Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 452 VS Black Death Emperor

Chapter 452 VS Black Death Emperor

While the army of black lantern corpses was fighting with all the superheroes, the center of the war-the black dead emperor and the white lantern flashman Brad also started fighting at the same time.

The Black Death Emperor took the lead, holding the sickle upside down in his left hand, fisted with his right hand, and blasted out in the air. Immediately, an overwhelming breath of death roared from the lantern ring of his right fist. .

Seeing the mighty death energy coming, Brad could dodge it, but he didn't dodge it.He shouted, and the white light ring in his right hand turned on at full power, and a white light curtain that was not weak in the slightest pushed out violently.The two forces, one white and one black, collided fiercely in the dark night, and the aftermath swept out. The tombstones of Zhou Za of the two of them were smashed one by one, and the hill where the two stood was suddenly lowered, as if they had been crushed. A huge shovel cut it in half.

After the first round of impact, Brad and the Black Death Emperor were both suspended in the air, looking like they were in the same boat.Both sides didn't hesitate, and then they punched out a second time from the air. The black and white air waves clashed again, and another stormy wave swept past, but the two remained motionless.

After four or five rounds of confrontation in this way, the hill has been completely filled up, and a large circle of black lamp corpses around them have been shaken to pieces, and there is no sign of resurrection.It wasn't until after the sixth round of confrontation that Brad's side drifted back a few centimeters, and seemed to be a little bit at a disadvantage.

But he originally wanted to test the depth of the Black Death Emperor's power, and after he roughly figured it out, there was no point in fighting recklessly with the other party.Another burst of black energy blasted from the Black Death Emperor, but this time Brad didn't take it hard, and dodged sideways. The black air flow immediately shot into the group of black lamp corpses behind, blowing up a group of lamp corpses' limbs and flying around.

Brad moved fast, like a ghost, and within a split second, he appeared a few steps away in front of the Black Death Emperor.The Black Death Emperor didn't dare to underestimate him at all, turned his sickle upside down, and swiped four or five crescent-shaped black air in the air, shooting towards several white afterimages at the same time, but they only passed through the afterimages.Brad went straight forward, looking as if he had penetrated all the offensives in a straight line and came straight to the Black Death Emperor.

At this time, the distance is too close, and the sickle is too long to be used.The Black Death Emperor held the scythe in his right hand and held the five fingers of his left hand. The palm of his hand suddenly looked like an endless abyss of darkness. The darkness turned into a tentacled entity and surrounded Brad from all directions, almost blocking all his dodging routes. .But Brad didn't seem to have any intention of dodging backwards at all. He continued to move forward without stopping, and his figure suddenly oscillated at high speed into a blurry white shadow, which quickly passed through the body of the Black Death Emperor and stopped. Right behind him, a backhand punch with the surging power of the white lamp hit Heishidi's back, leaving a hole the size of a fist in his back.

The Black Death Emperor made a strange sound that seemed to be a muffled hum, but his movements were not at all stagnant. He turned around as if he hadn't felt the punch behind him, and kicked out quickly.Brad didn't expect that he would ignore the serious injury behind him, and before he could take back the punch he punched, he kicked him in the chest suddenly, and he backed up again and again.I saw a strong breath of death contaminating his chest, consuming each other with a layer of white shield covering the surface of his body.

The Black Death Emperor raised his sickle high, roared, and chased after Brad's head.But at this moment, a golden light flashed behind him, as if a sword wrapped in golden flames slashed past his shoulder, the arm of the Black Death Emperor was broken, and an arm flew high into it following his sickle. air.

Eric cut off the arm of Hei Si Di with a sword in time, turned back and added a thermal vision, and immediately pushed Hei Si Di far away.But the latter climbed up again after only a while, and his arms grew out again, but the black pearl-like pupils staring at the two seemed to be ignited with raging anger.

"It's such an interesting thing to fight the BOSS, I can't do it without me." Eric pointed his sword at the Black Death Emperor and chuckled.

Brad said: "Whatever you want, be careful not to be caught by him, I may not be free to rescue you."

Eric smiled, unconcerned.

The Black Death Emperor's sickle returned to the regrowth arm, already furious.When he stepped on the ground, a terrifying wave of air exploded on the ground centered on him, propelling him into the air like a rocket, and pounced forward like a big black bird.

Turning the Black Death Emperor's sickle, the attack unfolded, and the black air on the tip of the knife surged, and the breath of death suddenly enveloped from all directions. From the outside, it looked like layers of black tornadoes wrapped the three of them in the middle, just approaching A little bit of the breath of death makes people suffocate.But Eric and Brad were not affected by it at all.Erik's Godslaying Sword flew rapidly, and the tip of the sword shook continuously under the blessing of super speed, as if splitting into countless clones, it collided with the sickle continuously in the dark storm, and sparks fell like raindrops.

If fighting alone, the Black Death Emperor is not afraid of the Excalibur in Eric's hand.Although the Excalibur could hurt him, it only took half a second for him to recover quickly.But now that Brad, who was able to control the white lamp, flanked him, the pressure on the Black Death Emperor suddenly doubled.Because once he was injured by the sword and experienced a momentary stagnation, it might be fatal.

The pitch-black storm grew bigger and bigger, and the battle became more intense.In the storm, it was like thunder rolling, one gold, one white and one black three kinds of light converged in one place, the collision of brutal energy blasted the earth full of holes, making the sky dark and dark.

It is hard to predict the outcome of the Black Death Emperor and Brad fighting alone, but it will be more difficult after Eric joins.The shape of the divine sword in Eric's hand suddenly changed, and the golden sword body suddenly softened, turning into a snake like rubber, and wandered meanderingly, breaking through the impenetrable light of the sword in front of the Black Death Emperor, like a spirit snake spit The letter suddenly shot through the throat of the Hei Sidi, and with a swipe to the side, he almost cut off the head of the Hei Sidi.

The Black Death Emperor hurriedly leaned his neck back to avoid it, and glared at Eric angrily. He raised his sickle high, and the dark breath spread rapidly, and fell on Eric's head like a mountain pressing down on him.Eric didn't care about it, and still strode forward, the sword of killing gods was still pointing at the neck of the Black Death Emperor, as if he wanted to cut off the head of the Black Death Emperor.

The majestic energy pressed the top of Eric's head with the sickle, and the icy breath penetrated the helmet armor and penetrated his body.At this moment of lightning and flint, Brad hurriedly moved to his side, pointed the light ring with his right fist upwards, the soft white light was released like a big net, and immediately caught the majestic black aura.The God of Death's sickle fell suddenly, and Brad reached out with the other hand, and slapped the side of the Black Death's sickle with a backhand, which immediately staggered the opponent's sickle, and only missed Eric's shoulder.At the same time, he spat out a white light from the light ring of his right fist, and the surging dark energy above the two of them was instantly dissolved by the white light.

However, Eric's sword pierced Hei Death's throat again without any hindrance, and he slashed horizontally amidst his roar, and Hei Death's head flew out in response.Brad took advantage of the situation to rush forward, spread the five fingers of his right hand, white light rose, and grabbed the heart of the Black Death Emperor. With a sound of plunging into the flesh, his arm unexpectedly pierced through the back of Hei Sidi, and pulled out a pitch-black heart.

(End of this chapter)

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