The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 282 Foreigners and Locals

Chapter 282 Foreigners and Locals

While Gao Jiangyuan looked at Chen Yuanyuan seriously, he was thinking in his heart how long until the wedding day...

I feel that I still have to wait for three years... Gao Jiangyuan sighed in his heart, it will take three years~...

It is really not easy to marry a daughter-in-law.

And Chen Yuanyuan, who was watched by Gao Jiangyuan, kept busy there.

Because this is a big iron canopy bed.

Therefore, when Chen Yuanyuan was busy on it, the whole iron frame bed was making creaking noises.

Not very nice.

Chen Yuanyuan laid a mattress on top.Then put on the sheets that have already been washed.

Later, she put a bed cover on the bedding...

After doing this, she was basically sweating all over.

"Yuanyuan, are you tired?"

"If you're tired, get out of bed and drink tea..."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed softly when she heard this.

She just took the stainless steel thermos cup handed over by Gao Jiangyuan, and Chen Yuanyuan and Gao Jiangyuan heard it together. The few lesbians who were huddled together and said this before came out of it and said: "Well... I'm thirsty too. Can you let me have a drink first?"

Chen Yuanyuan frowned unconsciously when she heard this.

She thought, who is this?

Why are you so rude?
However, before she could think about this matter clearly, the lesbian wearing a blue cloth upper body, black trousers lower body, and a "**" hairstyle urged: "It's too hot here, I'm really thirsty. Just give me a drink."

For this kind of familiar people, Chen Yuanyuan actually dislikes them very much.

Because people who are familiar with each other usually don't have that sense of proportion.Especially when he gets along with others, he is completely unconscious.

Don't know other people's stuff, it's not his at all.

Chen Yuanyuan didn't pay much attention to the current situation.

After she just took a sip of tea calmly, she handed back the thermos in her hand to Gao Jiangyuan.

"Brother Jiang Yuan~, you take it."

The lesbian wearing a blue top, black trousers, and haircut, seeing that Chen Yuanyuan didn't even give herself a sip of tea at this time, had a particularly ugly expression on her face.

Behind her, she didn't know what to think, she turned her head suddenly, and looked at the two lesbians behind her with red eyes.

The two lesbians behind her looked at each other, and soon a lesbian who looked like Huang Bo stood up directly.

Her accent is particularly heavy.As a child who has been immersed in Mandarin all year round, Chen Yuanyuan is particularly uncomfortable with the tone and speed of her speech.

So for a while, she didn't understand what the other party said.

However, if she doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that Gao Jiangyuan doesn't understand.

Gao Jiangyuan is a native of Hongyang City.He still has a special understanding of Hongyang dialect.

Because of his pride as a Hongyang city dweller, he himself doesn't like to speak or listen to this kind of ugly dialect.

After all, the vernacular of Hongyang City, when others hear it, they think it is a quarrel.

Moreover, no matter what gentle words are, if they are spoken directly in Hongyang dialect, others will only mistakenly think that the speaker is very impatient.The speaker is trying to quarrel with the other party.

This vernacular is a literary battle with others, and the effect is actually pretty good.

It's quite intimidating.

However, Gao Jiangyuan privately thought that if he said this on a formal occasion, it would cause the other party to misunderstand.This makes the other person feel bad about you.

Especially now, Gao Jiangyuan listened to the words spoken by the lesbian who looked the most like a man across from him.

"Hey, how can you be so stingy?? We are all comrades, so we have to be generous! You can't be too selfish! Isn't it just a sip of water? What is there to be reluctant about?"

"Yeah, yeah, I think you two are just looking down on poor people like us!"

"Hey, hey, have you seen that? That lesbian's clothes are really decent! There's not even a single patch... Is this the style in big cities?"

"Life in this big city is really... I don't know what to say... Why are you talking about a lesbian dressed so brightly? The bed sheet and bed cover she made just now, Have you seen it? That suit looks really pretty! I want a set too... I don't know if this very beautiful lesbian will lend it to me..."

These three lesbians all spoke in Hongyang dialect at first.

When they saw Chen Yuanyuan's expression of complete incomprehension, they immediately mistook her for a foreigner.

And it is very likely to be from the provinces.

Therefore, their courage suddenly grew.

After all, they are from other provinces...

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, people from other provinces are easy to bully.

So, as they talked, they didn't have any scruples in their mouths.

And what they said, they actually thought it was quite normal.

After all, in their village, if there is a shortage of things, they will find relatively rich families to borrow... This is quite normal.

Anyone who has a problem will come to help.

Such is a big family.

good family...

Gao Jiangyuan saw these three lesbians in front of him, thinking about his Yuanyuan's calculations as if no one else was around.

He suddenly became unhappy.

He thought for a while, and immediately spoke out in a particularly authentic Hongyang dialect.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my surname is Gao. I am Director Gao of the Propaganda Department of Hongyang Iron and Steel Plant. The person next to me is my target. In a few years, I will marry her. What she said before is in Work in the Propaganda Department of our steel plant."

Gao Jiangyuan smiled at the corner of his mouth. After saying this, he immediately asked the three lesbians in front of him politely: "Several comrades, when we came in just now, we didn't say hello to you. I'm so sorry."

"But since we have already introduced ourselves, shouldn't you introduce yourself too? After all, in the next few years, we will have to say hello every day."

When the three female comrades heard Gao Jiangyuan's idiosyncratic Hongyang words, they were stunned at the beginning.

Later, they heard Gao Jiangyuan say that he worked in Hongyang Iron and Steel Plant and was also the head of the Propaganda Department. They immediately looked at Gao Jiangyuan with admiration.

They thought to themselves, this tall and handsome gay man is really a bit unusual.

It turns out that he is such a capable person...

(End of this chapter)

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