Chapter 140

"Just now I was planning to go to pay my respects to the princess, but I heard that the fifth lady was ill, and the princess came here, so the concubine hurried over here. I wonder if the fifth lady is better?" He glanced at the pale fifth lady.

Fifth Madam laughed softly and said: "Third Madam, don't worry about it. My body has always been so good or bad. It's an old problem."

The third lady couldn't help but murmured when she heard the words: "Oh, hasn't the princess been watched by the fifth lady for a long time?"

"I've heard that the fifth lady's body has almost been adjusted, so why is it not good or bad?" The third lady looked at Xi Luo while talking, as if she wanted to get her confirmation, Xi Luo's eyes slightly flash.

Seeing that the third lady was very happy early in the morning, and she became more and more energetic. It must have been nourished yesterday. It is no wonder that even this tone became a lot louder, and she dared to provoke the fifth lady in person.

Sure enough, she would be brilliant if given some sunshine, the fifth lady felt a little embarrassed for a while, she looked at Xi Luo with a little anxiety and explained: "The concubine's body has indeed been taken care of by the princess, but the concubine didn't do well last night. Be careful that you will get sick only if you get cold again, it has nothing to do with the princess."

Xi Luo said with a smile: "No need to explain, this princess knows."

"Since my sister is not feeling well, rest more, and I won't bother you." While talking, she stood up and prepared to go out.

The third lady immediately followed out after seeing her, but she didn't miss her attitude when she spoke to the fifth lady just now, and they even called each other sisters.

When the third lady saw that the princess and the fifth lady seemed to be getting a little closer, she felt uncomfortable. This princess has an unpredictable temperament, and she gets along with everyone in a normal way. Indeed, she cared a little and helped her recuperate her body.

The third lady followed Xi Luo out and said flatteringly: "Princess, my sister just brought in a beautiful piece of high-quality cloth from outside a few days ago, and it has already been sent to the courtyard of the concubine, go and see Let's see if you like it." The third lady is clever, when she sees other people's sisters matching her, she immediately changes her mouth and automatically tries to get close, she is both a princess and a younger sister, she neither looks rude nor deliberately puts her position low Yes, and a gift was also sent over, which made it difficult for the princess to say anything even if she wanted to refuse.

Naturally, Xi Luo would not reach out to hit the smiling man, not to mention that the third lady has been very well-behaved with her these days, as long as she doesn't move, Xi Luo will naturally not move, so she smiled and agreed immediately, and this is towards her The yard walked back.

After returning back, Concubine Ye, the second wife, the fourth wife and the eldest wife were all waiting outside the hall in her courtyard to pay her respects, because they knew that she was not there, they had been waiting here for a long time.

When Xi Luo came back, all the wives were busy blessing themselves, Xi Luo only said: "Come in." The wives hurriedly went in together.

After entering, there were indeed many kinds of high-quality silk on the table, and there were sixteen pieces at one point, all of which were of different colors, and they were all of high-quality silk.

These cloths are naturally made by the third wife to show respect to Xi Luo, how could Xi Luo not understand what she meant.

The third wife's natal family is rich, and when she married in, the dowry was the most among the several wives. Naturally, she was extremely generous. Xi Luo glanced at her and said, "Your sister really has a heart."

At this time, Ximei also stepped forward with some joy and said: "What a beautiful cloth." Such beautiful cloth must look good on the body. Judging by the gorgeousness of this cloth, it is definitely a good product.

The third lady ignored Xi Mei's delighted eyes, but looked at Xi Luo with piercing eyes and said: "Thanks to the princess's appreciation, my sister is relieved."

Concubine Ye was also a little upset, even if she was a queen, she was an orphan after all, although the dowry that came with her was quite a lot, but it was always limited, it couldn't compare to the wealth of the third wife's family.

Look, these cloths are made of high-quality materials, even the materials worn by the emperor and empress in the palace are just like this. From this, it can be seen that the third lady is going to spend a lot of money on the princess. Hold on to your grace!

Looking at the outfits of the third lady, they also deliberately imitated the princess, although not 60.00% like, but always [-]% like, smart people can see it.Besides, who would not like to have such a rich slave who is deliberately trying to please her? As long as she keeps her own life, no one will reject her thousands of miles away. Make yourself an enemy.

The hearts of the second lady and the fourth lady were also tumbling. In terms of wealth, none of them can compare to the third lady. They all knew that the third lady got favored last night. No matter how stupid people are, they can understand the meaning of this. The third lady's favor is probably related to the princess.

The concubine naturally did not refuse, she just smiled and said: "Whoever sees has a share."

"Come on, everyone, pick up a piece of cloth that you like and go back to make a new dress."

"Sister, let's see which one you like." Xi Luo also pulled Ximei over to pick her at this time. Coveting my sister's things."

"Sisters don't share each other. If you are more polite, you will not treat me as one of your own."

"Concubine Ye, second wife and fourth wife, don't be idle."

"Miss Qingtian, you also send a piece of cloth to Madam Fifth, and let Madam Fifth make a new dress, just to get rid of the bad luck on her body."

Xi Luo stood there and ordered, although he gave the order with a smile, but there was no sign of neglect in his tone, no one could refuse, let alone seeing such a beautiful cloth, everyone didn't want to refuse, it was just a polite gesture.

Sunny Tian immediately picked out a piece of cloth and sent it to the fifth lady. Naturally, the other wives were not polite, and the third lady felt suffocated. How could these women get her things without working hard?Are these cloths for her to honor the princess, and the fists in her sleeves are slightly tight.

(End of this chapter)

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