The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 466 Mother-in-law is also a story

Chapter 466 Mother-in-law is also a story

"The baby girl, who was only a few days old, was thrown directly on the mountain to be eaten by wolves. Or thrown directly into the ditch, and after she drowned, she would rot and smell immediately."

"In the early years, I didn't know how many corpses I saw."

When Chen Yuanyuan heard the cruel words, she immediately asked in surprise.

"Mom, isn't what you said a little exaggerated?"

"It's New China now, it's no different than before! In this era, there shouldn't be so many patriarchal patriarchs, right?"

When Jiang Lijuan heard her daughter-in-law, she uttered such childish words again.

She immediately let out a sneer from her nose.


"Yuanyuan, I said that when you were studying, why didn't you know how to use your brain more?"

"During the period of the Republic of China, there was such a trend. After the founding of New China, how could this trend change overnight? The big guys talked about equality between men and women, but in private, it wasn't true. Do it quietly like that?"

"Some people go crazy in order to have a few sons. When the baby girl was young, before she could remember anything, they would pierce needles into her body. Like our place, that is, Jiangyuan's grandma's house, those of them In order to allow their daughters-in-law to have more sons, the elderly Ma Ma put more than 20 nails on their granddaughters. I don’t know how many nails are on the forehead and spine. .”

"When I was pregnant and raised my baby there, I often saw some people doing some unconscionable things."

When Chen Yuanyuan heard such words, she hurriedly closed her mouth that was so surprised that she could not close it from ear to ear.

Seeing Jiang Lijuan, she just smiled at her gently.

"Yuanyuan, you are a person who hasn't experienced anything. That's why you believe what's in the book. That's why you like to hear those good things that sound very pleasant. Actually, let me tell you, this man and woman are born They are not equal. If they were really equal, why would one say marry and the other say marry..."

At this time, Chen Yuanyuan didn't know what was wrong with her.

She suddenly felt that talking to her mother-in-law would always give her a little heart attack.

Moreover, extremely tired.

A person's concept, if it has been formed, is deeply ingrained.

Then, no matter how much you argue with the other party, no matter how much you discuss, no matter how you argue, it is actually futile and useless.

Therefore, at this moment, Chen Yuanyuan could only follow her mother-in-law's wishes and nod from time to time.

To show that I understood what she said and remembered it.

When Jiang Lijuan saw her daughter-in-law, she listened to her own words.

She felt very relieved.

So, after doing so many preparations, she finally told Chen Yuanyuan what was in her heart.

"Yuanyuan, I've told you so much, but I don't actually want to scare you. I just hope you can fight more."

"Give us Lao Gao's family a few more sons."

"Even if you don't give birth to seven or eight sons like other people's families. Then you can be like me and have two good sons."

"Anyway, what I mean is, those girls who lose money, let's not have children!"

When Chen Yuanyuan heard such words, the corners of her mouth twitched invisibly.

She thought to herself, it is not up to her to decide whether to have a boy or a girl.

It still depends on Gao Jiangyuan's y chromosome...

If the sperm with the y chromosome is good enough, she will be able to give birth to one with a handle.

"Mom, in fact, it's really not for me to decide whether to have a boy or a girl."

When Jiang Lijuan heard this, she waved her hand impatiently.

"I knew what you'd say!"

"Why is it not your decision to have a boy or a girl?"

"They are all reborn babies in your womb, why don't you, a mother, know?"

Chen Yuanyuan choked on Jiang Lijuan's words.

Even if she is a mother, how could she know what's going on in her stomach?

She doesn't know how to see through eyes, and she can't do B-ultrasound on herself.How could she know that this child is a boy?
So, Chen Yuanyuan stopped talking at that moment.


After going to a toilet, Gao Jiangyuan saw his daughter-in-law sitting on the sofa.

My mother sat next to her daughter-in-law and said a lot of things about boys and girls.

He walked over immediately, and after drinking a cup of hot tea for himself, he began to boil water to take a bath.

Jiang Lijuan saw her son come out, and after hearing what he said, he didn't say anything about himself.

She mistakenly thought that her son acquiesced.

So, at this time, when she talked about these things again, the more she spoke, the more energetic she became, and the more she spoke, the more powerful she became.

"Yuanyuan, you don't need any psychological pressure."

"Since you're pregnant, you should be more aggressive and sensible. It's okay to read more scriptures when you wake up in the morning."


Chen Yuanyuan was about to be confused by her mother-in-law, this mysterious operation.

"Read the scriptures?"

"Mom, I am early in the morning, what scriptures should I read?"

When Jiang Lijuan heard this, she said to her solemnly: "Yuanyuan, you are a young man. I know that young people like you sneer at those so-called feudal superstitions. They are very disdainful." .”

"But you have to know that many things are not what we imagined."

"When I was young, I also experienced some ups and downs because of fate. But later, after I read a few scriptures, I felt that my luck in life was getting better and better."

"At that time, I was married several times. However, the people I married were getting better and better. Now, I am the wife of the factory manager, and I don't need to work at all. I do it at home every day. A few meals and serving men, big and small, is enough. I live a much better life than my peers, including my classmates, and I am also much happier."

"I think back then, those classmates of mine scoffed at me. But what about now?"

"Where are they now?"

"Don't you have to work with your own men in our factory? A face, as old as dead tree bark. A pair of hands, like our broom for sweeping garbage. It's ugly and ruthless!"

"Some time ago, some of them, in order to live, had to sacrifice their face and begged me in front of me?"

When Chen Yuanyuan heard such words, she immediately realized that her mother-in-law is a person with a story.

(End of this chapter)

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