Chapter 103

This feeling of wanting to hug her should have started today. He accidentally kissed her, that's what he wanted to do.

He has always been a person who will not wrong himself, and he will definitely put it into action when he thinks in his heart.

He has never been a philanthropic person, he doesn't have much affection for others, but the person in his arms really moved his heart.

It was really the first time that he wanted to hug a woman so strongly, and no one would believe him when he said it. After all, there were several beautiful wives in his backyard.

Shiloh was still struggling in his arms, avoiding the rubbing on his chin, where there were some protruding beards, which tickled her.

She could neither stop nor refuse, she knew that his power was great, she could only bury her face low, almost into her chest, as if she could hear the beating of her heart up.

Xi Luo could only curse him in his heart, it was too shameless.

You have a lot of beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, why bother to provoke her!

Xi Luo moved and moved awkwardly, like a bug, but after a while, he suddenly heard the sound of even breathing from the other party, and he fell asleep like this?
Xi Luo's body that was still moving suddenly became quiet, and he fell asleep while hugging a beautiful woman?
Moreover, he also drank a lot of wine, didn't he say that wine can mess with sex?

Look at this master's self-control, it's actually quite strong.

Xi Luo has an indescribable feeling in her heart. Is it because she is too unattractive or people don't want to touch her at all?

What are you doing holding her so tightly if you don't want to touch her?Xi Luo took his hand away as soon as he reached out, and this time it went surprisingly smoothly.

He really fell asleep, that's why she got out of his arms so smoothly.

Xi Luo didn't know what it was like, lying beside him instead of hiding far away, he sighed softly in his heart.

Lie down on your back and spend the night with him like this until dawn.

But he didn't know that in the Xiyuan, Princess Liulian's tears were silently dried up.

Dongyue, the eldest maid next to the prince, came to say that the prince drank too much today and went to bed early.Although all of this was within her expectation, when this prediction really became a reality, she still couldn't help accepting it in her heart.

In fact, just last night, the girl beside her, Hongxinhongyao, had found out very clearly that the prince spent the night with the concubine last night.

The next day.

Xi Luo was woken up by the itch on his face, he opened his eyes slightly in a daze, and subconsciously looked aside, wanting to see if the man was awake, but he didn't expect to meet him just as he turned his face away. His eyes were wide open, he was half-turning his body and looking at her intently, but the itchy feeling on her face was his messy hands stroking her face.

Xi Luo was embarrassed, sat up and looked at him with enthusiasm, but actually touched him while she was asleep?
However, King Haohan was not at all in a mess, he sat up unhurriedly, and said lightly: "Serve me to change clothes." It seemed that he had never touched her face at all just now.

Seeing that he didn't mention the matter just now, Xi Luo naturally wouldn't deliberately mention it. If she questioned him, she would definitely say that the king can't touch his concubine?

Xi Luo felt a little uncomfortable, so he got up from the bed to look for his clothes, insisting on her to wait on those with hands and feet.

Xi Luo was very dissatisfied and slandered, but her subordinates did not dare to stop. She had to wait for him to put on her clothes before she had time to put them on. Men in ancient times would really enjoy it!
Xi Luo hummed softly in his heart, and came to his side with the clothes in his arms, and put the clothes on his body one by one. He really was used to being served by others, and he was full of grandpa posture with his long arms stretched out.

The corners of Xi Luo's mouth curled slightly, while King Haohan looked at her with lowered eyebrows. Xi Luo who just woke up had not had time to dress up. In fact, it is generally said that women should clean themselves up before men get up, and then they can serve men. , Which woman doesn't try her best to show her most beautiful side in front of men!
Looking at Xi Luo, she has no make-up and still has a sleepy face that just woke up. The unattainable and elegant posture that she pretended to be on weekdays has long since disappeared. Now it should be her most real appearance. , biting her lip slightly with her pink mouth, looking unwilling.

Suspiciously feeling a pair of scorching eyes staring at him without blinking, Xi Luo suddenly looked up.

Hao Han was at least a head taller than Xi Luo. Standing in front of him, Xi Luo only reached his shoulders. Looking at him from such a close distance, Xi Luo looked up and saw his chin.

Fortunately, Xi Luo had already put on his clothes, and immediately stepped back and said, "Master, it's already dressed." After saying this, she immediately stepped aside to make way, which means you can go.

King Haohan didn't leave, he just looked at her and said, "Wait for me to wash up."


"Yes." Xi Luo came back to his senses, she was negligent, and only wanted to get him dressed quickly and let him leave quickly.

Xi Luo stepped up and was about to run to call the servants to bring water, but the voice of King Haohan came from behind, and it seemed to be light: "Princess, let's put on myself first." Running around with this posture, this is still The calm Silo?
However, it was rare that she seemed a little ignorant in the morning.

It is impossible to see her in a panic on weekdays, she has always been a person who can keep her face.

Sure enough, Xi Luo stopped, and under the bold and unblinking stare of King Haohan, she had no choice but to turn around and put on her own clothes, and her face burned at the same time.

Although she is wearing a layer of obscene underwear, she will not reveal her spring at all, but the eyes of King Haohan are a bit strange, looking at her as if she is not wearing clothes at all, making her feel uncomfortable Want to smoke people.

Xi Luo quickly put on her clothes with his back on her back, and King Haohan was already sitting in front of her dressing table, waiting for her to dress her up.

Xi Luo gritted her teeth, didn't you see that she was busy too?Won't you do it yourself?
After Xi Luo dressed up, she ordered the girl on duty to fetch water to wash up, and then walked slowly towards the uncle who stretched out his hands to eat and opened his mouth. Standing behind her, he saw in the mirror that he looked a little messy, sleeping It was impossible to keep this hair smooth all night. The long hair hung down to her waist. It was very long and black, and a strand of long hair fell down on her forehead, making her look very petite and charming. Even the clear and lively eyes seemed a little hazy, this kind of appearance really didn't match her usual temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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