The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 243 "Wen Dou" I Chapter 1

Chapter 243 "Wen Dou" I am number one
1965 4 Month 23 Day.

On this day, the wind from the northwest brought a little bit of cold and harsh wind, blowing on people's bodies.

In front of the east gate of Hongyang Iron and Steel Works.

The two huge teams, under the blowing of the cold wind at this moment, formed the situation of two tigers fighting each other.

The leading side is a team led by Comrade Guo Fengxian with the outline of vigorous, positive, hard work, and arduous struggle.

And standing less than ten meters away from this team.In fact, there is only one road away. The menacing Wang Liangang, Wang Liantong, and Chen Yuanyuan, who was repeatedly told by Gao Jiangyuan to stay in the crowd, have more than 200 people in the main group. steel factory team.

Their appearance at this moment is quite different from their usual appearance.

This literary battle begins.

Both teams sent their representatives with the loudest voice, the richest experience, and the strongest theoretical knowledge.

Comrade Wang Liangang now became the representative of the steel factory without hesitation.

She suddenly took a step forward.

Everyone present was silent.

Wang Liangang suddenly raised his fist up to the top of his head.

Then the other left hand held a very small red book.

With her left hand guarding her chest, she took a step forward with her right leg, and her other leg was in a squatting posture.

The whole person is like a guard.

She roared hoarsely.

"The people have strength! Don't be afraid of hardships or difficulties! If we want to surrender now, we must die!"

Wang Liangang just finished this sentence, and the representative of the other party said it directly.

"All reactionaries are paper tigers!"

Wang Liangang then replied, "The Chinese people have stood up since then! No need to fart, just watch the world turn upside down!"

Standing opposite was a big gay man.

Very loud.

He yelled directly, "What the enemy opposes, we must support, and what the enemy supports, we must oppose!"

Wang Liangang, "Civilization is its spirit, barbarism is its physique! A revolution is a riot, a violent action in which a class overthrows a class!"

The gay man opposite said, "Where there is oppression, there is resistance!"

Wang Liangang, "Politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed!"

Opposite, "Make up your mind! Don't be afraid of sacrifice! Overcome all difficulties! Go for victory!!"


Chen Yuanyuan, who was hiding in the crowd, just watched these two people come and go.

And the rest of the crowd, from time to time, let out particularly loud cheers.

Chen Yuanyuan actually didn't understand what the two of them were talking about.However, she was completely aware of the enthusiasm and momentum of the blood spurting in the presence of chicken blood.

Last year, that little little red book was only distributed in the army.

But this year has just passed the New Year, and this spring has not yet passed. In just a few months, this little red book has been revised and ordered three times in a row.This version has already been confirmed above.

At this moment, except for those regular employees who have their own jobs, almost all the students have a copy.

A small little red book, in the hands of students, is a sharp weapon that is about to cause a revolution.

Reading this book one by one, the blood is surging and the blood is spurting.From morning to night, there is no rest time for an hour and a half.

Apart from admiration for such a spirit of reading and research, Chen Yuanyuan's heart is only so passionate, so possessive of a sense of ownership, so wild and carefree.So chic, so inspiring thoughts and moods.

Chen Yuanyuan felt that her emotions were being infected every day.And still that crazy infection.

Now at 8 o'clock in the morning every day, when she speaks the manuscript to the employees of the Hongyang Iron and Steel Plant, her high and excited emotions really can't be suppressed a little bit.

After all, the words written in those manuscripts are too sensational and too provocative.

Just like that sentence.

In fact, Chen Yuanyuan didn't miss it, but Gao Jiangyuan would automatically add two sentences to her manuscript with a pen when he was helping her check her manuscript every day.

"People don't attack me, I don't attack others, if people attack me, I will attack others."

"It's infinite joy to fight against the sky, endless joy to fight with the earth, endless joy to fight with people!"

Finally, at the end of the article, I have to add a sentence, "Long live the people! Long live, long live, long live!"

In a manuscript of nearly 1500 words.

These words must be added.

A manuscript without these few sentences is incomplete.

During nearly a month of work, Chen Yuanyuan finally summed up such an experience.

Comrade Wang Liangang, who is particularly powerful in combat, and Comrade Wang Liantong, who is almost out of date, have been cultivated by Gao Jiangyuan some time ago.

The few red treasure books he got from the army were all treasured and treasured by him in front of everyone, and handed over to Comrade Wang Liangang and Wang Liangang, who were tall and big, with a very good throat and a thick enough voice. Comrade Copper.

After handing over the book to them, Gao Jiangyuan still looked forward to it, and looked at the two sisters with special approval: "You two comrades must do a good job! I value you very much now!! You guys These two comrades are now two good comrades that our Propaganda Department cannot part with!"

Thanks to the great favor of the Minister of Propaganda, Comrade Wang Liangang and Wang Liantong's monthly salary is about the same as before, and there is a tendency to decrease.However, when these two people did this, they also achieved a lot.

When I got home, I felt my face was radiant.When talking at home, I also feel confident.

And not just the two of them.

Those who participated in this team in the steel factory, after returning home, more or less had a little bit of air.

But Ding Dani, the head of the Wang family, felt particularly upset about this.

If she hadn't looked at the timing a little bit wrong, she would have started to akimbo and curse.

She really couldn't figure it out.

This good job don't.

Running around with those people outside every day.What's the point of shouting slogans on the street every day, walking around the entire city, turning around?
Can this contribute to the country?

She felt that maybe she was getting old and could hardly keep up with this era.

She really doesn't understand young people's thinking at all.

"Steel making, copper making, you two are back today?"

Seeing that her two granddaughters came back relatively late today, and Comrade Chen Yuanyuan, who lives in her home, came back earlier than them, after she greeted her granddaughters, she asked directly .

"Why did you go tonight again? Have you had dinner yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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