Chapter 471

The Iron Man turmoil that caused an international storm finally came to an end.Eric successfully destroyed the device that was launched into the core of the earth, and Tony Stark finally stopped all his armor by committing suicide.

A day later, Tisi Hospital.

Nick Fury led the representatives sent by the parliament into the emergency ward, and looked at Tony Stark sitting in the ward through the one-way glass. The latter had just opened his eyes at this moment and could barely sit. get up.

"Well, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, it would be unbelievable." The congressman said, "A narcissistic person like Stark would commit suicide to save others."

Fury said lightly: "Yeah, anyway, he made up for it, even though he still left us with a lot of mess."

"Can you handle it?"

"Barely enough." Fury said, "We announced that someone stole Stark's technology and organized a terrorist attack, and Stark himself sacrificed himself to help us organize this terrorist attack. Get out of danger."

"No one is suspicious?"

"Maybe, but we handled it very carefully, they have no evidence." Fury said.

"Where's that girl from Bulgaria?" the congressman reminded. "The drug addict who saw Grovich killed?"

"The girl? It seems that she overdosed an hour ago." Fury said lightly.

The so-called "drug overdose" is of course the work of SHIELD. Both of them know it well, but they don't point it out.After all, this is not the first time they have done such a similar finishing work.

Through the one-way glass, Fury watched Tony struggling to sit up from the bed, and said, "It's amazing. The doctors only started his heartbeat 37 minutes ago. If it wasn't for the Extremis virus, Stark would have to pass Eating with a straw, staring at the ABCD alphabet every day."

With the help of the Extremis virus, Tony's recovery speed is jaw-dropping.When Eric opened the door and came in to visit the sick, he had basically recovered his former spirit, but he was still lacking in energy.

"You look boring." Eric said.

Tony smiled bitterly: "If you just poked out such a big basket, you would do the same. I don't even know how many people died this time."

"That's not your fault, if you want to hear what I say." Erica sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed, and said, "You're fucked."

"Hou Yinsen's son, that was also caused by my sin." Tony leaned against the head of the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, "Do you know why I made Iron Man armor in the first place?"

"To right the wrongs of the past, to make the world a better place. And you did."

Tony shook his head: "Since Hou Yinsen's death, I vowed not to make arms and weapons again, because I don't want innocent people to see shrapnel with my name in the burning ruins of their own homes when their homes are destroyed. But look now? Over there A whole city fell apart and all the streets were my armor. I thought I made Iron Man to make a difference, but nothing changed. Those politicians said they were right, Iron Man is still a weapon."

After a long silence, only the beeping of the instrument and the breathing of the two people could be heard in the ward.

Afterwards, Eric asked, "So, you mean you want to give up? You want to give up halfway, continue to let go, and go to be a happy dude?"

"No, of course not." Tony sighed softly, "If I stop here, those lost lives... will be meaningless."

"This is the Stark I know." Eric chuckled, "Fry wiped your ass, and now the outside world believes that terrorists stole Iron Man's technology to organize an attack, and you organized This operation. But it is not a small project for you to start over. After all, your armor was scrapped in one go, and I guess it must be very expensive."

"You can't imagine." Tony said with a little pain, "but it's okay, I can start from the beginning. I can reflect on it and think about what needs to be improved. I can start from the beginning. To be honest, I'm lying here I already had a few good ideas."

"I bet they must be great." Eric smiled, "Your four sets of new series of armor, I'm sorry to smash them into the magma. To be honest, their performance is really surprising."

Tony sighed: "Really? I was expecting that they might be as long as your armor."

Eric smiled: "Then you have to work harder."

Gotham, late at night, in an alley.

Brian Tommy ran desperately down the dark and deserted alleys, not daring to turn his head all the way, his brow dripping with sweat.He is just a low-level gangster, and he has been very miserable on the road. At this moment, he has sworn to all his ancestors in his heart-as long as he can escape tonight by chance, he will change his mind and become a decent person in the future .

He was running fast, when suddenly there was a huge resistance from his calf, he staggered and fell to the ground, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.But he still didn't dare to stop at all, he crawled forward a few steps and got up again. Just as he was about to run again, he bumped into a burly black shadow and fell on his back.

When Brian took a closer look, he was almost out of his wits with fright. The one standing in front of him was not the Batman he had tried his best to escape, but who was it?He hurriedly turned around and tried to crawl away, but was picked up by Batman like a chicken pecking rice, and said viciously: "I only have a few questions to ask, you better pray that you know the answer to the question, otherwise"

Before he finished speaking, Brian was so frightened that he almost fainted, dripping with sweat. Although he didn't speak, he seemed to be in a state of knowing everything.But at this time Batman stopped suddenly, and said abruptly: "Not now."

Eric appeared behind him at some point, leaning against the wall in the alley with his hands folded, and said, "It's okay, you continue to work, I'll wait here."

Batman frowned, raised his hand and knocked the scared half-dead kid unconscious, turned around and said lightly: "If you are sure whether I will disclose the truth about Stark's riot, I can tell you in advance, I will not meeting."

"Thank you very much." Eric smiled. "To be honest, I was a little surprised. I thought it would be difficult to convince you."

"Now that the truth has been found out and the kid who mastered the launcher has been killed, then Stark is not a big threat. I don't like him, but it doesn't mean he is a bad guy." Batman paused , said, "There are many problems that are much bigger than him. Like you."


Batman said indifferently: "How can I be sure that it's really you standing here talking to me, or the lingering consciousness extension of some crazy robot?"

"I'm Eric Charlotte, member of the Justice League."

"For the time being." Batman said, he had picked up the poor unconscious bastard, raised the claw gun and shot into the air, and pulled the rope up into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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