The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 477 Mother-in-law wants to find another wife for her son

Chapter 477 Mother-in-law wants to find another wife for her son
"Mom, I didn't mock anyone..."

Chen Yuanyuan said softly.

Because Chen Yuanyuan feels her family life is getting happier.

Therefore, her temper has become more gentle and submissive under the immersion of life.

In fact, it is strange to say.

The family life is not happy, and the husband is a wimp with no sense of responsibility.

Then as a wife, this temper is getting better day by day.

Moreover, dissatisfaction with life and hostility in their hearts are usually written on their faces.

For those who have a happy family and a happy life, their faces are full of red light every day.

Words and deeds, all reveal a wave of happiness.


In the past two years, many things have changed.

Just like Jiang Lijuan...

Ever since she lived with her eldest son and grandson, she felt that the burden on her family was getting heavier and heavier.

She is a woman who has to serve the elders of a large family, and she still does it every day. She didn't have any complaints at the beginning, but after a long time, she felt particularly uncomfortable and unbalanced in her heart.

After all, before that, my little daughter-in-law basically did all the work at home, such as shopping for vegetables, cooking, sweeping the floor and washing clothes.

However, once the youngest daughter-in-law moved out with her youngest son, the burden of the family returned to her.

She felt that she was busy serving the men, big and small, at home all day long, which was meaningless.

She just felt that her life was getting more and more boring.

While being bored, she felt a little numb at the same time.

And recently, the husband who was lying next to her bed even proposed to sleep in a separate bed with her.

What's more, that man didn't even touch her recently! !

Even if she lowered her face, she proposed to sleep with him.

But that man wanted to use such a disgusting look in his eyes and his tone of voice, saying, "We're both old couples, what else are we going to do?"

"You can't even make a fuss about the child, why are you working in vain..."

What he said seemed a little ordinary, but in the eyes of those who listened, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Jiang Lijuan felt that she was disgusted by her husband.

To be rejected by one's own man is a considerable blow to the kind of woman whose mind is not firm and cannot make a clear assessment of her own value.

Therefore, under such a blow, Jiang Lijuan has felt more and more painful these days.

When this person is in pain, he will instinctively seek a means to let the emotion of pain evaporate.

This means, usually in one way or another, is vented.

For example, emotional transfer.

Those who are stronger than themselves, those who are of great use value to themselves, after they have used verbal or behavioral violence against themselves, many people usually choose to vent this emotion directly to the people around them. innocent relatives.

They actually think so.

People outside are stronger than themselves.If a confrontation trend is formed with the other party, then one's own interests are likely to be threatened or even damaged.

However, if you transfer the negative emotions that need to be vented to the close people around you, then the price you have to pay will be correspondingly smaller.

Of course, this is a typical nest.

Incompetent people usually choose this one.

Don't look at Jiang Lijuan being a housewife at home all day long.Free and easy, no work pressure, no need to be like those people in Hongyang Iron and Steel Factory, who are always in the wind and rain all day long.

Not to mention those big boilers at extraordinarily high temperatures.Don't worry about getting baked yourself.

Not to mention the grinding of that kind of life.

However, in life, no matter how carefree a person is, she still has some small problems.

Recently, Jiang Lijuan has been facing so many small problems that have not been resolved, and her heart has become more and more unbalanced and uncomfortable.

Therefore, feeling uncomfortable, she started looking for something to do.

In addition, some time ago, the eldest daughter-in-law with a better background said that she should not live with her eldest son.

So, she made a report to the top.

The above also directly agreed.

The eldest son once told her directly.

Said that he would divorce his wife.It should not be long before the divorce certificate can be obtained.

Therefore, Jiang Lijuan, after thinking about it, decided that as a mother, she had to think about her eldest son earlier anyway.

If the eldest son is really divorced, then it will be really difficult for him to find a new wife with his eldest grandson.

From the very beginning, Jiang Lijuan never thought that her eldest son would live with her eldest grandson all his life.

She thinks that if this man does not have a woman in his life, it is absolutely impossible.

How can a man live without a woman?

If the eldest son had just guarded his own son, his life would have been too hard.

Therefore, Jiang Lijuan plans ahead.

Just think about yourself and prepare in advance.

She had to deposit her eldest grandson with her youngest son first.

Wait until the eldest son, not long after that, brings in the new wife.

She then took her eldest grandson back.

The reason why she made such considerations.

In fact, the main concern is that if the woman's family notices that her eldest son already has a son, then the other party will definitely not agree to the marriage.

She put the eldest grandson in the younger son's place to avoid the elder grandson, who is already sensible, from making troubles during this period.

Scared the woman away.

Anyway, Jiang Lijuan thinks so, no matter what happens, the bride must be tricked into it first.

After the daughter-in-law came in, she was already cooking raw rice.

Even if the woman's family finds out later that her eldest son has a son, she can only cover her mouth and suffer from being dumb.


However, at this moment, Chen Yuanyuan had no idea of ​​Jiang Lijuan's purpose in bringing her grandson here.

She just asked a few words in surprise.

"Mom, what you told me just now seems a bit inappropriate..."

"Our little family lives in a small place. It's less than 30 square meters. You see, my two sons and daughters live in this living room now..., this room and living room, to be honest, for It's a bit small for a family of four..."

When Jiang Lijuan saw her young daughter-in-law, she spoke slowly and was not happy at all.

She immediately said to her angrily: "Chen Yuanyuan, I'm not asking you whether you agree to this matter. I'm just telling you!"

When Chen Yuanyuan saw her mother-in-law, she acted very tough.

She just nodded slightly.

I didn't say anything more.

It's not that she is weak in character.

But she thinks so.

In my own home, I still have to listen to my husband's arrangements.

She is alone and weak, so she can't be the master at all.

(End of this chapter)

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