The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 293 A Beautiful Bride Is Hard To Find

Chapter 293 A Beautiful Bride Is Hard To Find

Lin Zijian had such a thought in his heart, so at this time, whoever he looked at, especially those female students who were more beautiful, he felt that the other party was his wife.

In fact, not only he had such an idea, but even her roommates also had the same plan.

Instead of letting those matchmakers help them find one in various factories.

It's better to take advantage of your youth and still have some time in college to talk about it by yourself in college.

Marriage first and then love is actually quite difficult for them.

After all, even if they don't have any personal experience with the matches that the matchmakers find, they can know that those lesbians are really not very good-looking after seeing them a lot.

They are now college students.

Coming out is the status of a cadre.

When you come out, you will have an iron rice bowl arranged by the state.

The future is boundless.That's bright.

Marrying a bride who is not very good-looking and they don't like very much, no matter which direction they think about, they can't figure it out.

Since Lin Zijian came to the school several days earlier when the freshmen came to sign up this year, he came to the school from his home.

He still has a lot of insights into the activity of welcoming new students.

And he's quite skilled at this job.

Help the lesbians who come from a long way to carry their luggage, and tell them the registration process.

Take them to know the buildings in the school.Where is the cafeteria, where is the library, where is the laboratory.He will show special patience and explain everything one by one.

Today is the day for new students to register.

Lin Zijian and his few classmates who played very well got up at six o'clock.

Helping the new lesbians carry their luggage, help them with this and that, and help them cook,...

There are too many people to help and too many things to do, so after working all morning, they are really tired.

No, the four people headed by Lin Zijian found such a secluded place to talk, chat, and brag after having nothing to do after eating.

They were actually showing off to each other at the beginning.

They are young men who are full of vigor, and what they are showing off is very simple.

That is how many lesbians I helped this morning.

What is your name.

Which professional.

How tall is the height.Pretty or not.

Does the other party like or reject you?

Is there any possibility of becoming your own object?

Although these four men all have elements of bragging to each other.However, they also reported a particularly conservative figure based on the actual situation.

For example, Lin Zijian said he helped three people this morning.

Although the three female comrades were not very beautiful, their eyes lit up when they looked at him, and they actively asked about his situation.

After Lin Zijian said this, his good brother Ed said happily that he had helped two lesbians this morning.

After the two lesbians saw him, although they were faintly surprised.However, the two of them were very happy and accepted his help.

Ed is actually a young man with blond hair.

His mother is Chinese and his father is a foreigner.

His father was also an expert in some aspects of the atomic bomb.Enjoy state-level allowances and treatment.Very unusual.

His mother seems to be a college professor.

But it's not from the university in Hongyang City.

Ed seemed to be the youngest among the four.Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be only eighteen or nineteen years old.

After Ed finished speaking, the two people next to him also spoke.

One is Liu Wenqiang.

The other one is Ma Zhikang.

Liu Wenqiang said, "This morning, I helped a team of lesbians. There were about seven or eight people. I helped them carry their bags and fetch water. I can actually see that they seem to have worked hard all the way. There is a thick layer of dust on the face. They don't seem to be well. They are yellowish with black, and there are many wrinkles. Moreover, after I helped them, they didn't even say a word. I feel Come out, they are somewhat lacking in this aspect."

"I think it's impossible for me to date those people."

After Liu Wenqiang said this, Ma Zhikang followed suit and nodded.

"My situation is similar to that of Wen Qiang. This year's freshmen... there don't seem to be many lesbians who are a little bit prettier."

When he said this, he shook his head regretfully and sighed, "Hey~, I actually just want to find a beautiful one to marry. But, I just can't meet one!"

"I'm worried!"

These four guys are actually not too young.

They are already a bit late in reading.

And boys, as long as they are not the genius type, they are generally inferior to girls when they are studying.

After all, when boys were young, compared to girls, they were more naughty and mischievous.

When they sat down to study, they thought about going outside with their friends.

They can stick together and play spinning tops all day without getting bored.

As for reading, let them sit quietly in the classroom, sit on the seat, follow the teachers to read word by word, or do self-study by themselves, it will kill them.

Therefore, these four big and small guys, in fact, only became enlightened when they were around eight or nine years old.

Now, they are almost 23 four years old.

23 At the age of four, they are full of vigor.

For my partner, marriage, and the future, my heart is filled with a particularly beautiful longing.

As a young and innocent man, whenever the night is quiet, he will imagine bit by bit in his mind, his unspeakably beautiful bride.

Especially this Hongyang City where there are more men than women.

This lesbian doesn't have much Hongyang University at all.

Although those gay men are studying and doing experiments in the laboratory on weekdays, but after they see beautiful lesbians one by one, they feel a little restless. , They have rich associations and imaginations.

So at this time, when Lin Zijian, Ed, Liu Wenqiang, and Ma Zhikang saw Gao Jiangyuan carrying Chen Yuanyuan in a hidden corner of the school, shouting happily and playing happily, they Some can't control their own eyes.

"This little girl is really beautiful!"

After Ai De sighed, Liu Wenqiang immediately said, "What does she have to do with us? Her brother, you can tell at a glance that he is not easy to mess with. I want him to be my brother-in-law. I think the difficulty is not ordinary! I think, if I find her as a partner, the degree of difficulty will probably be much more difficult than writing a college thesis for me!"

Hearing this, Ma Zhikang nodded vigorously.

"I feel the same way. Have you noticed? That brother really loves his sister. At this time, he... let his sister ride on his head..."

Hearing this, Ed said a little angrily: "If I find such a beautiful object, I can let her ride on my head! Not only can she ride on my head, but she can also step on it!"

(End of this chapter)

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