Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 80 Cloning Final Chapter

Chapter 80 Cloning Final Chapter

Mary Jane sat up with a scream and what felt like one long nightmare.

Dazzling white light surrounded her, and she realized that she was sitting on a metal bed covered with various strange devices. The wires connected to her wrist were connected to the terminal at the head of the bed, and all kinds of data were displayed on the dark green screen. Flashing constantly.


Only then did she notice Peter beside the bed, worry was written on his exhausted face.

"Peter?" Mary couldn't help flashing the fragment about the double-faced Peter in her mind, like a sober nightmare, "Really. Is it you? What happened?"

"Long story short. Dr. Octopus cloned me, the clones all escaped in a lab accident, Aunt May had a heart attack, and one of the clones kidnapped you."

"Oh my God." Mary was stunned for a while, her brain running rapidly trying to digest the information.

"My God!" she yelled. "What are you talking about? Clones?"

"Yes, but it's all right now."

Mary threw herself into his arms, and they embraced tightly.

"So you didn't do that, did you?"

"not me."

Marie breathed a sigh of relief, relieved it looked like her superhero boyfriend hadn't turned into a deranged double freak.

"You guys should enjoy your private time. If you want me to suggest you go on vacation." Tony, wearing a casual black T-shirt, walked down the escalator and said, "It's Mary, right? You are now how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, very fine."

"The mutated serum should have been removed from her body. Although some tests need to be done regularly, but" Tony leaned against the table and smiled slightly, "She has basically returned to normal."

Peter was overjoyed: "God, Mr. Stark, I... don't know how to thank you."

"Thank that kid." Tony waved his hand, "I owe him a favor."

New York hospital.

"You wait here." Nick Fury walked quickly into the building after explaining to the two plainclothes agents behind him at the gate.

Peter's Aunt May was on the fourth floor, and that's where Fury was going, to put a full end to this crazy night.


The number on the elevator display stopped at the "4" position, the elevator door slid open, and Eric was standing at the door waiting for him.

"We need to talk," he began.

Fury said: "Maybe we have something to talk about, but not now. I'm not here to find you."

"I know, you came to find Parker." Eric said coldly, "But why?"

"He's an unstable risk factor, he's too young, too easy to take advantage of -- as he is today," Fury said. "And the repercussions are serious. We have to control it."

"So you created a bunch of spider-killing robots because of the prophet, did you predict what happened today?" Eric sneered, "Isn't it? You have already had this intention, and you have long been planning how to kill Spider-Man ,right?"

Fury was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "I am responsible for the security of this country, and I always have to be prepared for everything. I specialize in anthropology, so I am very experienced. Peter Parker has experienced so much—— Losing both parents at a young age, being bullied at school, and finally losing the uncle who raised him, such a child accidentally acquires such powerful abilities ... often means that we are about to see a super villain born."

"But you are wrong." Eric said lightly.

Fury was silent for a while, as if thinking, and then said: "Yes, I was wrong."

"He's a very special guy, very special." Eric said, "I didn't really believe that there could be such a pure so-called 'good guy' in reality, and Spider-Man obviously is. He deserves more opportunities."

Fury pondered for another moment.

"Maybe you're right," he said slowly, "but I'll keep watching, both of you."

Eric chuckled: "Speak as if you haven't done this before."

Fury pressed the elevator button again, seemingly no longer intending to trouble Peter.

"Then if you see that child." The moment before the elevator door closed, Fury glanced at the corner of the corridor intentionally or unintentionally, "Tell him we are sorry for all this."

After the corner of the corridor, Peter, who had been listening silently, clenched his fists involuntarily.

After Fury left, he turned and went back to Aunt May's hospital room.

"Peter, are you okay?" Aunt Mei, who was wearing a breathing tube, opened her eyelids with difficulty and asked in a trembling voice.

"Aunt May!" Peter said happily, "Are you awake?"

"What happened?" Aunt May asked.

"It's a bit complicated," Peter said. "But it doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is that you're okay. It's just...about that"

He hesitated.

How to say it?Aunt May knew he was Spider-Man, and reacted surprisingly violently.He knew it now, because Aunt May had always thought he was the only Parker kid who could have normal happiness, when in fact he had never been "normal."

Last time, Aunt May had even kicked him out for being Spider-Man—well, he knew it was a moment of anger, but what if it wasn't?
As if seeing through his thoughts, Aunt Mei laughed softly.

"Peter, that battle too ugly."

Peter was so relieved that tears welled up in his eyes.

"I know."

Aunt Mei opened her arms and gave him a big hug: "My child."

That night, on the roof of Peter and Mary's once-secret cottage.

Peter deftly and skillfully climbed up to the roof, and the black Spider Woman was sitting by the chimney with her knees hugged, looking like she had been waiting for a long time.

"I knew I'd find you here," said Peter.

"I knew you would come here to find me." Jessica took off her mask.

"You should go to the people from SHIELD to help you." Peter said sternly, "You might die if you continue like this."

"Uh, no." Jessica stuck out her tongue, "Maybe one day you will die at the hands of a guy in big armor."

"Rhino? Maybe, but."

"Hey! I know you have a good joke, but don't interrupt me when I'm telling one."

"That should be my joke."

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"We're both incredible," Jessica said.

"Yeah." Peter also said, "It feels weird. So what are your plans next?"

"No, I'm going to school with you." Jessica said seriously, "And then make up a story about Parker's distant relative."

Peter was petrified in an instant, and couldn't help but imagine the reaction of his classmates seeing this beautiful female version of himself
Jessica laughed out loud: "Just kidding! Can you imagine the embarrassing scene?"


"Neither can I."

After a pause, she asked again, "How are Aunt Mei and MJ?"

"Aunt May is fine, and Mary is back to normal. Thanks to Mr. Stark, he is really amazing."

"Yeah, we have always been his fans." Jessica nodded solemnly, "When we grow up, we will become as powerful as Iron Man."

Having said that, the two laughed out loud together.

"God, it's so weird talking to you," Peter said.

"Ready for the most awkward hug ever?"


Jessica gave him a big hug, then turned around and put on the mask again, jumped down from the roof, and disappeared into the night against the moonlight with spider webs.

"It's so cool that I can secrete spider silk." Peter looked at it for a long time with his back propped up.

"It's disgusting, too," he added.

In the dark, somewhere.

The cylindrical Petri dish stood against the wall, and the liquid with bubbles rolled around gave off a pale blue light, like a whisper.The body of a blond boy was suspended in a liquid full of bubbles, unconscious.

A black figure sat on the swivel chair, turned around with the chair, staring at the young man in the liquid obsessively.

"Otto thought he had created the most perfect Spider-Man, he was wrong." Sombra said arrogantly, "Wake up, kid, and say hello to your father—Jackal!"

(End of this chapter)

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