Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 96 The Mystery of Yamazhuo

Chapter 96 The Mystery of Yamazhuo

A burst of black clouds drifted over the teaching building, and the cold moonlight was buried in the clouds and disappeared temporarily.The cool wind blows gently from the open top floor, as if bringing a whisper.

"You might as well repeat it from the beginning, Dr. Ivo." Ye Yi said, "This friend of mine should be very happy to hear what you have explained to me, and I just want to check if there is anything missing."

Dr. Ivo adjusted his round-frame glasses, thought for a while, and said, "Well, it should be a month ago from the beginning. As I said before, I found a method that can work with nanometers. A special virus that interacts with alloys, it can record the biological characteristics of any target, convert it into data memory and store it, and it can be restored by special means at any time, and manifested on its own host. I named it' 'Armagzo', and based on that came the plan for 'Armagzo Machine'. Simply put, to create a robot that could replicate any superpower it saw."

As he spoke, he couldn't help showing the excited expression that those madmen of science have.

"Can you imagine?" He said excitedly, "A machine that can replicate any ability, it can go to the sky, it can run through bullets, and if it is put into the battlefield, one person has the ability to sweep a country! The pattern of the world will be completely changed. Change!"

Neither of them interrupted him, quietly waiting for the next sentence.

"However, my group of short-sighted sponsors think I'm talking nonsense, thinking that it's just an unrealistic fantasy of a crazy scientific worker." Dr. Ivo's expression changed suddenly, and he said through gritted teeth, "They froze my Funding, stop my research project, these idiots have no imagination and creativity, all their stupid minds are filled with money, money, imagination can only build a tricycle at best.”

Immediately afterwards, he laughed again, and the topic changed again.

"Fortunately, not all idiots are like that in the world," he said. "I was approached by an organization called 'AIM' who were interested in my research even though I didn't have any proof that my vision would work. things, but they were still willing to provide me with funds and resources for research. Then, I found out why they were interested in my research.”

Two weeks ago, a research institute of AIM.

On the huge screen, the warrior wrapped in the dazzling green light was like a shrill thunder. The turbulent green light turned into a giant sword, which fell like a punishment from heaven, cutting off a monster more than 20 meters tall with one sword. It became two pieces.

Dr. Ivo stared at the metal figure in the flames and black smoke in shock, and muttered: "What is this?"

"Almazo Armor." A blond man with sunglasses and crew-cut hair came up behind him and said to him, "That's our earliest completed work, and the registration code is 'Alpha'."

"'Alpha'." The doctor repeated to himself, his eyes were fixed on the blurry figure that was frozen in the flames, and he seemed to be completely attracted by it.

Suddenly, he trembled all over, and turned around and asked, "Wait, what do you mean by saying that you have 'finished a long time ago'? Has the plan for 'Armajo' been proposed before me?"

"Ah, that's right, but it's a little different from your design blueprint. 'Alpha' is a set of nano-biological armor with multi-mode superpower switching capabilities, not a robot with the ability to replicate." The man with sunglasses said, "Unfortunately Sadly, the armor samples have been lost and fell into the hands of our enemies."

Dr. Ivo was taken aback for a moment, and some reactions came over: "You want me to make another similar thing?"

"No, doctor." The man took off his sunglasses and smiled slightly, "We hope you make a better one."

just now.

"'Alpha'," Eric repeated, "is that the name of this suit of armor?"

"I have been working at AIM for a month, and I have also heard about some things that happened to Alpha's system development team before." Dr. Ivo said, "I have been hoping to see the rest of the team or this The Alpha system that has been completed. How does it permanently store superpower biological data? I haven’t solved this problem yet.”

"Before that, tell me first." Eric asked in a deep voice, "What happened to the team that developed this armor?"

"So, I've also heard that the person in charge of that project, Dr. Charlotte, is your father, right?"

Eric didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

The doctor asked in a relaxed tone: "That Nick Fury made you think that your father developed this armor for you, right? Did he tell you that only your genes can activate this armor, and your Father expects you to get it and do the right thing?"

Dr. Ivo smiled strangely and strangely.

"That's just Nick Fury's rhetoric, because he wants you to fight the way he wants to. No one but you can drive that suit, and Fury wants the power of this suit to be used for him. .But in fact, is this armor really developed for you?"

Eric frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever thought about another possibility—the reason why you unlock the genetic lock of the Alpha armor and drive it to fight is because you happen to have the gene of its tailor-made master?"

Eric was silent, he had indeed thought about this possibility.

"That's right, that's the truth." Dr. Ivo said, "Alpha's armor was not made for you, but for Dr. Charlotte—your father. And you just happen to be the second person in the world who can It's just the person who unlocked its genetic lock. Besides, your father is definitely not the same kind of person as Fury described. Although I haven't met him in person, I think I can understand-he is the same kind of person as me We are not the kind of people who have the short-term idea of ​​​​'protecting the world' like Fury, we are the kind of people who can promote the development of the world at any cost, and history needs people like us."

"Tell me what you know." Eric asked coldly. "What happened to them?"

"I can make up a story to tell you at will, and you can't be sure which of what I said is true and which is false." Dr. Ivo said relaxedly, "And if I finish telling it now, you will definitely not believe it—— You're going to ask me to show you the evidence. So I figured I might as well just let you see it for yourself."

"Look at what?"

"The Lex Corporation of Metropolis has a branch here in New York." Dr. Ivo said, "There is a top-secret laboratory hidden on the top floor, and everything you want to know is stored in the server. If you want to know the truth. Just find a way to get in there and find it out.”

(End of this chapter)

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