Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 462 Detention

Chapter 462 Detention
Langley, Virginia.

"Minister Nanning, ladies and gentlemen, the preliminary findings of the interference incidents of recent weeks point to an inevitable conclusion"

Nick Fury stood in the center of the long conference table in a circle, looked around the dozen or so committee members present, and said solemnly: "Tony Stark has gone berserk."

As he spoke, he turned around and took out the remote control and pressed a button, and a half of a commercial airliner that had just been fished out of the sea appeared on the big screen behind him.The fuselage was soaked in water and looked wrinkled, and was already twisted into a ball due to the huge impact of the fall.Nick Fury explains: "Daniel Klander, terrorist, arms seller, died in a commercial plane that crashed into the North Atlantic. The cockpit of the plane was accurately sliced ​​out with industrial laser light, MRI and Gas chromatographic analysis confirmed the molecular signature of the Stark Industries technology.

Evidence [-]: The town hall of a certain town in Afghanistan was completely blown up. A deputy captain of the Afghan guard named Tanzeri was pierced to death with a powerful energy beam. His body was crucified and identified. It has been confirmed that it is caused by Stark's unique repulsion technology.And these were unfortunately captured by a private satellite, and what you see now is the real scene. "

Sure enough, the screen had been switched to the image of Iron Man. The professionally processed picture was still quite blurry, but it did not affect the identification of the figure of Iron Man.Fury added: "There were half a dozen eyewitnesses at the scene who could corroborate that."

Seeing that everyone was still full of doubts, Fury put the photos of the two deceased on the screen again, and continued: "Dennis Crander and Ala Tanzeri, these two people directly ordered the execution of Dr. Hou Yinsen— — the benefactor who saved Stark’s life when he was trapped in a terrorist camp in Afghanistan. Two others, Zakim Karzai and Aftab Lema, are on the run.”

After a pause, he said with a more serious expression: "And the third person, Karim Muvash ***, will be the keynote speaker of the peace summit sponsored by the Stark Group."

The venue was silent for a while, and someone said: "These things are very interesting, but can we be sure that these alone can be used as evidence against Stark? We know that Iron Man's armor can be anyone. And Tony Stark , although many of us here don't like him, there is no denying that he has saved the world many times."

Fury shook his head and said: "That was in the past. Tony Stark has already been injected with Desperate Bidan, his body and his armor have been integrated into one, on the genetic level. Now this earth can wear him He is the only one with armor. This is the evidence I want to talk about. If you turn to the seventh page of report No. 20, you will see what psychological side effects the Extremis ratio can have on the human body. Animal experiments show that Extremis has made people more paranoid, hostile, violent, and markedly socially isolated. All of these symptoms were observed in Mr. Stark, and many of his colleagues have also confirmed these."

There was another heavy silence, and then another said, "Now see if I'm wrong, Colonel. You mean Tony Stark, probably the most inventive weapons inventor in history, A man with a suit of steel that would allow him to be indestructible, sweep through an army with little effort, and even play golf with the President are you implying he's a villain?"

"No, I didn't hint." Fury said firmly, "Only in this incident, I am absolutely sure."

"My God," the man sighed, and said to the people around him, "inform Mr. President that the peace summit has been cancelled."

"That's not necessary, Minister Kunin."

Another voice came from the loudspeaker at the venue, everyone turned their heads, and saw Tony Stark in a shirt appearing on the big screen in surprise, saying: "I have been listening to your meeting for 45 minutes, The evidence is strong and sound, it does seem indisputable. But your conclusions are wrong and I am innocent. And the peace summit is so important that it cannot be canceled. Unfortunately it is only a week away from the summit and I don't have time to prove my It's clear."

Fury frowned: "Then what do you want to say, Stark?"

A few hours later, Fort Leavenworth Prison-S Block.

Tony Stark put on the prisoner's restraint uniform, was shackled layer by layer, and stepped into the prison under the escort of two solemn soldiers with guns.As soon as he stepped into it, the prisoners had already exploded. "Hey! Rich! Is there any extra lawyers I can borrow?" "Hey, wrong way, Fatty, this is not a nightclub!"

Tony ignored the shouts of the prisoners, went straight to his cell, and watched the soldiers lock himself into the room.Fury stayed in front of the door for a while, and said through the small window on the door: "You are simply a masochist."

"Extremis allows me to enter any electronic system, and I can easily enter and exit most prisons." Tony sighed, "This is the last old-fashioned prison in the United States. It is made of bricks and cement. The security facilities are locks and keys. Without advanced equipment There's no way out of here, it's the only way to prove my innocence."

Fury said: "We have strengthened the protection of the terrorist, and he will be fine. Karzai and Lema are training the National Army in Iraq. Thousands of jihadist organizers are protecting him, and he should be fine."

Tony said, "If any of them die before the summit."

"Of course, I will believe in your innocence." Fury said, "At that time, I will personally inform you and let you out."

Tony said again: "Then let's talk about my armor now."

"Incredibly safe."

While speaking, Fury had arranged for dozens of well-trained agents to guard Stark Tower, and all his armors were under strict surveillance.The top floor of the building is temporarily and completely sealed off, and no one can enter or leave it until permission is granted.

Fury said: "This is a good opportunity to study your armor carefully."

"If some genius in the Ministry of Defense wants to find a few sets to go for a ride, remember to remind them to use a disposable driver. It must be a disposable."

"Thanks for the reminder, but we will lock them up until you come out." Fury said, turning around to leave.

"Nick." Tony stopped him, and Fury stopped and turned around, "Yeah".

"I am innocent."

"I hope so," Fury said. "I'd love to believe it, but let's try to prove it first."

(End of this chapter)

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