Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 479 True and False Spider-Man

Chapter 479 True and False Spider-Man

Gwen was dragged away by Peter in a daze. Although he kept asking them where they were going, he still didn't say a word.Until a few minutes later, they bumped into another Peter Parker at a corner of the street.

The Peter Parker on the opposite side was also running anxiously, but he stopped suddenly when he saw them, and said in surprise, "Gwen!? How could that be... who are you!?"

"Peter?!" Gwen was also surprised, and subconsciously cast her eyes on the "Peter" beside him, while unconsciously moving away from him.

And the Peter next to her gritted his teeth and scolded angrily: "Chameleon? You once impersonated me, don't think you can do it again!"

As he said that, he flew forward, and he couldn't help but swing a fist at the other self in front of him.That Peter sideways dodged his fist, and said: "Ha, it's really the villain who complained first, let me guess, you are a chameleon? It's been a long time since I saw you, and your smell has changed a lot."

The two of them fought fiercely while talking, and their movements were like flying, all of which were almost impossible for a human body.Fortunately, this road is relatively remote, and no one passed by for a while, otherwise I would have been stunned.

I saw figures on both sides flying around, and the two shadows climbed up one side of the wall, and then jumped onto the side of the streetlight one after another.Gwen looked at their fierce struggle from below and felt extremely anxious. She wanted to help but didn't know who to help. The two people looked like they were carved out of the same mold, and even their movements were like mirror images.Not only that, the two of them chattered endlessly while fighting, and they refused to give in to each other, and it was hard to distinguish between the two.

The two are equally agile in stature, and their movements are exactly the same, and it's hard to tell them apart after a while.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Otto, the octopus doctor, really planned this moment carefully, thanks to his genius brain.Ordinary criminals often try to be judged as mentally ill by pretending to be crazy when sentencing, so as to escape the punishment they deserve, but Otto knows that such a simple small method will definitely not be able to deceive a big man like Nick Fury.So he simply resorted to some technical means to make himself truly demented in a short time.

Because of this, those big men relaxed their vigilance towards him, and only threw him in a special cell in the New York prison without asking any more questions.And he had implanted the virus in the prison system where he was detained early, like a time bomb.When the virus broke out, his robotic arm came to rob the prison according to the pre-set procedures.His mechanical arm is directly connected to the nervous system, and is directly controlled by his brain. In turn, it can also stimulate the brain with electric current to help him regain his sanity.

The plan worked.Otto waved his four mechanical arms, climbed over the high wall and returned to the outside of the prison. He couldn't help laughing, feeling that he was in admiration for his genius and wisdom.He went straight to an abandoned warehouse at the port, where one of his secret laboratories was hidden, and SHIELD did not realize it when it captured him.

Otto pulled the electric switch at the door, and the old warehouse was suddenly brightly lit.Under the lights, the entire warehouse was covered in dust, it was unsightly dirty, and there were a bunch of spider webs hanging on the light bulbs. It was really strange that this kind of place was still powered on.

Many things in the depths of the warehouse were covered with green curtains. Otto stepped forward and uncovered them with a mechanical arm. What covered them were his experimental supplies, including a giant screen with a rather advanced style. computer.Otto started the computer, sat down at the desk, opened a series of documents, and held his chin to think deeply while browsing.

Eric leaned on the roof and saw the content on his screen through perspective. He couldn't understand the overly professional illustrations and explanations, but he noticed that there were many words such as "Spiderman" and "clone", Then I knew this might be what I wanted to see.

So he stopped hiding, leaped down from the skylight, and said with a loud smile, "What are you peeking at, genius Dr. Octavius?"

Otto was taken aback, and without looking back, a robotic arm turned around and shot out like electricity, with three claws stretched out to grab Eric's face.Eric didn't dodge or dodge, and stretched out his hand to pinch the mechanical arm, and the claw stopped less than an inch in front of him, grabbing it for a long time.Eric chuckled: "Why are you so irritable?"

Seeing Eric appearing like a ghost, Otto couldn't help but thump in his heart, and shouted angrily, "Little brat, how did you find this place!?"

While speaking, two mechanical arms flew away again, one of the cutting-edge blades flew to form an indestructible disc to cut, and the other three claws protruded from the middle, turning into an afterimage to the thorns.Eric's body didn't seem to move at all, he dragged the electric current and moved sideways for a few steps to avoid these two moves, saying: "I've been hanging behind you since you came out of prison, it's just your vigilance. It’s just too bad I didn’t notice it.”

Otto was careful and careful noting that there were no pursuers along the way, but he still followed him unexpectedly.He gritted his teeth, roared, and stretched out his hands, launching his new ability to manipulate metal.A metal storm suddenly rolled up in the warehouse, and any metal products that could be mobilized, such as iron sheets, iron nails, and spikes, were suspended in the air under Otto's command, and shot at Eric.

"The output power is 30% fully charged."

As soon as the electronic notification tone fell, a burst of red light illuminated the entire warehouse in an instant. The red light was transmitted directly from the window, which was quite dazzling.In just a split second, the large amount of metal shot away by Dr. Octopus has all turned into molten iron and dripped all over the ground.

Otto gritted his teeth, let out a loud shout, and stretched out all four arms, all stabbing at Eric from different directions.Eric still didn't dodge, grabbing with both hands, the two palms actually grasped the two mechanical arms in his hands, the huge grip force made the metal arms sparks, as if the structure was about to be destroyed.

Eric let out a cry, and exerted force with both hands at the same time, pulling Otto's whole body up from the computer desk, throwing it over his head in the air, and smashing it hard into the ground.Otto's four arms were limply hanging to one side, his whole body was thrown to pieces, and he seemed to have no energy to get up again.

Eric stepped forward, lifted him up with one hand, and said, "You know what I'm going to ask."

"Yes, I know." Otto was very angry, but he knew in his heart that he was not his opponent, so he had no choice but to say weakly, "You also have those magical Spider-Man power potions that Fury thinks are being sold in the city, they are related to me , but you are wrong. Although I have long planned to leave that damned prison, when I stayed inside, I had nothing to do with the shit outside."

After a pause, he turned around and said, "However, I may indeed know who they are related to."


Otto stared at him for a moment, then confided, "The Jackal."

(End of this chapter)

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