Chapter 466
Erik grabbed the green hooded boy's wrist with astonishing strength, like a pair of pliers.The boy tried several times but failed to break free, so he simply gave up struggling and stared at him coldly with wide-eyed eyes.

"I caught someone, Tony." Eric said lightly, then turned to the brat and asked, "Who are you?"

The boy took off his hood, revealing a face with oriental features.He snorted and said, "Who am I? I'm just an unsolved problem, one of thousands left unsolved in the service of the great Tony Stark to humanity."

While he was speaking, Eric had simultaneously transmitted the picture he saw to Tony, and Tony had simultaneously transmitted it to Fury.Fury had someone project the picture on the big screen of the mothership, and ordered: "Implement the facial recognition system in the stadium surveillance camera, I want to know where they are!"

At this moment the boy continued unhurriedly: "Are you watching, Stark? I know you are watching. My father is a man like you, and he is passionate about the practical application of biomagnetism." , he actually discovered that biomagnetic implants can change nerve impulses. He can cure depression, schizophrenia, maybe change a person's inner soul, and turn a sociopath into a good citizen. But in order to continue his experiments , he needs money, a lot of money."

After a pause, the boy sighed: "It's a pity that he is not as rich as you, otherwise it could have been much simpler. He has no time or patience to ask the school for funding, it will take decades, and people with diseases Can't wait that long. So he cooperates with the government. Unfortunately, the government has no interest in humanitarianism. I think this should resonate with you the most. Tony, after all, weapon design is where the profit is. After all, the end is better than the means More important. A small price can save millions of lives and serve the people? What is the price, Tony? How many children injured by your landmines can only crawl around for the rest of their lives? And you say that making landmines Is it to make better prosthetics?"

Tony was also rushing back here at this moment, but he was silent for a while listening to the child's words.Deep in his heart, he had faintly guessed the truth, but he was avoiding it intentionally or unintentionally, not wanting to accept this fact.

The boy continued: "Both you and my father fell into the hands of terrorists. He obeyed the terrorists' demands and saved your life, but that's not all. He implanted a biomagnetic receiving device in you, and he used a The crudest equipment you can find in a dilapidated cave. Pretty cool, isn't it? You made your first Iron Man armor out of missile casings in the cave, and my dad gave it to you out of the crap out there With such an advanced device implanted."

When he said this, everyone no longer had any doubts.Eric was even more taken aback, and asked, "Are you Hou Yinsen's son?"

"That's right," the boy snorted, "everyone I ordered Stark to execute was involved in that incident, with the exception of Andre Grovich. I bet Stark even had such a No. [-] person has no impression."

Tony in the flying armor still didn't say a word, he really didn't have an impression.

The boy said: "Andrei Grovich, was hired by the person who ordered my father to implant something in the head of a promising young weapon designer. But the problem is that although my father ordered Stark's head The device was implanted in him, but he kept a hand. If there is no sending device, the implant is useless. And Andrey Gruvich was hired to extract it from the only person my father trusted. This sending device."

Speaking of this, the boy's eyes became fierce: "The biggest mistake he made was not killing my mother, so I let him get what he deserved."

At the same time, on the top floor of the tall building nearby, the SHIELD snipers had already set up their guns, and the crosshairs were locked on the boy's forehead.The sniper said, "I aimed."

"Wait and see." Fury said, "If the situation changes, shoot."

"So you killed everyone you wanted to kill and completed your revenge, congratulations." Eric said coldly, "And then?"

"And then?" the boy sneered, "and I left. And Tony Stark? He's done. A dead man put something in his head, and if anything happens to me, the thing will start, so that So far Iron Man killing people is just an appetizer before the big storm."

Eric was taken aback.

The boy snorted softly, and the sound of an engine suddenly came from behind him.Eric turned his head abruptly, and was caught off guard when he saw a set of Iron Man armor falling in front of him, raising his hand and firing a cannon.He didn't have time to deal with it, and his figure was immediately blasted into the air, and he was wearing armor while whirling in mid-air.


The sound of the sniper rifle pierced the sky, and the bullet pierced through the boy's head in an instant, blood spattered, and the boy fell on his back on the spot without breathing.

Eric rolled twice and landed in a half-squat. The body injured by the repulsion cannon had begun to heal itself rapidly.The Iron Man armor who fired the cannon was relentless. He raised his palm and fired another cannon. Eric dragged the afterimage to avoid it sideways.He was like a spirit snake, flashing an S-shaped lightning flash to the front of Iron Man's armor in an instant.The battle armor raised its arm mechanically again and tried to fire, but Eric grabbed his arm and tore it off with brute force. Then he punched the chest, and the armor was shocked at a distance It fell and turned into countless parts scattered all over the place.

Tony finally arrived at this time, but the boy had already died in a pool of blood, and recalling Dr. Hou Yinsen who saved his life back then, he couldn't help but feel apologetic.Eric stepped forward and said, "I know you're definitely not feeling well right now, but you heard what this kid said before he died. Do you have any idea what he's referring to?"

Tony calmed down, stood up and said, "Jarvis, show me the action log, I need to know what happened just now."

"Okay, sir."

Afterwards, Tony froze for a long time without moving, until Eric finally couldn't help asking: "How bad is it?"

Without saying a word, Tony opened his palm and projected the virtual screen of the log recorder, as if to indicate "see for yourself".I saw that the screen was full of "unexecuted" tasks from top to bottom, and it was almost impossible to see the bottom at a glance.To make matters worse, they were stamped "Irrevocable" at the end.

"All of these together?" Eric frowned, "How many sets of armor do you need?"

"All." Tony said gloomyly, "That kid just fired all my armor."

(Thank you for the 200 starting coins rewarded by book friends!)

(End of this chapter)

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