Chapter 359 A Happy Year

As soon as the old lady heard that her granddaughter-in-law was likely to be such a college student, his old face immediately burst into laughter, and the wrinkles on his face could kill those mosquitoes.

However, although she was a little happy in her heart, she was very happy, but she still pretended to be modest and said to her current daughter-in-law: "Whether college students or not, in fact, I don't care about these things. What I care about is whether she has a good temper? Can she get along well with my grandson?"

"If her temperament is good, then our little grandson will be able to live a happy life in the future. Isn't this life meant to be happy?"

When Jiang Lijuan heard what her mother-in-law said with a smile, she immediately echoed a few words, nodded and said: "Yes, Mom~, what you said is really true."

"It really is the salt you eat, which is more rice than us young people..."

"I don't really care much about the daughter-in-law who joined our family. Is she a person who can study? Is she a college student? What kind of family status does the family have? Is my father an official? In fact, these things None of it matters..."

"The most important thing for a new daughter-in-law to marry into the family is to be diligent, sensible, filial, in a good mood, and well-groomed. She is obedient and obedient..."

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, she nodded repeatedly.

She felt that her daughter-in-law was quite right.

If the man at the head of the family marries a good, hard-working wife who is also smart and looks good, the days will be more and more prosperous.

As long as I can make life at home prosperous, and know how to raise children and take good care of my husband, then I have done my duty as a wife.

No matter which family a woman marries into, if she wants her husband to respect and love her, and wants to get perfect care in her old age, then she has to pay more and be more diligent when she is young. Respect the old and love the young, and take care of her husband.

Back in those days, she walked over like this step by step.

If there is a good cause, it will bear good results.

Back then, if she hadn't fulfilled her duties as a mother and wife, then he would never want to experience such family happiness now.

I can't enjoy the envy and worship of myself by those people in the whole village.

More important are those fawning.

Seeing that Mrs. Zhang was very happy, Jiang Lijuan looked at her with envy, so after she thought about it carefully, she continued to add fuel to the crowd and said, "Our daughter-in-law comes in. , basically only two or three years."

"Although she is young now, she is really capable and sensible. On her thirtieth year this year, and on the first day of the new year, all the meals at home are made by Jiang Yuan and his partner."

"Don't look at how young he is now, but he is still good at cooking, and the fried food is very delicious. She can organize the dishes on the table. And it can save fuel, salt and briquettes. "

"I'm quite satisfied..."

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be suppressed.

She really couldn't wait to see her granddaughter-in-law-to-be.

So, she said to the daughter-in-law in front of her with a happy face: "That's good, that's good, then next time, next year, when you and San Liang come to my place to celebrate the New Year, you two, don't forget to put Bring your sons and sons and wives here!"

"At that time, I will see with my own eyes whether my granddaughter-in-law is a good match. Is she a good child?"

The people in the main room immediately burst into laughter when they heard this.

When Jiang Lao Mama heard this at this time, he didn't dare to mention it to Gao Jiangyuan, and found a few people who could look at him.

After all, she had misunderstood earlier.

Now I hear with both ears that Sanliang's son already has a partner, and he is such a great college student, so if she continues to mention those things with a cheeky face, these people present may turn around Then I started laughing at myself behind my back.

The people in the village, no matter who they are, have to care about face.

If you accidentally lose face, it is very likely that you will become a joke that those gossip women and gossips tell every day.

After Mr. Jiang stopped talking about this matter, the other introducers present did not dare to talk about it either.

As a result, the atmosphere in the main room became much more lively than before.

Gao Jiangyuan and his biological parents stayed in the village for four or five days.

After the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, it was almost time for relatives to leave in the countryside. Gao Sanliang took his wife and children and rushed to the Hongyang Iron and Steel Factory on the second day.

Everyone in Hongyang Iron and Steel Works started working at the same time as in previous years.

After the eighth day of the first lunar month, which is the ninth day of the first lunar month, all the big guys have to come here to work.

Gao Jiangyuan and Gao Sanliang, in the ninth day of junior high school, got up before dawn in the morning, and set off at about 6:00.

After a whole morning, they used the kind of cloth bag commonly used by country people, filled with two live chickens and ten or twenty fresh eggs, and rushed to the urban area of ​​Hongyang City.

And when I got back to my home, it was around 1:00 in the afternoon.

At this time, Chen Yuanyuan had already been used to living alone for several days.

She hasn't thought about anything these days.

I ate and drank every day, drank and slept.

Those who are broken are happy days like pigs.

So, when she heard knocks on the door outside, she was very surprised.

However, while being surprised, she still had a little bit of vigilance in her heart.

She directly suppressed her voice, then stood by the door, and asked tentatively to the people outside: "Who is outside?"

"Who? Who's there knocking?"

After hearing such words, Gao Jiangyuan replied directly: "Me! Your partner! We are back!"

When Chen Yuanyuan heard this, she quickly unlocked the door.

Because she considered her own safety, she locked the door of the gate after the whole family went out.

So at this time, even if there is a key to open the door, it cannot be opened.

After Chen Yuanyuan took the initiative to open the door, Gao Jiangyuan walked in happily.

He first took a few glances at Chen Yuanyuan.

Seeing that Chen Yuanyuan's face was neither depressed nor angry, he raised his hand to Chen Yuanyuan, the more than 20 eggs in his hand.

"Yuanyuan, are you hungry? How about I cook eggs for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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