Chapter 456
Many years ago, at an evening banquet.

This was an era when superheroes hadn’t sprung up like mushrooms after rain. At this time, Tony Stark was just a wealthy, extravagant playboy, a dazzling new star in the social arena, and when he appeared in public, he often embraced the left and the right. Hug, it seems that it will naturally become the focus of the audience.And it was on this day that he met a person similar to himself for the first time.

Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham City, the Wayne Consortium under his name and the Stark Group have been inseparable for many years, and their financial resources are only between them.Sometimes the Wayne Consortium wins one end, but after a year the Stark Consortium has the upper hand, so it is difficult to say which one is stronger.

When these two rich second generations who were as exposed as celebrities met for the first time, Tony put on a smiling face from a distance, and happily moved up with a glass of champagne, saying: "Hey! Look who is here, this Isn't he the rising star of Gotham?"

Bruce smiled, also took a glass of champagne from the waiter, touched him, and said hello, "Mr. Stark."

"I've heard a lot of rumors about you," Tony said with a smile, "I heard that you traveled around the world, left your huge company alone, and suddenly reappeared after so many years of mysterious disappearance. You know that you suddenly came back. How much of a stir did the news cause in Gotham, or even across the country?"

Bruce said with a slight smile: "Look at me, I'm a bit self-willed in this regard. I'm just very grateful that they still left me the position of CEO."

"Look, this is the benefit of a family business." Tony put one hand on his shoulders, and walked all the way to the balcony with his arms around him, saying, "After all, our surnames are hung on the company building, isn't it? To be honest, I I am very envious and admire you. In fact, I also have the idea of ​​traveling around the world, but I am afraid that there is only one person on the earth who can do what you do. You disappeared for a whole time. How many years has it been?"

"Seven years," Bruce reminded.

"Ah, yes, seven years." Tony said, "There was no news for seven years, and they almost all assumed that you were dead. I think you must have lived comfortably during this time."

"Not really."

The two of them walked out of the bustling hall and came to the balcony.The lights are not turned on here, only the afterglow from the gorgeous crystal lamp in the hall is illuminated.Standing on a high place, the two of them looked down at the night view of the entire New York City, and suddenly they felt a heroic spirit to see all the mountains and small hills.

Tony laughed and said, "Look at this city. In the next ten years, I will turn it upside down and turn it into a completely different city. You know, although my father made his fortune from arms, he can benefit the society in more fields. It's his dream, and that's what I can do. The city is a better place with people like you and me."

Bruce pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Of course it is, if you really think so."

Tony smiled: "Of course not, I only did it because it was profitable. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with World War II, but the irony is that I made my fortune on it. I don't know much about your family company, but I know that no wealth is ever built on the high road. We're special people, Bruce, and we've been given special powers. It's a gift, and all you have to learn is how to spend it. "

"Maybe." Bruce said, having drank the champagne, he turned and walked in, and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Stark, I have another appointment."

"Go ahead," Tony waved his hand behind him, "nice to find out that we have more similarities than rumors suggest."

Bruce left the hall and went straight to his car downstairs. His butler Alfred was already waiting in the driver's seat.Seeing him getting into the back seat, he asked, "Is the banquet happy, Master Bruce?"

"Not much." Bruce said lightly, "I saw Stark."

"How? Are you as similar as the media rumors?"

"No." Bruce said decisively, "We have nothing in common."

Years later, now, a terrorist base in the desert.

The sound of guns and guns rang out in the sky, yellow sand flew in the desert, and the sand and dust dispersed along the air like water mist, covering all the camps of terrorists with a hazy color.All the terrorists shouted something in the local language, but they were quickly swallowed up by the bursts of shelling.The bursts of bombardment from the front line were like thunder, and they were moving towards the rear step by step. It was frightening to hear.

About an hour ago, the Justice League got the news that the terrorists had taken a town hostage, and Eric, the only free man living in the watchtower, naturally rushed to solve the incident.However, for him, a task of this level is not much different from a vacation, in fact it is quite easy.

Eric rushed into the terrorist camp head-on, as if using his body as a shell.Countless guns pointed at his direction, but the rain of bullets only left a few sparks on the armor's solid shell before flying away.He smashed through the heavy artillery with his body, and kicked the heavy armored tank into somersaults seven or eight times. His heat vision swept across and blew up a long defensive line, and walked in with the burning fire.

No one is his one-shot enemy, and no one can even slow him down the slightest bit.Eric swaggered through the opponent's layer after layer of defense, as if he was unstoppable like a god of war, and turned over the entire camp in just a few minutes.But in the end, after the base camp was pushed aside with bare hands, the little leader of this group of terrorists was not among them.It turned out that when the guy found out that the enemy was invincible, he simply ordered other people to block it desperately, and he chose a few cronies to drive away in a panic.

But how easy is it to escape Eric's pursuit in this vast desert?Eric narrowed his eyes, and the enhanced eyesight of the Almajo armor quickly helped him lock on to the desert off-road vehicle, and now he managed to escape a mile away.Eric snorted coldly, jumped up, and tore through the yellow sand with a soaring momentum, and caught up with the fleeing off-road vehicle with only one up and down.Eric landed in front of the car like a meteorite, and stepped on the hood with a "boom".The off-road vehicle came to a sudden stop, and the body almost turned over.

Eric stretched out his hand and pulled the leader out of the car, slammed it on the window, and asked: "I have some questions about the serial detonation incident, you'd better pray that you can answer them, or you will pray You were never born!"

(End of this chapter)

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