Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 50 Air Strike! ?

Chapter 50 Air Strike! ?
The black crows passed over Gotham silently, crossing the numerous crowds and the endless traffic, chasing the invisible breath in the air.

Raven adjusted for a moment, and her condition was a little better. She tried her best to suppress the headache so that it would not interfere with her actions.In fact, the most difficult part for her is that a ferocious beast hidden deep in her body is constantly biting and trying to break out of the cage that confines her. That may be a huge magical power that this world cannot bear. Now it senses the external magic fluctuations and seems to be unable to hold back.

That's why she always had to be careful, and those who raised her taught her to control her emotions, because her excessive mood swings could be the trigger for an irreversible end, unleashing a true demon.

The trace of magic in the air was like Hansel's breadcrumbs guiding the raven forward, all the way to this tall and stalwart but indescribably eerie building.

Arkham Asylum.

The magical energy is stronger, and the source is here - the raven's throbbing head told her this.

She slipped through the door like a black feather, and groped along the labyrinthine corridors like a ghost that didn't exist.Although Raven herself wears all black every day and has a rather dark personality, even she finds this place really unpleasant.

I don't know where the cold wind blows out from, and it follows the back of your neck no matter where you go.The distribution network of corridor paths is like a maze. Raven finds it hard to imagine how the people working in it recognize the way. Could it be that the original intention of this building design is to use this complicated pathway to prevent patients from getting out? what?
When passing through the critically ill area, she saw even more creepy and strange patients.Like a humanoid crocodile with scales all over his body, a lunatic with scarred muscles and zombie-like eyes, and a short man who giggled and smirked while fiddling with a bowler hat.

It's called a lunatic asylum, but it's a monster camp—and not from a sci-fi movie, but more like a horror movie.As she passed the electrotherapy room, she could hear the patient twitching violently on the bed.She glanced through the crack of the door, and saw the expressionless faces of the doctors and nurses in front of the operating desk, as natural as watching a few living people being shocked by electric shocks in front of them, as naturally as seeing fish swimming.

"Hey!" someone yelled from across the corridor, "Who are you?"

Raven realized that she had been distracted just now, and a guard noticed her and walked towards here, shaking a flashlight.

"You read it wrong, there is no one here."

She whispered like a witch chanting a spell, and with a slight wave of her hand, purple energy surrounded the guard like a cloud of mist.He was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said to himself: "I must have read it wrong."

After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Raven sighed softly.

What a nasty place.

Meanwhile, a Gotham Railroad train goes on top.

After confirming that the gangsters below were all tied up, Eric followed Dick and climbed onto the roof of the car. The strong wind made him barely open his eyes.

Dick was very upset right now, feeling very bad.According to Batman's butler Alfred, Bruce hasn't put on his shirt for half a month, and hasn't even returned to the manor once, and completely ignores the old butler's contact.Until the Arkham incident broke out yesterday, the butler had no choice but to call Dick, who happened to come to Gotham, to replace Bruce and put on the bat suit to control the situation.

Dick had always felt that Bruce must be performing some kind of secret mission again, which is why he behaved so strangely—this kind of situation was not unheard of before, he once undercovered among the gangsters and never returned to the manor for two months.

It wasn't until today that he realized that things might be more serious than he thought.

"Do you believe what he said?" Eric asked, "about Mr. Wayne?"

"Dead? No, I don't think so."

This wasn't self-consolation, Dick really believed it in the bottom of his heart.Bruce is Batman, how could he die so easily?

But if the Bruce in Wayne Co. was a counterfeit—and it seemed to be for a long time, they even found a lot of strengthening potions on the counterfeit's train tonight.It meant something big was going on, right here, in Gotham, and now he had to find out.

"What's wrong with your armor?" Dick asked, "Did you forget your power bank when you went out?"

"I don't know." Eric was equally confused, "It doesn't need to be charged, and generally it doesn't."

Ever since the Armor Armor suddenly crashed in the middle of the battle, it lay motionless on Eric's back as if it was dead. No matter what he did, there was no movement anymore, which made him wonder if it was a cheat Forgot to renew when it expired.

"Then what are we doing now?" Eric looked around and asked, "Wait for the train to stop by itself? Or wait for a hitchhiker?"

"If you have to say it. Take a ride."

From the vast night sky, the black iron bird spread its majestic wings, and its huge body fell silently.If you look carefully, you can see that the camouflage-treated engine is running at a high speed, keeping the giant steel bird in mid-air and keeping relatively still with the train, but the engine is running without making any sound. It is simply the best hunter in the dark. .

Dick took out the hook gun, shot the rope towards the fighter plane, and flew up with Eric.

The living bat fighter, almost everyone who has seen it in the comics can't help but have the desire to "sit for a while and try it".The console of the plane exudes a dark red light, and there are a bunch of buttons with unknown uses beside the joystick. Eric can't help but imagine what the result will be if he tries to press one.

During the battle just now, the train was already approaching the suburbs, and they were flying back to the city right now.

"It's a long night and I've got a lot to do," Dick said. "I'll drop you off when I get back downtown—about where I met you."

"What? I thought we agreed to stay together."

"That was when you were capable of fighting." Dick said, "Now you don't know what's wrong with your armor, but anyway I can't take a risk with a tow bottle, it's dangerous for you and for me ,Understand?"

Eric frowned.

He's right, as much as he hates it.If he can't activate the armor, he will be a burden to follow Dick.

It was the loud sound of a metal sharp piercing through 40mm bulletproof glass, like someone smashing a glass with a hammer.The long silver sword pierced through the windshield and pierced fiercely into the gap between the two seats, and a face was exposed through the punctured gap.

It was a man, at four thousand feet, attached to a warplane.

That face wore an orange and black two-color mask, only the orange part on the left exposed a sharp eagle-like eye.

The moment they saw this face clearly, the hearts of the two people in the plane shuddered.

Death knell!

(End of this chapter)

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