The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 464 Girls Are All Money Losers?

Chapter 464 Girls Are All Money Losers?

Chen Yuanyuan saw her mother-in-law getting angry more and more, she immediately said to her a little bit wronged.

"Grandma, I know what you said."

"Next time, I won't do this again."

When Jiang Lijuan saw Chen Yuanyuan say this in a low-spirited manner, she became angry.

She still thinks about the next time?
Does this person have sense?

As a result, the anger in Jiang Lijuan's heart soared.She directly stretched out her right hand, pointed at Chen Yuanyuan's nose and said, "Yuanyuan, I don't care what you do, I don't care what you think in your heart."

"I only know that you don't want to have a next time!"

"From now on, you still have to be the same as before, you have to do everything by yourself!"

"Don't slack off on the housework at home."

When Jiang Lijuan talked about this, she started to chatter.

"Yuanyuan, you are the daughter-in-law of our family. You have to do your part well. Do your own thing well. Think about it for yourself, which family around here is as lazy as you? "

"The daughter-in-law at the head of the family gets up every morning before dawn. In the morning, they start making breakfast at six o'clock. At seven o'clock, they wait for the family to come to eat. The family Going out after breakfast will give you more energy for work that day."

"But look at yourself, when have you been so diligent?"

"Every morning, you still need me, the elder, to help you with your work! I am also in my 50s and [-]s now. I also need to sleep well..."

When Chen Yuanyuan heard her mother-in-law say such a big thing in front of her man, she quickly lowered her eyes.

Finally, I finally held back the smile in my heart.

Chen Yuanyuan still knows a lot about her own man.

Gao Jiangyuan has a good reputation.

He has his own way of doing everything.

Is a very principled person.

Such a person, in front of him, if you say something that is more reasonable, he can basically listen to it.

However, if you say something that is not very humane with that kind of strong personal feeling.

Then, the opponent's goal will not be easily achieved.

No, just after Jiang Lijuan finished speaking, Gao Jiangyuan directly took the dry cloth on the side, and after quickly drying his daughter-in-law's feet, he said to his mother: "Mom, What are you talking about?"

"If you want to sleep more in the morning, then from now on, don't get up so early and don't cook at home. My dad, Yuanyuan and she eat in the unit. It’s also possible. After all, it doesn’t cost much.”

Seeing that her son was not on her side at this time, Jiang Lijuan wanted to say some unpleasant things.

She was immediately annoyed.

"Jiang Yuan, you are my own son, you crawled out of my belly, how can you say such things to your mother?"

"I'm not at home cooking for you, what should I do?"

"You said that it doesn't cost much to eat out, but it costs money, right?! Besides, if you eat out every day, it doesn't seem to cost much a day, but what about a month or a year?"

"Even if you are speaking for your daughter-in-law, then you have to take a look at our family's financial situation, right?"

When Gao Jiangyuan saw his mother, this theory became more and more crooked.

He immediately clicked his tongue impatiently.

"Mom, Yuanyuan is pregnant, please treat her better, okay?"

"Don't act like an enemy every time you see her... She is really virtuous enough."

"When I'm not at home, how often did she not do housework? A few days ago, didn't you praise her repeatedly in front of me?"

"She has made a lot of contributions to our family. I'm going to wash her feet now. What's the matter? It's not a big deal. I don't need you to go online..."

When Jiang Lijuan heard her son say this, she didn't know why, and she felt very uncomfortable.

What does it mean when she goes online?

She didn't say anything about her daughter-in-law at all, okay?
What she thought just now was actually very simple.

She just wanted Jiang Yuan to do less embarrassing things for him.

She just wanted Chen Yuanyuan to keep her duty.

Don't think about it all day long, shit on the heads of your own big men!
What kind of outrageous things did she do to make her son stand up for his daughter-in-law many times?
Jiang Lijuan felt sad in her heart after thinking about it.

So, her eyes were red first.

Then, she turned her head in embarrassment.

Gao Jiangyuan lied to his mother, and suddenly felt sad at this moment.

He thought about it, and said to her solemnly.

"Mom, Yuanyuan is pregnant, why are you unhappy?"

"In the past, you were urging her almost every day. You were urging her every day to ask Yuanyuan when she would be pregnant... Now that Yuanyuan is finally pregnant, I didn't realize that you, a grandma, are so happy Energetic..."

When Jiang Lijuan heard what she said, she walked over excitedly.

After sitting down on the sofa, she said to Gao Jiangyuan angrily, "What am I doing happily now?"

"Yuanyuan is just pregnant, who knows if the piece of meat in her belly is male or female..."

"Son, let me tell you, it's better for our family to have more sons. Those who have sons in the family are called thriving."

"If you don't have a son, the family seems to be able to live well, but after a few decades, the whole family will become sparse."

"Although the chairman has said that women can hold up half the sky, but, my mother, I will tell you something from the bottom of my heart right now."

"This girl is not very useful when she is born. After all, if she is married, she is from another family. If she is married to another family, the food and housing are from another family. Therefore, the money she earns is also Someone else’s family. If you ask that married daughter to use some of the wages she earned to honor her parents, her husband’s family will be the first to refuse!”

"Over the years, I don't know how many people like this have seen!"

"So you just listen to me, this girl has nothing to give birth to, and she has nothing to raise. She's a loser anyway!"

Chen Yuanyuan, who was sitting by the side, heard her mother-in-law say so many words to herself in one breath.

She was completely stunned.

She really didn't expect that her mother-in-law would have such an awareness.

Giving birth to a girl is a loser... well, she can't complain anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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