Chapter 151

The Fifth Madam was slightly startled when she heard the words, and then she blessed her whole body and said, "If my sister has such a way, it would be the best." Knowing that she is indeed a person with methods, the Fifth Madam has no doubts about her words .

Seeing that she readily agreed, Xi Luo didn't mean to refuse at all, and just said: "It's a pity for this face, but I don't know if the master will blame me when he comes back in the future." Even so, she really has no regrets Yes, keeping this face is simply a disaster, sooner or later the palace will be dragged down by her.

The fifth lady said flatly: "There is nothing to regret. A person's appearance is never the only tool to grab a man's heart." If he can't hold you in his heart, so what if you are a nine-day fairy.

Xi Luo was taken aback by what she said, but she had little knowledge, and she was just making fun of it.

Since Fifth Madam didn't mind at all, Xi Luo said, "Let's discuss it later when Mr. Chu comes back." It's just a face-changing operation, which is difficult for her. Although the medical skills of this era are relatively backward, But Mr. Chu has a way to make such a mask, so it shouldn't be difficult for him to prepare something.

The Fifth Madam agreed, and Xi Luo told her some key points in the operation. After all, this era is too outdated, and she does not reject any mistakes that may occur in the middle. After hearing this, the Fifth Madam still does not have any rejection. At best, it just ruined the appearance.

Mr. Chu came here about half an hour later. Since there was still a fifth lady here, Xi Luo directly invited Mr. Chu in. There is nothing wrong with someone chatting with a few people like this, let alone the courtyard All her people.

After Xi Luo and the others conspired in the room for a while, Mr. Chu got up and left, and the fifth lady also went back.

The next day, the Xiluo people also got up early, and Mr. Chu had already dealt with the matter yesterday and suppressed it very well, so no one except the person involved knew about this matter.

Sitting in the main hall, Xi Luo was still thinking about what happened yesterday. Yesterday, Concubine Ye and Xi Mei said at the same time that they could not go if their stomachs were too bad. They had an accident yesterday, and two groups of people came to assassinate, so Xi Luo came here. How long, I think I haven't offended anyone in particular, and the two people's intentional absence yesterday was too coincidental, so Xi Luo naturally associated these two groups of people with these two people at the same time.

However, Mrs. Naxi is a woman, and she can't even go out the door casually on weekdays, so how can she instruct people or go outside to bribe others?The only explanation is that the prime minister was also involved.

It's really good, she just relieved his urgent need, and he couldn't wait to get rid of her daughter. It seems that she really can't be too soft on this kind of people, being kind to the enemy is being cruel to herself, Once again, Xi Luo deeply realized this truth.

Thinking about the emperor again, I am afraid that he also suspected that the prime minister's illness was cured by himself, and he wanted to kill him because he hated himself?Or is it all a conspiracy of the Queen and Concubine Ye?Want to get rid of her and let Concubine Ye take over?
No matter whose strategy it is, it is the strategy of their royal family, they are all the same thing.

The trembling in her heart disappeared overnight, and at best she would just die again. She had nothing to be afraid of, she just didn't want to be calculated like this.

All the forbearance turned into a ball of smiles, Ximei greeted her early, and explained modestly as soon as she entered the door: "Yesterday, I wanted to go with my sister to pray for the Lord, but this stomach But I ate bad food and tossed me for a whole day, so I couldn't make it, sister, don't blame me, I will go to pray for the Lord alone some other day."

"If the prince knows that you are so caring, he will be very touched." Xi Luo smiled softly as usual.

Ximei's heart is already scratching like a cat. She went to pray yesterday, and logically speaking, she should be dead, but why did she come back in good health?And there was no movement in the mansion at all, as if nothing had happened.

She really wanted to find a way to go out and send a letter to ask what was going on, so she said just now that she would personally pray for the prince some other day, and Xi Luo didn't refuse, so naturally she agreed.

Xi Luo looked at her with a hint of suspicion in her eyes even though she was calm, and she was even more convinced that this matter had something to do with the Xi family.

She has always been invincible. Since she is going to be the first grader, let her be the fifteenth. I wanted to keep her for a few more days, but now Xi Luo thinks that she should be given some color, so that she can deeply understand her. She understands a truth, she, Xi Luo, is not something anyone in their Xi family can afford to provoke, not even the prime minister.

Concubine Ye came here very early today, and after a day, both of their stomachs are healed.

When Concubine Ye came over, she saw that Ximei was here, and she glanced at her, and then greeted Xiluo, and said modestly like Ximei before, Xiluo said with a smile: "But What a coincidence, both of you felt uncomfortable in your stomach yesterday."

"I don't know if it's better today?"

Upon hearing this, Concubine Ye quickly laughed and said, "Thank you, Princess, for your concern, my concubine is already well."

Xi Luo slightly bowed his head and said: "That's just right, just now my sister said that she will choose a day to pray for the prince again, and then Concubine Ye will go with her sister to pray for the prince again."

After Xi Luo said this, it was impossible for Concubine Ye not to agree, so she hurriedly responded with a smile: "This concubine is also thinking about it."

Later, the second wife, the third wife and the fourth wife also came to say hello, everyone didn't say a word about what happened last night, and there was nothing strange in their eyes. An opportunity to say goodbye.

Ximei and Concubine Ye didn't stay for long, they both went back with their own concerns.

In the afternoon, news suddenly came that the queen had arrived.

The queen would come to the vast mansion on a day like today, Xi Luo obviously felt that the queen was not a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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