Chapter 388

Kang Wende actually felt this way from the very beginning.

He felt that everything about Chen Yuanyuan was in line with his own wishes.All the doors met their requirements.

She is indeed beautiful.The appearance is one of the best.

Knowledge and conversation are not bad either.

Born is even stronger than those people.

The family ingredients are particularly good.

Her entire family was working class.

Although, he had heard a long time ago that her parents were gone...

But in his opinion, this is exactly her advantage.

If she really had that opportunity and married into his own family, then he didn't have to worry at all, and he didn't have to be on guard against those blind date partners before him at all!

Because Chen Yuanyuan didn't need her at all, she took the things from her husband's house to her mother's house!

He doesn't need to worry, his wife's natal family will bring people over from time to time to fight the autumn wind!

Such a girl who suits his own wishes and saves trouble, he had been thinking about it last year.

If there are relatives on my mother's side and relatives on my father's side, if I really can't find someone who completely suits him, that is, the kind who is smart, beautiful, sensible, obedient, well-behaved, and not overbearing, Don't give him some girls who are under pressure in life, then he will try it when the time comes, and talk to this orphan girl who has no one at home——Chen Yuanyuan.

Let's see if she has the thought to accept herself at that time.

He thought from the very beginning that after Chen Yuanyuan married into their family, he didn't think about how to treat her badly.

However, as a woman, she has to do all the chores at home...

Gao Jiangyuan noticed that the gay man surnamed Kang in front of him seemed to be thinking a little bit about his object, Chen Yuanyuan.

He immediately took a break, thinking of saying a few more polite words to him.

So, at this moment, he directly said to Kang Wende: "Comrade, Yuanyuan and I want to get a few catties of gasoline now! Do you have any more here?"

After Kang Wende saw Gao Jiangyuan say this, he didn't answer directly.

Instead, he tentatively asked the question in his heart.

"That..., this comrade, can you tell me now, who are you to Comrade Yuanyuan?"

Before Gao Jiangyuan opened his mouth to answer.

Kang Wende hurriedly asked a question.

"Are you her cousin, or her cousin?"

When Gao Jiangyuan heard that the gay man in front of him actually started asking such questions, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

However, he didn't expect to lose his temper at this time.

Instead, he turned his head slightly, looked at Kang Wende's mother with deep meaning, and said, "This gay man, he told himself just now that he and Yuanyuan haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Actually, during this period of time, Yuanyuan has become my object."

"She's still studying, she's still going to school. And because she's not old enough. So we haven't got a marriage certificate yet. However, our family is discussing that she will be able to get a certificate with me next year..."

When Gao Jiangyuan said these words, he said them calmly and methodically.

There was no pride, elation, or other emotions in the way he spoke.

In fact, he is simply stating the facts.

However, it was his tone that made Kang Wende's mother, who had very high expectations, suddenly discouraged.

Kang Wende's mother has been worried that her son will not find a good partner since the year before last.

Marrying a daughter-in-law has always been a difficult problem.

Be it rural or urban.

Over the past few years, she has used all kinds of relationships, no matter those unmarried girls in the city.

Or those in the countryside, only fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls.

If she could introduce it to her son, she introduced it to her son.

However, every time the son went on a blind date with them, he either said that this was not good, or that that was not good.

It's not that this one is not beautiful, but that that one is too rough, too wild and rude...

So far, she has been worrying about her son's marriage every day!Worry every day!
Sometimes I can hardly sleep at night.

She was just a little worried about her son. When he was young, he was picky and picky.In the end, if I was not careful, I didn't catch anything!

To be honest, my son is fine in everything, no matter in terms of appearance, talent, or family status.

However, he wants to find someone who is similar to him in everything, and even better than him, this thing is really difficult!

Just now, when she saw her son's enthusiasm for this beautiful little girl in front of her, she mistakenly thought that her son's marriage was finally hopeful.

How could she have expected that the man who looked like her brother-in-law standing next to the little girl was actually her target!

She also felt strange at that time.

Such a pretty girl with a bookish look all over her body, why hasn't she been targeted by those wolves in the city...

It turned out that she had already had one by her side, who could protect her gay man...

Kang Wende's mother is also a person who is particularly aware of current affairs.

At this moment, she realized that she had made an embarrassment, and she immediately took Gao Jiangyuan and said, "So, you are the target of this lesbian? Are you planning to get married next year?"

"Then I really want to congratulate you! Just then, I discovered that you and your partner are very suitable for each other. The appearance of a man and a woman is quite suitable..."

And after Kang Wende heard such a news that shocked him, he still hadn't recovered by this time.

He has been staring at Chen Yuanyuan standing behind Gao Jiangyuan with his eyes.

He actually knew Chen Yuanyuan's age in his heart.

When he first met her in Chuchu, it was actually a few years ago.

It's only been three years...

She was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time!
When standing with her cousin, her appearance is extraordinarily immature.

Although he was surprised at her beautiful appearance at that time.However, considering her family's problems and her age, she didn't think about making an early move.

When Kang Wende thought of those things in the past, he suddenly sighed in disappointment in his heart.


He really missed it.

If he knew this would happen, he should have treated Chen Yuanyuan better and cared more back then.

Even if he couldn't marry her, at least he had occupied her hole at that time.

At least this time, he doesn't have to worry that he won't be able to marry a better partner who is a little bit in line with his own wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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