Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 489 Central Park

Chapter 489 Central Park
In an instant, New York City fell into total chaos, and the gang groups were the first to suffer.All the gang members who had used the spider potion provided by the Jackal became victims of the first stage of the Jackal's plan without exception.In an instant, this group of people turned into humanoid spider monsters.And those companions around them didn't have a chance to fight back at all, they were attacked and scratched immediately, infected and turned into a new batch of spider monsters.

Spiderification then spread throughout the city like a plague, at an astonishingly fast speed.All the spider monsters in all directions were summoned by the queen, and rushed towards her direction like a tide, and countless passersby were affected along the way, and they also turned into spiders to join their lineup.In just 10 minutes, the number of these spider monsters has doubled. According to this speed, New York City will basically complete the monsterization within half a day.

This incident has been alarmed in Washington, and the president personally called the Aegis mothership.The safety of the Super Gene has always been Fury's area of ​​responsibility. When such a large-scale leak occurred, he immediately asked Fury to be held accountable.But things got worse than he expected. When he made a phone call to the Helicarrier, a large number of agents on the Mothership had also been infected by Black Widow, and now they were infected by Fury. housed in a quarantine area.Fury himself was already overwhelmed, so it was naturally difficult to allocate manpower to deal with the city-wide riots.

The president then tried to contact Waller's Sky Eye, but couldn't get through at all.How did he know that Waller had armed a spider team with the medicine left by the jackal in the eye of the sky without telling the superiors, and at this time, under the influence of Soria, her team had also completely mutated, At this time, it has become a mess, how can there be time to solve other people's troubles?
Central Park, an open space directly above the Jackal's hideout.

Queen Soria stepped on a high place, and countless spider monsters gathered at the foot of the hill, like an endless army in Central Park. She couldn't help showing a smug smile, as if she had seen the whole world surrender The future under one's own skirt.The jackal and tarantula followed closely behind her.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to show up at this time, Your Majesty?" Jackal asked. "You know, maybe Aegis or Stark is looking for us through satellites, or some guys can even see directly from outside the atmosphere with the naked eye. here."

"Just for a moment, a little breather. We have been hidden for too long, dear professor." The queen said, "but seeing all this, seeing my kingdom, I suddenly feel that it is worth it. I can hear my faithful People, I can feel them all. They are looking for loyal followers, and I can feel the strength of each of them."

"Yes, this is really wonderful." The jackal flattered without losing the opportunity, "You are the queen of this spider island, the owner of the supreme power. It only takes a moment, when tens of thousands of supporters all pour into you you will be unstoppable on earth!"

"There is one last test to be done." The queen gave her army one last look with satisfaction, and turned back, "Hurry up and finish your work, professor. We still have a world to conquer. Now, my faithful servants , spread out and infect as many people as possible! Expand our army and I will become stronger!"

The spider monsters responded in unison, and the shouts of such a large number of monsters almost shook several streets.They actively responded to the Queen's call, and really spread out around New York, not letting go of any corner, and the number of monsters assimilated by them increased geometrically.

The military has put New York City on lockdown to prevent further spread of these dreaded spider maniacs, and high-level meetings have been held to discuss some unpleasant topics.Both the Avengers and the Justice League were alarmed, and any bigwig with spare time came to the city to help suppress it.The unfortunate news is that these monsters are too fast, and the speed of a few superheroes subduing the spider monsters is far from keeping up with the speed of infection. They are no different from fighting against the population of an entire international metropolis.The only good news, though, is that the infection doesn't seem to work on espers, so they don't have to worry about dealing with spider-like Avengers or members of the Justice League.

But when the chaos outside has become a pot of porridge, the real conspiracy is still brewing.

Central Park, New York, is underground.

The Jackal fixed the tarantula on a hard experimental bed, fixed all his hands and feet with reinforced metal - which is of course useless - and connected a bunch of colored wires all over him.Those lines stretched straight to one terminal, and then branched out, forming many branches to connect to many other hard beds, each of which had a humanoid spider monster lying on it.

Jackal operated on the test bench for a while, he stretched out his hand and pulled the joystick, and those devices were activated immediately.All the spider monsters howled in pain together, their bodies twitched involuntarily, but they still lay obediently on their own bed.Only the tarantula, after trying to hold on for a while, finally couldn't bear the pain, let out a miserable howl, struggled to break free from the confinement on his hands and feet, and jumped up.His strength seemed to be more exaggerated than before. He just jumped up from the bed like a rocket, smashed through the alloy ceiling with one end, pierced through the [-]-meter-thick soil with his body, and rushed out of the ground in the blink of an eye. trace.

The jackal shook his head: "It can't be considered a success. Although we used your ability to successfully concentrate the spider abilities of 24 people successively on the tarantula, but such a powerful force also caused it to lose control. Now its mind is in chaos , even so chaotic that even your spiritual restraints can't be restrained, now it can only act according to its own beast instinct."

"There is no time." Soria watched the whole process with his arms around him, and said, "The ability implantation has been realized, and the experiment is considered a success. I am much stronger than it, no matter how strong it is, I can control it."


"Shut up, professor." Soria said coldly, "I ask you to help, but the rule is that you listen to my instructions, and you should learn to listen when I don't ask you to give advice. Here, you have to Follow me."

Although the jackal was dissatisfied in his heart, he still said, "Of course, my lord."

Not long after the two of them finished talking, there was another violent shock on the ceiling that was pierced by the tarantula just now, and sand and stones fell from the gap to the ground.As soon as the two of them turned their heads subconsciously, they saw a black afterimage dragging an electric current "swipe" down from the air, piercing the ceiling with a bang, and slamming heavily on the floor of the laboratory.

Eric stood up from the flying smoke, glanced at the two of them, and said: "I admit, I didn't expect you to act so quickly, it's really a mess outside. Your place is quite hidden, I guess, the upside The first layer is filled with lead, right? If it weren't for the hole you punched in the top of your head, it would be really hard to find."

Seeing his appearance, Jackal's face suddenly changed. He recognized this as a member of the Justice League, but he didn't think they were ready to meet the blow of the Justice League at this stage.But Her Majesty the Queen obviously didn't think so. She only smiled confidently when she saw Eric coming, and said: "A rare guest, let me greet you well."

After saying that, her face darkened, and a sound wave that was as sharp as a ghost's howl suddenly exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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