The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 314 Happy days as a military wife

Chapter 314 Happy days as a military wife
Chen Yuanyuan is a very cultured person.

Even for people she doesn't like very much, she can smile politely and answer politely in front of them.Let others feel that she is such a very polite person.

A long time ago, others would always say that she was a hypocrite and a duplicity.

However, Chen Yuanyuan has her own principles for how to behave and do things.

After all, even if you don't like the other party, you can't make the scene too ugly.

Therefore, for Wang Angang's endless questioning, she was still smiling at the corner of her mouth, and answered very politely.

As for Wang Angang, he was particularly satisfied with this.

But then, after a careful observation, Wang An suddenly discovered that Chen Yuanyuan, who was sitting next to him, was wearing a dress, that is, the Braki passed down from the Soviet Union. Good-looking is good-looking, but this one with arms and legs exposed, no matter how you say it, he feels a little out of place...

Thinking of this, Wang An just looked at Chen Yuanyuan's white and smooth little arm with a layer of jade-like luster, then raised his hand and put it on his lips.

Then, he kissed his throat lightly.

After putting his hands on his thighs, he solemnly and softly taught, "Comrade Chen Yuanyuan, I have a request for you."

Chen Yuanyuan turned her head slightly when she heard this.

Looking at him curiously.

Make a request?
What does he want to ask of himself?
Before she could continue to ask questions, Wang Angang put on a more serious expression and said: "Chen Yuanyuan, from now on, you still don't want to wear this. It looks good,'s easy to catch cold if you wear too much."

Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback when she heard this.It didn't take a while to realize what Wang Angang meant by these words.

However, when she saw that other people followed his words, she nodded incessantly.

Moreover, they chimed in and said, "Yes. Yes. It's almost October now. In a few days, the weather will change here. It's very hot outside now. Maybe it's night, The cold wind from the northwest is blowing suddenly, and there is going to be heavy snow outside. So, comrade, we also think that your clothes... seem a little too thin."

Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Thank you for your kind reminder. After I go back later, I will bring a few more thick clothes to school."

As soon as Wang An heard this, he felt particularly comfortable in his heart.

So, he added an extra sentence: "Yuanyuan, from now on, don't wear your clothes. Wear more Lenin uniforms and green military uniforms. Do you still have money? If you don't have money, I have it here." . By the way. I still have tickets for a Lenin suit. Do you want it?"

Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan shook her head and waved her hands without hesitation.

Isn't there a saying that is good?It's called not being rewarded for no merit.

I have nothing to do with the gay man in front of me.

If he just accepts his favor for no reason, isn't that directly equivalent to taking advantage of him?

Chen Yuanyuan is a person who has seen wealth.Although her life was hard when she was a child, her own mother and her stepfathers never let her eat or wear less.

For the sake of a little favor, she made herself far away from someone she didn't like. Chen Yuanyuan, who has been struggling in the society for many years, has not yet had such short-sightedness and narrow-mindedness.

Seeing that Wang Angang took out those tickets and money from his pocket at this moment, and insisted on stuffing them into his hand, Chen Yuanyuan quickly turned her body and avoided them.

"Well, Brother Wang, I have money and tickets now. And as a college student, I still have state subsidies. You should keep the money and tickets yourself. I don't need anything."

"I'm shopping for Lenin uniforms and green military uniforms. I actually have them all. I bought them a long time ago. But now, those clothes have been kept in my spouse's house. Today I can just go back and get them."

"And even if I don't go get it, my partner can deliver it for me."

When Wang An just heard this, although he felt that he couldn't hold back his face, he didn't think about forcing it.

After thinking about it, he took back all the money and tickets he had stolen.

Then, after he put them into the pocket of his coat, he said to Chen Yuanyuan with a serious face: "That's fine. Since you already have it, then let's not buy it. If you have too many clothes, you won't be able to wear them." It's over. After all, those clothes are really durable. If you wear them for ten or eight years, they won't wear out."

When Chen Yuanyuan heard this, she was immediately amused by him.

Wearing clothes for ten years won't wear them out for eight years? did that gay man named Zhou Nonggui have so many patches on his body?
Could it be that the set of clothes on his body can still be worn for more than twenty years?

Thinking of this, Chen Yuanyuan nodded with a smile on her lips.Didn't say much.

When Wang An saw that she was silent again, he immediately said something secretly in his heart.

This Yuanyuan seems to be too quiet.Although she is sensible and smart, she seems to like to keep silent.Not very talkative.

Such a somewhat introverted personality, in the eyes of ordinary people, does not seem to be very flattering.

However, I will never despise her.

After all, she is very young now...

She's young,... as long as I take care of her and urge her a lot in the future, maybe her temperament can be reversed.

Moreover, if she has the opportunity to follow her in the army and be a little military wife, then she feels that she can live a lively and prosperous life when the time comes.

Among the military wives he personally came into contact with, there wasn't a single one he couldn't do.

Moreover, there is no one that the mouth can't say.

Those military wives, generally speaking, would smile a little when they met everyone.

Even though they just had a fight with the man in their room, after they got out of the door, they all said that the guy in their room treated her very well.

It is a useful pillar.

Therefore, Wang Angang especially hoped that Chen Yuanyuan, who was sitting quietly next to him at this moment, would become like those military wives in the future, chattering all day long.

Still can't stop.

She cooks, does laundry, takes care of the children in her own house every day, and chats with other military wives from time to time.Make your home full of popularity, vigor, and vitality. How lively would it be then?

As soon as Wang An thought of the beautiful scene in the future, he felt a special joy in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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