The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 226 A Communication at Work

Chapter 226 A Communication at Work


"What are you talking about?"

Comrade Zhou Yiming had a particularly leisurely life from October last year until this year.

She didn't know what she was going to do these days.So at this time, when she heard what Gao Jiangyuan said, she was very curious.

Gao Jiangyuan had expected this, so when he saw Comrade Zhou Yiming's look like I didn't know anything, he smiled calmly, "Comrade Zhou, our steel factory and cotton textile factory are urgent Brothers and sisters who are close to each other. There are some things that we must stay together to communicate with. For example, the eradication of the four pests at the beginning of the spring, and the response to the continuous learning of the people above to be good people. Another one, our steel plant arrived at 5 In the first month, according to the old rules, you have to have a big fellowship with your cotton textile factory. The unmarried gays and lesbians can sit together for a meal and talk."

Comrade Zhou Yiming blushed immediately when he heard this.Even the lesbians standing behind her had red faces like monkey butts.

"Comrade Gao! What are you talking about? It's embarrassing."

Zhou Yiming glanced at Gao Jiangyuan with slight reproach in his eyes.

Just such a glance immediately made Chen Yuanyuan, who was standing half a step behind Gao Jiangyuan, feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, she thought to herself, Comrade Yi Ming didn't know how to pay attention to the influence this week.

She didn't care about so many people present at all, and she was "beautiful" at Gao Jiangyuan...

When Gao Jiangyuan saw Zhou Yiming treat him like this, he really felt a little unworthy in his heart.

But Zhou Yiming didn't know.

She thought for a while, then nodded to Gao Jiangyuan and said, "Comrade Gao, there are too many rat germs. We really want to respond to the country's call and wipe them out one by one. On this matter, we will discuss it later." Inside the venue, workshop by workshop is doing publicity.”

"Yeah. I don't know if your factory will be the same as before. You're all collecting rat tails..."

"Accept! Why don't you accept it? Our factory did a good job in this campaign last year. We collected a total of 10 rat tails..."

When Chen Yuanyuan heard Zhou Yiming proudly say such an achievement suddenly, she was shocked.

10 mouse tails...

This is really going to exterminate the rats...

For Comrade Zhou Yiming's proud announcement of this achievement, Gao Jiangyuan nodded affirmatively.

"Comrade Zhou, your factory did a good job last year, and was commended by the relevant leaders above. We all know about this."

Zhou Yiming smiled slightly, "This matter is the result of the unity of the employees in our factory. I have summed up my work experience from last year's incident. I think we have to unite in everything we do, twisted into one A rope. We must rely on the strength of the masses to get things done.”

Hearing this, Gao Jiangyuan said with his hands behind his back: "Comrade Zhou, your work experience and work summary have deeply inspired me last year. So this year, I will come to communicate with you After all, we also want to make some achievements.”

"The removal of the four pests sounds trivial, but it is related to the safety of people's lives and property. Those rats are harmful spirits, not to mention spreading diseases, and even biting our people's property. Every employee of ours Hate them so much."

"Comrade Gao, what you said is quite good. Isn't that the reason? Rats are evil spirits and enemies of our people. We must eliminate them as much as possible..."

Chen Yuanyuan, who was standing behind Gao Jiangyuan, was quiet at this time and didn't speak much.

She just watched quietly, Comrade Gao Jiangyuan and Zhou Yiming, you came and said such words.

Regarding this way of speaking and tone, Chen Yuanyuan, who was seeing such a scene for the first time, said something from the bottom of her heart, she felt that she was really a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

This way of speaking is a bit like a history book she read before, talking about structuralism and deconstruction...

She said that she really didn't understand...

After reading the whole article, she didn't know what the author was going to say.

Now, in fact, she is too.

She could understand that Comrade Gao Jiangyuan and Comrade Zhou Yiming both spoke Chinese, but when this Chinese language was transmitted to her, she felt that there were some information points that she thought were a bit wrong.

While continuing to listen carefully to the comrades in front of you, you talked about the necessity of "eliminating the four evils", its significance, and its major historical influence...

Chen Yuanyuan thought to herself, am I doing a Chinese listening test?
Comrade Zhou Yiming, as the head of the Propaganda Department of the Cotton Textile Factory, had a cordial exchange with Gao Jiangyuan, and the two of them quickly reached a consensus.

Zhou Yiming felt that she could formulate a plan to eliminate the four pests today.

As for the acquisition plan of the mouse tail, on the basis of last year, the price of the mouse tail must be kept down.

Zhou Yiming asked his uncle and a few relatives at home to help.

Under the chairmanship of the cotton textile mill's trade union chairman, the price of the rat's tail was fixed at ten and fifteen cents.

Seeing that they kept the price so low, Gao Jiangyuan thought for a while and took notes for himself.

After he went back, the price had to be adjusted according to this.

In order to prevent some people from taking advantage of the price difference.

At noon today, Gao Jiangyuan and the others ate in the canteen of the cotton textile factory.

Since Gao Jiangyuan came here today to take the initiative to communicate, the cotton textile factory has nothing to prepare.

However, Gao Jiangyuan took Chen Yuanyuan and Chen Kangjian to have a free lunch with the chairman of the cotton textile factory trade union.

Although lunch is not a big deal.

Everyone's bowl only had two meals, two dishes, one radish and one cabbage, but such a free lunch still made Chen Kangjian very happy.

In his opinion, something that does not cost money is a good thing.

He was very satisfied to be able to eat for free.

A boiled radish and a boiled cabbage, in Chen Yuanyuan's opinion, did not have much nutrition at all.

After all, there is only salt in it, but no oil.If the radish has no oil in it, it will taste particularly bad, and after eating it, it is easy to scrape out the fat in the stomach.

Chen Yuanyuan feels that the more she eats, the hungrier she becomes, and the more she eats, the thinner she becomes.

Moreover, three meals a day is too much for him.She just couldn't finish it.

Therefore, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Yuanyuan whispered a word to Gao Jiangyuan who was sitting next to her.

"Brother Jiang Yuan~, this meal is too much, I can't finish it at all."

After Gao Jiangyuan saw Chen Yuanyuan say this, everyone around her looked at her in surprise.He thought for a while, then moved his bowl over.

"Then if you can't finish it, just put it all in my bowl."

Chen Yuanyuan was overjoyed when she heard this, and hurriedly put all the untouched rice and vegetables into Gao Jiangyuan's rice bowl.

Gao Jiangyuan saw Zhou Yiming looking at him in surprise at this time, he thought about it, and then explained to her calmly: "Yuanyuan is still young, her stomach is only that big. He can't eat these things Finished."

Zhou Yiming smiled stiffly when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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