed a huge punch hole on the floor.But the seemingly invisible figure swayed behind him like a ghost, and he stretched out his hand lightly, and Hulk's huge body fell to the ground as if struck by lightning.

Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon each showed their guns, and the flying fireballs and rain-like Gatling ammunition immediately enveloped half of the hall, so dense that even mosquitoes could not fly in.Everyone took a step back to avoid being affected by this astonishing bullet rain.The white shadow was clearly in the bullet rain, but it didn't seem to notice it, its figure turned into white lightning, and rushed out of the bullet screen in a straight line.No one saw how it shot. Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon had been shot into the air, and the guns in their hands "cracked" and scattered into a ball of parts and scattered on the ground.

The Flash had just been lifted up by Hal at this time, and seeing this scene, his pupils closed, and his body flashed out dragging a golden electric current with a "swish".Eric saw the situation, and the same electric current appeared on the armor, flying up like an arrow.The lightning of the speed force spread across the entire hall in an instant, and three whirlwinds, one white, one black, and one red, swept across the entire hall like air blades, extremely fierce.In the Tower of Destiny, the sky was full of people and the afterimages ran wildly. The figures of the three of them seemed to have completely disappeared.


After the muffled sound, the red afterimage was the first to be knocked out of the circle, rolling over at a super speed while sticking to the ground while slowing down. Fortunately, Hal had quick eyesight and quick hands, and raised a soft bed with a green light to catch him.In less than half a second, the other two afterimages also stopped moving, and they flashed abruptly on the edge of the wall. Erik was choked by the throat with one hand, and was nailed to the stone wall fiercely, with his back on the wall Cobweb-like cracks were left.

The white shadow finally stopped moving, holding Eric's throat with one hand, and stopped in front of him, but his whole body was still vibrating at a high speed, and his figure was blurred into a mass of white images that could not be seen clearly.Everyone shouted loudly, fireballs, bullets, repulsive beam cannons, lightning, shields, green light beams and other attack methods all poured towards Baiying.But he didn't dodge or dodge, and the miscellaneous offensive was abruptly blocked half a step behind him, as if hitting an invisible wall.

Everyone was even more surprised.But the white shadow just stopped moving, and after maintaining this movement for a few seconds, he let go of his hand.

"Sorry," he began, "I think I may have been in the Speed ​​Force for too long, and I'm not sober."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

He stopped the shaking of his figure, and everyone saw clearly that it was a pure white uniform, which was quite similar in appearance to The Flash, except that the sign of the light ring on the chest badge and the mark of lightning were superimposed.He took off the mask, revealing a young man's face, the stubble on his chin looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a while.

He introduced himself lightly: "My name is Brad Joy. I am a Flash, a Lantern...a person from Earth."

Hal asked in surprise, "Are you from Earth?"


"Are you the White Lantern Man?"

"As you can see."

"But no one can control the entire emotional spectrum." Hal said, "Only one who can control the emotional genealogy of the seven lamps at the same time can control the white lamp, but that would override the entire emotional spectrum, and no one can do it. "

"I did it."

Hal was dumbfounded for a moment, but he still had a look of disbelief.

"You still have the Speed ​​Force." The Flash said, "And you're faster than me. How did you do it?"

Brad said: "I believe that there are still many questions about me that you are interested in. We can chat like this for a day. But I know that the situation is urgent now. If it weren't for this, you would not try to pull me out of the speed field .so how about we get straight to the point?"

No one spoke again, but they all silently signaled him to continue talking.

After thinking for a while, Brad said: "Perhaps you should already know that this world is a fusion of two irrelevant worlds. It is a brand new world. One of the worlds was once hacked. The Death Emperor invaded and fell into the eternal blackest night. All things withered, life was extinct, and the universe was ruled by death. And that was the beginning of everything.”

"Ganther said it." Hal said, "He said that there was still a glimmer of hope at that time. We finally succeeded in counterattacking, everything was revived, the light of life was re-lit, and the darkest night has passed."

"That's right, that's me." Brad ignored everyone's astonishment, and continued on his own, "That's how I was chosen back then—the last hope of counterattacking the darkest night. I'm on the earth in another universe, I grew up there and became powerful. The Black Death Emperor chased me to my earth, trying to plunge it into eternal night. But I controlled the power of the white lamp and killed him, and later returned to the world that had been The universe ruled by the black night has rekindled life with the power of the white lamp."

After a pause, he continued: "At this point, it should have ended, but it should be my fault. Later, I was involved in another catastrophe. A human who claimed to be a god controlled a powerful force. Arrived at the origin of the intersection of parallel universes, the end of time, trying to control the flow of all parallel universe realities with my own will. My partner and I fought the most dangerous battle in my life with him there, and we won in the end. "

Hearing this, Eric couldn't help but think of the war at the origin of time that Roy, the winged knight from another world, had told him, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised.In this way, the white flash man in front of him is the friend mentioned by Winged Knight.

Brad continued: ".We corrected the time and made everything return to normal. But when I returned to my own universe, I discovered my mistake. I have a close connection with both universes at the same time, and this The battle to the origin of time even affected the intersection of all parallel universes, and the gap between space and time was extremely weak. In the end, because of me, the two worlds merged into one through me as a medium, and everything was restarted. When I tried to return to this fused new world from the origin of time, I was actually trapped in the new speed force field born in the fused universe, and I was not able to escape until today."

Everyone listened to his explanation like a fairy tale, and the things he said became more and more unreasonable, but the existence of this guy was already unreasonable enough, and they couldn't help but not believe it.Eric, who had heard about the battle at the source of time from the Winged Knight, believed it almost [-]% at this time, and asked: "So since you have defeated the Black Death Emperor before, you must do it again?"

"Now my condition is not as good as it was then." Brad paused, and then said, "It's just a black death emperor, I think it should be fine."

(Thanks to book friend 268114724215 for the reward of 1000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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