Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 477 Suspicious Clouds

Chapter 477 Suspicious Clouds
The three super-powered bodyguards that Eric helped Peter subdue were later brought back by Aegis.Early the next morning, a notice came from Aegis, and Eric called Peter to the Aegis mothership.

It was still the old acquaintance Sharon Carter who led the two to a prison, and Nick Fury was already waiting in the reception room one step ahead.As soon as the two entered, Peter couldn't wait to say: "You guys better have some good news, because I have a very bad premonition about this matter. It's not the premonition of 'spider sense', or the kind of pure bad premonition "

"You caught those three people last night, and we have already found out the source." Fury said lightly, "They are all mercenaries, second-rate goods, and the kind that are not worth mentioning. Our experts conducted detailed tests on them. , and found the corresponding ingredients from their blood, which can temporarily give an ordinary person spider superpowers."

"That's right, that's the thing! The gangs in New York are buying and selling these things recently!" Peter said, "Wait a minute, did you just say 'temporarily'?"

"That's right, by now, all three of them have lost their abilities." Fury said, "The effect of the potion is not long-lasting, but even so, it is serious enough. This is a high-security superpower gene leak Accident, we have launched a follow-up investigation."

"Sounds really reassuring," Peter muttered.

"The amount of medicine remaining in the bodies of these three people is running out, but our experts still found some ingredients from it, and found that they are quite similar to the research of an old friend of ours."

Peter raised his eyebrows: "Old friend? Do I know you?"

"It couldn't be more familiar." Fury said, "We're going to see him in a while."

Fury then led the two away and went straight into the prison. The guards seemed to have been greeted in advance, and no one stopped them.The two followed him through defenses that required high-level security verification, and they couldn't help but secretly wonder what level of guy was hiding behind such strict defenses.

The last lock was released, and the three of them finally came to the prison door.Through the 4-inch bulletproof glass, I saw a squat, disheveled guy in a prison uniform sitting in the center with his back to several people.Peter looked at this figure for a few moments, and vaguely felt that it seemed a little familiar.

"Otto." Fury said lightly, "Someone came to see you."

With a tremor in Peter's heart, he realized that this is the old octopus monster who turned his life upside down and was one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies?But I always feel that his aura is a little weirder than before.

The man turned a deaf ear to Fury's yelling, and Fury kept calling him three times before he seemed to realize that it was him who was calling, turned around slowly, and showed a silly smile at the three of them.

Peter couldn't be more surprised: "You...what did you do to the octopus boss? Why does he look a bit like this now"

"A preschool mentally handicapped kid?" Fury said. "That's exactly what he is now. But believe it or not, we didn't do anything to him, and he suddenly became like this, our relevant experts After the appraisal, they all said that he was indeed stupid, and he might have been stimulated by something."

"Wait, you said it's similar to his technique."

"Yes. Otto has cloned you, and there are many. If there is anyone who understands the operation of Spider-Man's ability best, I think it is him." Fury said, "It's a pity that I just before you came here. Been spending some time with him, but he seems really stupid, and we can't hope to get anything out of him."

Eric said: "Unfortunately, he can't speak now."

"Yes." Fury said, "Maybe he will never be able to speak."

Behind the layer of bulletproof glass, Otto still stared at them stupidly, his eyes fixed on Peter intentionally or unintentionally, showing a silly smile.

Fury then arranged for someone to ask some questions to Peter, all about whether his genes might be leaked through other channels, hoping to think of clues that would help to discover the identity of the mysterious group that sold medicine , Unfortunately, the whole morning has passed and there is still no clue.Helpless, the two had no choice but to leave first, and if something happened, Aegis would still contact.

Eric then went straight back to the watchtower, and Peter had a date with Gwen in the evening, so this matter was temporarily put on hold.

As the evening approached, Gwen arrived at the meeting place with Peter on time.She thought that according to the usual practice, she would have to wait here for at least half an hour before he appeared, but she didn't expect Peter to wait here early in advance this time, and she couldn't help being very surprised.

"Hey," Gwen stepped forward and asked strangely, "what's the wind blowing today? How long have you been here?"

"Well, not too long." Peter looked her up and down with an unnatural expression.

Gwen felt strange and asked, "What happened?"

"Ah, no, no." Peter frowned and thought for a long time, then stretched out his hand suddenly, pulling Gwen away from the sidewalk without any explanation, found an area with few people, and looked around for a while, as if he was worried about someone following him.

Gwen was even more confused, but she also realized that something was wrong, and whispered: "You are starting to scare me, Peter. What happened? Tell me we can solve it together."

But Peter just shook his head and said, "Listen, Gwen, I...I can't explain it, but I need you to believe me, right?"

Gwen hesitated for a while, but still nodded: "Yes."

"Then I want you to leave for a while."

"Leave? Where are you going?" Gwen asked in surprise, "What's the matter, Peter? Has anyone found it again? Is it Osborn?"

"It's not Osborn, and it's not any of Spider-Man's old enemies. Go wherever you want, as long as you go to a place where no one can find you." Peter panicked, "Please, I can't explain it,'s very important."

Gwen sighed and said: "Okay. But promise me, you must tell me what it is for afterward."

Peter said seriously: "I promise."

Afterwards, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to her, "Thank you."

The two left immediately.But less than 10 minutes after they left, another "Peter" hurriedly ran from the opposite side of the sidewalk to the place where he and they agreed to meet, looking left and right, but there was no sign of Gwen.He gasped for a moment, checked the time to confirm that he was late for more than 30 minutes, took out his mobile phone and started trying to dial Gwen's number.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please leave a message after hearing the 'beep'"

Peter frowned.

In the past few days, he has been having a very bad premonition, as if an invisible black shadow is always lingering around him, and he feels endless pressure.But at this moment, his premonition became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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