Chapter 395

Gao Jiangyuan just finished today's dinner. After he tore off the apron around his chest and stacked it together, he gently washed his hands under the faucet a few times.

"...Yuanyuan, can you pass me the soap?"

Chen Yuanyuan, who was sitting in front of the sofa, immediately put down the book in her hand after hearing this.

Then, she responded with such a voice.

So I went to get soap for Gao Jiangyuan.

"Brother Jiang Yuan~, here it is!"

Gao Jiangyuan hummed lightly.

Then, he said to Chen Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, you should wash your hands before and after meals. You also follow me, let's wash together..."

Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan hummed.

The two of them finished washing their hands. Gao Sanliang and Jiang Lijuan entered the door one after the other at this time.

"Jiang Yuan..., come quickly and take a look. See what I brought back today?"

Gao Jiangyuan was a little curious when he heard such words.

Then, he took Chen Yuanyuan out of the kitchen.

After leaving the kitchen, Gao Jiangyuan saw at a glance that his mother was holding a yellow cantaloupe in her hand.

Gao Jiangyuan was several meters away, and he could smell the scent of cantaloupe.

"Mom, where did you get this cantaloupe?"

When Jiang Lijuan heard this, she smiled at him immediately.

"You said it was Hami melon, I must have come from Hami..."

After Jiang Lijuan finished speaking, Gao Sanliang, who was standing behind him, burst out laughing immediately.

"Lijuan, you are getting more and more funny..."

After Gao Sanliang said this, he turned his head and said to Gao Jiangyuan.

"Jiang Yuan, your mother and I went to a leader's house today."

"That leader... has an unusual status. There are many capable people in the family. I, it's a good time to go back and visit this time."

"I didn't give away the things I originally planned to give away, but in the end I got such a precious thing from the leader's house... I didn't know what to say about myself during this journey."

Hearing such words, Gao Jiangyuan immediately replied with a smile.

"Dad, what can you say about yourself?"

"Can I say you've got a great deal?"

When Gao Jiangyuan said this, he deliberately paused.

Then, he asked with some concern: "Dad, you went today, have you finished what you want to do?"

When Gao Sanliang heard this, he immediately replied with a smile.

"You good boy! Your dad's ability is obvious to all. How could dad not be able to do such a few trivial things?"

When Gao Sanliang said this, he lowered his head and sighed softly.

"Dad now feels more and more the importance of relationships..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't have that much ability..."

"If it doesn't matter, I will worry about myself all the time, where I am now..."

After Gao Sanliang sighed so long, he slowly sat down on the sofa.

He thought, he has been really difficult recently.

Also very uncomfortable.

However,... the crisis after scene was finally overcome by him in every possible way.

Now, unexpectedly getting the blue eyes of that leader... is considered good luck.

"Jiang Yuan, now our opportunity is in front of us, you have to seize it..."

When Jiang Lijuan heard this, she placed the cantaloupe, which he had never let go of, very carefully on the small coffee table in front of the sofa.

Then, she shook her hand violently.

In the end, she followed Gao Sanliang and sat down on the sofa.

She sat down quickly, and then said in a helpful voice: "Yes, Jiang Yuan. Your father is very right."

"Now a great opportunity is in front of us, and we must seize it."

"Being able to be admitted to a university and go to a university is still of great help to our lives."

"You, hurry up and study hard now! Don't think about miscellaneous things."

"In this world, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on water to run. Nothing is eternal. Others help you, but it is only a moment. Only you help yourself, and you rely on yourself, which is the most reliable thing. "

After Jiang Lijuan said this, she gave Chen Yuanyuan a meaningful look, and then she began to teach Gao Jiangyuan again: "Jiang Yuan~, there are some things you have to understand. This relationship between husband and wife is very important. There are still many tricks and keys.”

"For example, in front of us..., Chen Yuanyuan's education level is higher than yours."

"As far as we are at this stage, in our city, the principle of marrying men at the lowest level and women at the highest level is practiced."

" still have to catch up with Chen Yuanyuan head-on. Work hard with him and move forward hand in hand. Head towards the direction of jointly creating a better future."

"As a big man, you must not be thrown off by your own woman."

When Gao Jiangyuan heard his father and his mother, you said these words one by one, he immediately nodded slightly and said: "Dad, Mom, I will record all these things in your family. heart."

"Don't worry, I will do my best this time no matter what."

Gao Sanliang and Jiang Lijuan watched their son say this seriously, they nodded their heads in great relief, and said with a smile: "That's fine! Jiang Yuan, we believe in you."

Gao Jiangyuan hummed.

"Mom and Dad, Yuanyuan and I worked hard just now and cooked a hearty and delicious meal. Are you hungry now? Do you want to eat together?"

When Jiang Lijuan heard her son say this, she immediately put a question mark in her heart.

Made with meals?
Did Chen Yuanyuan cook just now?What kind of dishes are you cooking?
Jiang Lijuan really didn't dare to stretch out her chopsticks for the food cooked by Chen Yuanyuan.He didn't dare to speak casually.

So, after she and Gao Jiangyuan finished washing their hands in the kitchen, they looked at the dishes on the table, with countless question marks in their hearts.

"Jiang Yuan~, did you cook all these dishes?"

Jiang Lijuan pointed at her favorite pork ribs, noodles with sesame sauce...and asked.

Chen Yuanyuan listened, hurriedly spoke out, and answered.

"Auntie, these dishes are actually made by Brother Jiang Yuan."

"I didn't really help at all..."

When Chen Yuanyuan said this, she was quite ashamed.

However, after Jiang Lijuan heard this, she seemed to be alive after a catastrophe, and she felt very happy in her heart.

so far so good.

She didn't do much.

Otherwise, another table of ingredients was wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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