Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 459 Mysterious Log

Chapter 459 Mysterious Log
After the huge Iron Man armor punched Superman to the lower level, it also jumped off and landed heavily on the floor.With one stroke of its right palm, it pointed directly at Superman's direction, and the palm cannon shot out with a "buzz".But Superman reacted at this moment, and dodged the shot with a sideways move, and the light of the cannon blasted a deep hole in the floor behind him.

With a flash of Superman's figure, he turned into a red and blue afterimage and flashed in front of the opponent in an instant. Without thinking about it, the armor raised a huge fist and landed on it, but was held firmly by Superman's single palm.Superman retracted his five fingers, clasping them tightly into a metal fist like an eagle's claws. With a sudden force on his arm, the arm of the battle armor was pulled off with a "clang". As expected, there was no one inside the armor. An empty shell.It didn't move at all, and gathered energy in its chest to brew another round of shelling, but before that, it was pierced by Superman without saying a word, and a handprint was pierced from the chest to the back, and the armor function was also paralyzed. .

A silver battle armor fired the repulsive cannon in the palms of both hands, and the repulsive energy chased the Flash like a tide, but without exception, it only drowned out the afterimages one after another.The Flash looked like he was stepping on golden lightning, and he ran like a cloud of thunder, shuttling through the light curtains without any injuries.He pierced through the light curtain like a swimming snake, and as soon as his figure shifted to the back of the armor, his right palm vibrated at high speed and turned into an extremely sharp blade, which pierced through the chest of the armor.The silver armor fell down with electric sparks, and he turned to Hal, seeing that the latter was still fighting with the first set of armor, he shouted loudly: "Hey! Hal, do you need help?"

"Huh, help? When did I ever need help?"

Hal uttered nonsense, and at the same time blocked two miniature missiles with the green light shield.Immediately afterwards, the shield turned back into green light, which in turn condensed into two missiles, and flew straight at the Iron Man armor, knocking it down with a bang.Before it could get up, Hal flew forward, raised his arms high, and three green light blades flashed down at the same time, immediately cutting the suit of armor to pieces.

At the same time, Wonder Woman fought for a few rounds against a suit of battle armor holding a special alloy katana sword, and also split the suit of armor into a pile of parts with a few swords.Another set of fighter jets flew up to the console to attack the Martian Manhunter, but he grabbed it backhand without looking back, paralyzed the circuit and scrapped it.There were also two sets of armor, one large and one small, besieging Eric. One set was cut open by him with heat vision, and the other set was scattered by chaos magic.

The riot subsided, and everyone regrouped back into the hall. The ground was covered with severed Iron Man armor and various parts.Howl asks, "Well, I guess I'm not the only one who's wondering what's up with this? I mean, I know these look like Iron Man, but it sure as hell isn't going to give Some kind of special Christmas present for us, right?"

"If you want to find out, the method couldn't be simpler." Superman said, "Let's go and ask directly."

New York, Avengers Tower.

Near midnight, at the moment when the party was approaching its climax, the members of the Justice League came to the Avengers Hall aggressively to question their crimes.Seeing everyone from the Zhengmeng League coming, Tony felt strange in his heart, and asked, "What? Do you want to join the party too?"

Without further ado, Superman threw down an Iron Man helmet, and electric sparks were still crackling around his neck.

"You'd better explain this," he said bluntly.

Tony picked up the helmet, quickly recognized that it was his own work, and asked strangely, "What's going on here?"

"You tell me." Superman said.

Tony was dazed and turned his gaze to Eric.Eric explained: "The watchtower was just raided by a squad of Iron Man armor, and we want to know what happened."

Tony was surprised, and said, "What? No, that's impossible. My armor is locked away safely, and they can't go anywhere without my order."

Everyone in the Justice League didn't speak, they just stared at him coldly with their arms around each other.Tony frowned, turned around, and asked loudly: "Jarvis, check the condition of my armor again, count the quantity and mission log."

"Processing, sir."

Jarvis's work efficiency was astonishing, and it took only a while to send back the report, saying: "Sir, a total of seven sets of armor are no longer in the warehouse."

Tony was taken aback: "What? How is it possible? I want to see the detailed log."

Jarvis then projected the floating screen of the log recorder in front of him. Tony stretched out his hand to swipe on the floating screen, but saw that the latest records were gone, replaced by the words "log has been deleted".

Tony exasperated: "Who deleted these log records?"

Jarvis said: "All operations are authorized by you personally, sir."

Tony frowned, already realizing that there might be quite a bit of trouble.Whether it is assigning armor to perform tasks or modifying the action log of Iron Man armor, it is an operation that cannot be completed without his authority.Not to mention that he has absolute confidence in his firewall, but taking a step back, even if someone can hack into his firewall, it is absolutely impossible not to alert his attention.

But if the truth is as Jarvis reported, all these operations were really done by him, how could he not know?Could it be that the order from his sleepwalking failed?
Tony looked solemn, and at the same time the screen was drawn to the bottom of the log, he suddenly noticed that there was another command displayed as "to be executed" right under the lines of "The log has been deleted".He hastily clicked on this command, and saw that the content was roughly to assault a certain war-torn area, which looked like some kind of terrorist attack.

Tony said in surprise: "I never gave this order! Jarvis, erase this order."

"Okay, sir." Jarvis said, and deleted the unexecuted command in the log as promised.

Tony said again: "But don't delete the record. I need to trace the detailed information, such as when and where this order was issued. I want to find out the truth."

With that said, he turned to the crowd and said, "I'm sorry for the loss you caused, but I promise I'll figure out what's going on. Before that... I need you to believe me—I didn't do this."

Everyone was silent and looked at each other for a moment.Finally Eric said, "Ah, I believe you."

Tony sighed softly: "Thank you."

"However," Eric changed the subject and said, "I also need to know what's going on. Send me the mission target and address of the unexecuted command, and I will investigate with you."

(End of this chapter)

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