Chapter 105

Princess Liulian confessed to the prince in public, which is already slapping the princess in the face, so the wives also know that no matter how generous the princess is, it is impossible to ignore this matter.

The princess is also a hearty person, relying on the fact that she is the empress of Humen, she has the favor of the emperor and the love of the queen, and she never pays attention to anyone, so what if it is the queen's concubine sister?Her status is still not as noble as hers, so the fourth lady's provocation of the princess is not taken seriously.

She is a majestic princess and a side concubine. If she cares about this kind of woman, she will lose her identity, so the princess maintained her good manners and said: "Fourth Madam must always remember her identity."

"No matter how bad I am, I am still the prince's side concubine. To put it bluntly, you are just one of my slaves."

"If you dare to be presumptuous again, don't blame me for using family law to serve you." The princess spoke in a loud voice, and when she opened her mouth, she showed her prestige first, and the fourth lady's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot, and she was blocked by a single sentence.

The side concubine is right, after all, she is the side concubine and you are wives, no matter what, you can't be so presumptuous and rude in front of the side concubine.

Seeing the fourth madam's complexion that alternates between black and white, Concubine Ye smiled faintly, and fought with her...

"Hey, who is going to start the family law?" There was some doubt in the cold voice, and Xi Luo had already stepped out, and the head mistress in the elegant court hall sat down, don't look at her. The gentleness of the face, but the imposing manner absolutely overwhelmed everyone present.

The Fourth Madam bit her lips slightly, knowing that she was indeed too impatient just now, so she didn't dare to say anything, for fear of being bitten by the side concubine.

The side concubine is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp, she went forward to make a blessing first, and said with a humble attitude: "My sister greeted the princess and sister."

"younger sister?"

"How many younger sisters does this princess have?" Xi Luo asked suspiciously, with a slightly confused face.

Seeing this, Ximei at the side immediately stepped forward without losing the opportunity and said softly: "Sister Wangfei, of course you only have my younger sister." While speaking, she stood beside her and gently helped her hold her shoulders.

Yesterday, Xi Luo ran into her being with Shen Yue. It is estimated that Xi Luo hasn't said anything to the prince about this matter, and maybe she won't.

Seeing that Xi Luo seemed to be giving this concubine Ye a wink, she naturally had to cooperate and help her vent her anger, so as not to make her suspicious of herself again.

I heard that the princess openly expressed her love for King Hao Han during the palace banquet, and even asked the emperor to give her a marriage. Isn't this just slapping the princess in the face?

Even if you have your eyes on the Vast King, you shouldn't be in a hurry!I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen thick-skinned ones. For a while, Ximei has forgotten how she had the cheek to beg Xiluo to take her to the prince as a concubine.

Concubine Ye's face was turning green and white, she knew that this woman would not look so easy to talk, but she was caught off guard when she opened her mouth, what's wrong with her claiming to be a younger sister?She is a noble princess on the one hand, and the side concubine can call herself a younger sister. Does she have to call herself a concubine?
The Fourth Madam at the side felt good, someone finally helped her vent her anger, Concubine Ye, what are you so arrogant about, but you are just an orphan.

The side concubine bit her lip secretly, annoyed in her heart, but she put on a pitiful look on her face, and said in shame: "I'm new here, I don't know the rules."

"During the palace banquet, I saw the princess dancing all over the city and saw the princess's good calligraphy and painting. I have always admired her. I thought that if I came to the mansion in the future, I would definitely ask the princess for advice. I just saw the princess and felt happy for a while. Breaking the rules, the concubine is huge." Look at how beautiful the words of others are, now I know how to be a little fuzzy.

Seeing this, Xi Luo glanced lightly, who openly confessed to King Haohan at the palace banquet?Even a modern person like her would be ashamed to do such a thing on such an occasion. I have to say that this Concubine Ye is indeed quite courageous, and she is worthy of being the daughter of Humen!Thick-skinned.

"Concubine Ye is right. You are new here and don't understand the rules of the palace. Of course, this concubine won't care about you."

"At the party, my concubine will ask the girl to give you the women's scroll in my palace. After reading the women's scroll, you will know the rules of our mansion."

"Let's offer tea first." Xi Luo gestured with his eyes.

The girl Qingtian at the side already understood, and immediately came forward with tea and said: "Concubine Ye, let's serve tea to Wangfei first."

Concubine Ye suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, took the tea and was about to go over to offer tea, the fourth lady said in a barely audible voice: "I really don't understand the rules, I'm ashamed that she has been with the empress for so long, and she didn't offer tea." Kneel down." So what if you are a side concubine?You have a princess on top of you.

The fourth lady's words really won Xi Luo's heart. When she looked at her, she gave her an appreciative look, which was to encourage her to continue to play!

The Fourth Madam naturally saw the joy in Wang Hao's eyes, and understood that Wang Hao wanted to punish Concubine Ye, not that she wanted to help Wang Concubine, but that the Fourth Madam had just been angered by Concubine Ye and wanted to punish her on purpose. Fan, so that she can no longer be arrogant in the future.

The third and second wives also proudly raised the corners of their mouths and smiled. They were the happiest to see Concubine Ye make a fool of herself. Who made her, a little orphan, be able to climb to the position of concubine?Compared with the little jealousy and dissatisfaction with Xi Luo in the past, it is really insignificant compared with the current Concubine Ye. After all, the concubine is still the eldest daughter, and her father is still the prime minister. Besides, the concubine is not cowardly and stupid now. Those of you are somewhat jealous of concubines and concubines. On the other hand, concubine Ye, you, a little orphan girl, actually want to climb on top of them. It's no wonder they don't envy you to death.

Xi Luo looked at Concubine Ye indifferently, her eyes were as clear as how innocent she was, she didn't say anything, just waited for her to offer tea.

Originally, if the Fourth Madam did not speak, Xi Luo might not really force her to kneel down and offer tea, but now that the Fourth Madam said that even if Xi Luo did not speak, Concubine Ye would not dare to walk over like this, Wangfei It's the mistress of the palace, except for the prince, everyone has to kneel down.

(End of this chapter)

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