The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 420 A man with a particularly active mind

Chapter 420 A man with a particularly active mind

Gao Jiangyuan felt that he had explained everything he had to explain, so after thinking about it, he said to Chen Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, let's go to the playground now."

"Earlier, I saw some lesbians playing volleyball there."

"I know you are a quiet and delicate person who doesn't like sports. However, sometimes, I really want to tell you, you... you should go out for a walk more. "

"Hang out more with those lesbians who play well or throw lead biscuits."

Chen Yuanyuan was very surprised when she heard such words.

If she associates with those who play well, she can figure out why.

After all, if you spend more time with those who play well, then your eyes will probably be slightly opened.

After all, in this day and age, those who can play volleyball are extraordinary.

Back in those days, she seemed to have made a movie before hearing about it for five years or so.

What is the name of the female volleyball player...

It seems to be pretty.

Those who can play volleyball now generally have better family conditions.

Moreover, their bodies are also very strong.

Tall and mighty.

When he came out, he was very bold.

Staying with such a lesbian can also make people feel particularly safe.

Chen Yuanyuan still has a good impression of female athletes who specialize in volleyball.

However, favors belong to favors. Although she also wants to learn, she also has self-knowledge.

She knew that her own conditions were far from that requirement.

She is only about 1 meters.

Just such a short and stubby height, um... I guess it's at least 30 centimeters away from the standard female volleyball player...

"Brother Jiang Yuan, are you serious?"

"I feel like a dwarf when I walk with those lesbians playing volleyball. They are like tall giants. When I talk to them, I have to hold my head high."

"Also... I can understand that you asked me to hang out with those volleyball players. But the crux of the problem now is that you ask me to hang out with those lesbians who throw lead cakes and shot puts. I really don't understand It's..."

Hearing such words, Gao Jiangyuan explained with a smile on his lips.

"I didn't really ask you to do it."

"What I said just now means that when you make friends, you still have to be more extensive."

"We can also get in touch with this type of talented scholar and beautiful woman. But we can also try to make friends with that kind of tall and mighty type."

"Besides, when people are in the crowd, they are extremely easy to be influenced."

"So...after dating those lesbians who are tall and physically strong, you must eat more than usual. Your body will be stronger."

In Gao Jiangyuan's heart now, he is actually thinking about how to raise Chen Yuanyuan to be stronger.

She is still too petite, too thin.

When her legs and hands were stretched out, he sometimes mistakenly thought that they were all skeletons without flesh...

Those who are too thin are not blessed.

If he had a baby in a few years, he would be a little worried about her.

When Gao Jiangyuan thought of this, he didn't know why, but suddenly felt a headache.

He felt that it was really not easy to raise his Chen Yuanyuan to be stronger and healthier.

What's more, after a few years, with such a petite and frail body, with a big belly, she gave birth to him...

As long as he thinks about it in his mind, his heart will feel a little painful.

"Yuanyuan, let's give birth in a few years..., when you grow up a little bit, and your body is stronger..., let's have another baby, shall we?"

When Gao Jiangyuan said this, he observed Chen Yuanyuan's face from time to time.

He was just a little worried that Chen Yuanyuan would think wildly about such a problem.

And now Chen Yuanyuan, as he expected, began to think wildly.

She really didn't expect that Gao Jiangyuan's thinking is so active now.

The adjustment of the topic is so fast.

She could barely keep up with him.

The topic I talked about earlier was obviously about trying to socialize with those people who play volleyball and throw lead cakes.

But now?
He even started to say to himself again, he will be born again in a few years...

Have a baby in a few days?

Well, Chen Yuanyuan felt that this question was too far away.

She is timid.

The main reason why she didn't get married in her previous life was that she was a little afraid of having children.

What a pain to have a baby...

Endure the hard pregnancy for ten months.

Then use one day to have a so-called painless delivery.

In fact, the few days after giving birth are the most painful times in the true sense.

The greatest pain in life is nothing more than this.

Although Chen Yuanyuan had never experienced that kind of extreme pain, she could still feel it.

After all, she had the habit of dysmenorrhea in the past.

During dysmenorrhea, especially on the first day, her entire abdomen was throbbing and throbbing.

My head is also a little dizzy, my hands and feet are weak and cold, and when I want to raise my hand to grab something, it is still trembling.

What is really speechless is that she always feels cold all over during her menstruation.

Basically, she developed a routine.

That is, on the first day she came to her aunt, she had to lie on the bed honestly.

Although, sometimes, she was so painful that she could hardly straighten her back.

But as long as she can lie on the bed covered with a quilt, she is much stronger than when she is sitting or standing.

Sometimes in the hottest summer, that is, when the temperature is as high as 40 degrees, Chen Yuanyuan has to do the same on the first day when she comes to her aunt.

When bursts of hot sweat broke out all over her body, she would become less painful.

Chen Yuanyuan is a person with a relatively sensitive sense of pain.

Now as long as she recalls the pain she experienced in her previous life, she will slightly frown.


When Gao Jiangyuan saw Chen Yuanyuan, he seemed to be frightened by himself.

He thought about it, and said to her next time: "Yuanyuan, don't think wildly."

"What I just said was nonsense. The plan always fails to keep up with the changes. What we say is very good now. In fact, after a few years, it depends on the actual situation."

Chen Yuanyuan saw that Gao Jiangyuan started to talk a lot again, she thought for a while, then told him a cruel fact.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, I, I actually think that your plan is too early."

"Because...although I have reached this age, my menarche has not yet come..."

"Girls without menarche should not be able to have children..."

(End of this chapter)

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