Chapter 121

After hearing what she said, the sunny girl didn't stay long, so she retreated.

What she ate was ramen, and some chili peppers were deliberately put in it, so it was so spicy that tears almost came out.

Anyway, there was no one around to serve Xi Luo, so he ate a little recklessly, and the sound of sucking came out.

If she was in front of people, she definitely wouldn't be so shameless, but now she doesn't bother to take care of so much, she is upset, very fucking upset, Nangongli, you don't take such a bully, a Princess Liulian, you just No move, as if nothing happened.But when he got to her place, he beat up her servant first indiscriminately, so Xi Luo couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

Feeling angry and having no room for Sa Xiluo, he could only grab the noodles and push them out vigorously, sucking them into his stomach and slowly digesting them.

It was this scene that King Haohan saw when he came silently. It seemed that the bowl of noodles had enmity with her, but she was so full of tears that she had no image.

This is really the first time he has seen Xi Luo like this, no matter if it is a young lady or a woman, which one does not pay special attention to her appearance, even when there is no one, she will definitely not destroy her image like this, even if she farts It is sandwiched.

On weekdays, Xi Luo, who always puts on a sophisticated and tactful face when encountering situations, always smiles three-fold when dealing with people. Xi Luo, who is calm and breezy, is as chic as the wind, but this time he ate the noodles until tears flowed down his face. .

King Haohan wanted to frown, but he laughed out of nowhere.

It was just such a chuckle, and Xi Luo immediately raised his head suddenly, and met the funny eyes of the King of the Vast, as if he had discovered something novel.

At that time, Xi Luo was so embarrassed that she immediately stood up, suddenly lowered her head and mumbled in a low voice: "Master..." There was still face in her mouth, so she could only turn around and give the face to him in a hurry. Swallowing it down, Xi Luo hurriedly wiped the corner of his mouth with his back behind him, trying to wipe away the tears that were so hot that they flowed out.

If he had known earlier, he would not have let Qingtian girl leave. If she was guarding outside, he wouldn't be able to break in and see her like this.

Xi Luo was secretly annoyed, the vast king had already turned around and closed the door, and then said: "Have you finished eating?"

"The concubine is ready to eat." Xi Luo hurriedly replied, but there was still a small half of the bowl left uneaten.

King Haohan walked over, glanced at the half bowl of noodles left on the table, and suddenly felt a little greedy.

He has always been a person who is not afraid of spicy food. When he saw this kind of hot and sour noodles, he couldn't help but slightly pursed his lower lip and said, "It looks delicious."

"The king is also a little hungry, please trouble the princess to make a bowl of noodles for the king."


Xi Luo wanted to say no, but it was impossible. If he refused, would he still be able to hang out in the future?

At least she didn't have the capital to say no to the benefactor before she left the palace. Xi Luo swallowed the words in her heart and made a blessing: "Master, wait a moment, I will do it now." It was said that Xiluo had already run out.

After Xiluo left, King Haohan sat down where Xiluo was just now, and looked at the half bowl and a half bowls there that were still steaming, looking delicious, King Haohan couldn't hold back Picked up the chopsticks and took a sip.

Sure enough, it is hot enough, hot enough to be strong enough, no wonder she burst into tears just now, she dared to be spicy by this chili.

Although it was very spicy, King Haohan still took one bite, then he couldn't help but take two more bites, and then he couldn't help but eat three more bites, until he finally couldn't help eating it, he still felt full of taste, and looked at this bowl again He has already eaten him to the bottom, and there is a bit of regret in his eyes.

In fact, this noodle is simply beef beef ramen, but such a simple noodle tastes surprisingly delicious.

King Haohan thought it was delicious, so he ate it up. When Xi Luo came back, he saw that there was no more noodles left, so he didn't take it seriously. If it was gone, it would be gone. Since he likes to eat, then eat it, left and right It's just a bowl of noodles, and it's not tiring to make a bowl of noodles for him.

Xi Luo pretended not to see the noodles he had finished eating, but said, "Master, eat it while it's hot."

Xi Luo put the noodles in front of him, and King Haohan asked, "You can eat some more." It was because he realized that he had finished eating her leftover noodles, afraid that she would not be full.

"The concubine is already full." Xi Luo thought that I couldn't eat any more for you, so why don't you just die!It's okay to toss my aunt to make noodles for you. Didn't you have dinner tonight?Or do you want to find trouble after eating too much?

Since Xi Luo didn't want to eat the Vast King, he naturally wouldn't force it, so he ate it on his own, and added some chili peppers to it.

Xi Luo pretended to look at him casually, he was the one who could eat noodles with such temperament.

This is sucking noodles, not eating vegetables!

Xi Luo was slandering in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face. He was a noble prince, and he had to pay attention to his appearance no matter where he went.

I guessed his purpose here again!Could it be because of Concubine Ye?Want to gag her and prevent her from revealing the inside story?

Xi Luo lowered his eyes slightly and remained silent. She didn't bother to ask about this matter. This matter was something she couldn't ask about. He clearly wanted to calm things down.

King Haohan ate a little seriously, and finished eating the noodles seriously. From the beginning to the end, he was so well-mannered and elegant, without making a single noise. After eating, King Haohan just looked at her and said, "Wait for me to wash and undress. "

"..." Is this staying here?
Xi Luo frowned secretly, she had always been most concerned about this matter, and she never wanted him to stay.

Whose husband is he?He is everyone's husband, but she doesn't want to compete with everyone!
She has no interest nor passion in fighting for a man who will never belong to her.

Xi Luo stood still, she was thinking how she would refuse him to stay, she didn't want him to stay, she couldn't even sleep beside her without moving.

She is not very happy today, so she is not happy to see him.

King Haohan didn't seem to notice her reluctance. He had already turned around and walked into the cabinet. Seeing this, Xi Luo bit his lip slightly, followed in silently and thought softly: "Master..."

(End of this chapter)

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